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Selectmen Minutes 12/04/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 4, 2012

Members Present: Chairman D Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold

Others Present: Administrative Assistant Jamie A Pike, Allen Mayville, Cynthia Mayville, Fire Chief Alan Quimby, Bernd Reinhardt, Road Agent James Plunkett, Michelle Plunkett, Deputy Fire Chief Matt Cole, Deputy Chief Ed Millette, EMD John Martel, Bette Bogdan, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, and Thomas Houle.

Chairman Paveglio called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

The minutes of the November 27th meeting were approved as written.

Department Reports

Fire Department – Mr. Cole reported that the Chichester Fire Association has graciously received a donation from the McKerleys in the amount of $13,000 to cover the entire cost of the thermal imaging camera (TIC).  Approximately another $6,000 was also received from various donors that will be used towards another camera.

Deputy Chiefs Millette and Cole will be traveling to Michigan to complete a build out inspection on the new fire truck.  Lakes Region Fire Apparatus is completing the contract.

Chief Quimby has completed a draft report detailing the corrective actions to be taken place at the Community Building to enable reopening of the upstairs for public use.  Mr. Cole will be completing the report by including the references to the specific codes requiring action.

Chief Quimby reported that Mr. Wyatt has resigned from the department effective Nov 30th citing that he has taken a position with the Penacook Rescue department.

Mr. Paveglio asked for a report on the frame of Engine #3.  Deputy Chief Cole reported that the frame of Engine #3 was inspected.  The damage is not as bad as was found on Engine #2.  E-One has developed a preventive maintenance plan for the department that includes the washing of the underside of the truck to remove excess salts and other contaminants following use.  A warrant article has been submitted for the 2013 budget for the repair of the damage that will include a thorough cleaning and a rust inhibitor coating to be applied to the frame.  The cost of this maintenance will be approximately $7,000.  The frame on the new truck is the same basic construction as the two previous frames, but the frame rails have been painted individually prior to being welded together and then painted again as a whole unit to stave off rust damage.  The washing of the underneath of the vehicles will be crucial to the long term maintenance of these vehicles.

EMD- Mr. Paveglio asked for an update of available funds to Hurricane Sandy.  Mr. Martel reported that he has heard nothing from FEMA.

Police Department  -  No Report

Health Officer – Has been working on completion of the water samples required for the homes around Carpenter Park.  There are still three samples to be taken, including the park and two residences.  Mr. Paveglio asked Mr. Plunkett if he had been afforded an opportunity to review the recommendations for improvements to the Town Shed property to further mitigate ground water pollution from the bulk stored salt.  Mr. Plunkett reported that he had not.  Mr. Plunkett was asked to review the report and prepare a budget for the recommended improvements for 2013.

Highway Department – Mr. Plunkett submitted information clarifying the state bid contracting for the culvert to be installed on Perry Brook Road.  The shoulder gravel has been completed along East Ricker Road.  The tree removal work associated with Hurricane Sandy is almost complete.  Mr. Plunkett reported that he is not satisfied with the performance of the road salt supplied this year, he will be contacting the dealer to determine the manufacturing process was altered at all from previous years.  The catch basins on Holstein and Guernsey Courts have been cleaned.  It is planned to budget for a contracted catch basin cleaner for 2013.  It was reported that there was good public attendance at the RAC meeting on 12/3, and that the RAC will be meeting again on 12/10 to finalize the report.  Mr. Plunkett reported that the Perry Road Project will be completed after the first of the year.  There are two households that will be disrupted by the construction, but Mr. Merrill has offered to open up the Healy Pasture Road extension so these households can exit their property through the Merrill housing development to Pleasant Street.

Library – Ms. Noel provided the Board with an update for the completion of the Meeting Room.  The floors have been sealed, waxed and buffed.  Over the weekend, the Lions Club will be moving the book cases and books back into the room.  It is expected that the room will be ready for use on February 1st.   The maximum occupancy of the room will 25ppl.  

Historical Society – Mr. Reinhardt requested an extension for use of the upstairs community room at 49 Main Street for the AA group to meet as the Library will not be available until February 2nd.  The Board was adamant in their decision to discontinue use of the community room until those issues that caused its closure were rectified.  

