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Selectmen Minutes 09/04/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 4, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Patrick Clarke, Christopher Weir, Ed Millette, Alan Quimby, Donna Chagnon, John Freeman, Richard Moore, Lucille Noel, Thomas Houle, John Martell, Stephen Stock, Doug Hall, Anthony Galdieri

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Department Heads

Fire:  The Department is saddened by the passing of Chief Schaeffer (Hopkinton).  The Department has offered any help/service needed by Hopkinton during this difficult time.  A life safety inspection will be done on the community building on Thursday.   A truck committee will be forming for the scheduled replacement of forestry 2.   Chief Quimby will be out of town from September 14 – 30.  The Department is taking advantage of several grant funded trainings.  The new truck will be in sometime in December.

Building:  John Freeman provided a report 8/7/12 – 9/4/12.  Total fee for period = $1,854.65

Police:  The Selectmen signed the paperwork for the active shooter training grant.  Garage space will be limited this year between the fire and police departments.  Chief Clarke would like to install a 2 bay garage on the property.  He has done pricing and feels he can stick build one with volunteer help for about $5,000.   He would like to use his impact fees and Chief Quimby has agreed to supplement with the Fire Departments impact fees.
Mr. Paveglio would like to do a site visit and review the plan with Chief Clarke.
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of $3,875 from the Police Department Impact Fees and $1,125 from the Fire Department Impact Fees for the purpose of building a 2 bay garage at the safety building.  Motion passes.

Library:  Lucille Noel reports the following activities:

"Thinking Ink" Young Writer's Club      Saturday, Sept. 8, 10-11:30 AM  New members welcome: 6th-9th graders
September Book Sale     Saturday, Sept. 15, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM     Most books and videos 25-50 cents!
Artists' Reception      Saturday, Sept. 15, 9AM-12 Noon Meet painters Frank Curatolo and Dick Pratt Coffee and light refreshments served
Story & Craft Hour Begins       Thursday, Sept. 20, 11:00 AM and Friday, Sept. 21, 2:00 PM      Children going to PM school may bring a bag lunch. Call re: which time you will attend.
LOCL (Lovers of Chichester Library)     Monday, Sept. 17, 7:00 PM       Open meeting to plan library activities
Adult Writers' Group    Monday, Sept. 24, 7:00 PM       Facilitated by Mary Costello & Tom Jameson
Philosophy Discussion   Tuesday, Sept. 25, 7:00 PM      The Other Greek Philosophers; open discussion lead by Jimmy Pappas
Garden Club Meeting     Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7:00 PM    Fall garden projects; New members welcome
Art Exhibit     Through September       Watercolors by Dick Pratt and Frank Curatolo

Lucille has not been able to contact Ian Blackman regarding the repairs to the Library.  Jeff Jordan will follow-up with Ian.  The community room is ready for an inspection.

Highway:  In the Road Agent’s absence he sent an email at the request of Nancy as to the status of the Perry Brook Road Bridge project.  Jim has put the project on hold until he and Joanne from CLD can agree on the 2009 contract and what the Town has paid for and received.  The Selectmen would like to meet with Jim before the next meeting.  Nancy will coordinate a meeting and invite Joanne from CLD.

Chris Weir wanted to address the Selectmen about his road (Mayflower Drive).  He wants the road fixed.  He did go to the Road Agent with his concerns and he feels it was not taken care of.  Chris heard he is being used as the reason for dumping gravel on Mayflower Drive and he wants to clarify that he never asked the Road Agent for ditching material.  Jim Plunkett told him that Gil Vien is the one who asked for the ditching material.  Chris said he did mention to Gil Vien about a year and a half ago that he could take some material, but never to the Road Agent.  Chris said that he has not complained when the road has been occasionally plowed by the Town truck or when the Town truck is on the road for something other than town business.  Chris said he watched three loads of gravel get dumped by the town truck on Mayflower Drive.  He said what they are left with is essentially a one lane road.  Chris would like an apology for being used as a scapegoat.  The Selectmen will discuss it at their next meeting with the Road Agent.  Chris offered to be at the meeting; however the Selectmen did not feel that was necessary.  The Selectmen agree that the road should be fixed.  There was a brief discussion about whether or not the Town should take the road over.

The CIP Committee provided the Selectmen with a “work in progress” spreadsheet that takes the $6.1 million submitted for the ten year cycle down to $3.7 million.  There was a discussion about the process the committee took to come up with the $3.7 million.  The committee wanted to know how the Board felt about the numbers.  Mr. Jordan and Mr. Paveglio feel $3.7 million is too high and would like to see a number around $2.7 million.  The CIP will continue to trim.  Doug Hall offered a suggestion to do a comparison to other towns.

Park and Recreation
The Park and Recreation committee has the bids for phase 2 of the Carpenter Park project.  There were three bids received; $275K, $245K, and $95K.  Merrill Construction was the lowest bidder and the committee recommends awarding the project to them.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to award the contract for phase 2 of the Carpenter Park project to Merrill Construction for $95,000.  Motion passes.

Other Business
Hiring Policy:  The Board reviewed the changes to the hiring policy presented at the last meeting.  The main points of the policy is that for all employees the Board of Selectmen does the hiring and firing and all new hires are subject to back ground investigations and drug testing.  The effect this would have on the Fire Department was discussed.  Nancy was not sure about making the Selectmen the firing authority for the Fire Department since they currently serve as the appeals board.  