Tom Peters, from the AA group, attended the meeting later following the Plunkett discussion to discuss the extension of use request for the Community Room.  Mr. Paveglio reiterated to Mr. Peters the above conversation.  While it is unfortunate that the Town is unable to accommodate their needs, attempts will be made to assist Mr. Peters in finding a new location for their meetings

Parks & Recreation - There was a discussion about curfews at Carpenter Park and Thunder Bridge.  The Board placed the responsibility of developing rules for the use of Carpenter Park to the Commission as they have statutory rule making authority to do so. With respect to Thunder Bridge the Board decided that the area surrounding Thunder Bridge shall have a curfew of Dusk til Dawn.  Mr. Pike was directed to have two signs produced and the Highway Department was charged with their installation when received.

Mr. Cole asked about how the area abutting the new trail was to be secured to alert winter recreation users of the new drop-offs to prevent accidents.  Mr. DeBold reported that orange snow fencing will be installed in those areas to prevent snowmobilers and others from running off the trail.


A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and expend unanticipated funds as received in support of the Food Pantry from:
Lucille Carson Noel     $50.00
Sparks Fly Fireworks    $100.00
First Congregational Church of Pittsfield       $300.00
Nellie Mitchell $20.00
Chichester Methodist Church     $50.00
                        Motion passes.

Appointment with Michelle Plunkett

Ms. Plunkett submitted a written request to have the appointment in a non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3,II,c.  Attached to the request was an e-mail she had received where she presumed she was granted such request from the Board.  Ms. Plunkett was informed that the Board can only make such decision at the meeting in which it is to occur.  Whereas this appointment is to discuss the actions of an employee, that employee may choose to have the discussion in a public session.  Chief Clarke, the employee, requested that the session be public.

Ms. Plunkett also stated that the reason for the non-public request is that the situation involves persons of her family where their reputation may be affected.  The Board explained that the request may be granted dependent upon the line of the discussion.  Chief Clarke stated that any information with respect to the member of Ms. Plunkett’s family was all of public record.

The issue that Ms. Plunkett came before the Board to discuss is that an employee provided her personal e-mail address to a third party.  Mr. Paveglio explained to Ms. Plunkett that the Board was aware of the situation, and have taken corrective action with that employee during a previous non-public session.  Ms. Plunkett continued by stating that she had sent various e-mails requesting information about the Police Department’s budget.  Following, she received 3 e-mails from the wife of Chief Clarke, and was adamant in knowing how she got the e-mail address.  Chief Clarke responded that he had forwarded the e-mails to Stacy Clarke for her to read.

Chief Clarke requested permission to read a prepared statement in response to the perceived harassment that he has received from Ms. Plunkett. (The statement was not read.) Ms. Plunkett had sent e-mails to the Town requesting information about vehicle accidents with the department, the makes, models and years of the department’s vehicles, all monies that were expended for training at the Police Academy, and operation policies of the department.  Ms. Plunkett was asked if all her questions had been answered and she stated that they had been.  Chief Clarke stated that he felt harassed by the multitude of questions from Ms. Plunkett as their timing coincided with the action of a member of Ms. Plunkett’s family.

Mr. Paveglio explained that the Board does not take lightly, complaints that are filed against the Town’s employees, and can assure that corrective action has taken place.

Ms. Plunkett stated that she can no longer trust the Police Department and has no faith in their competence and wanted to know who to call in the case of an emergency where police action may be required.  Chief Clarke informed Ms. Plunkett and the Board that he has already put in place measures for the Town of Epsom to respond to any calls for service to their residence.  This has been set up through the dispatch center.  Ms. Plunkett was reminded that in the case of any emergency that she should dial 911.

Ms. Plunkett continued by stating that she feels that she is being stopped from asking further questions of the Town and the Police Department.  Ms. Plunkett was informed that she is welcome to ask any questions she may have and they will be responded to accordingly.

Chief Clarke invited Ms. Plunkett to have a meeting with him to review his statement, and to discuss the issues at hand.  Ms. Plunkett accepted the offer, and both parties retired to another office for those purposes.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Not approved until signed.

Jamie A Pike

____________________________    _______________________ ________________________
D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman   Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold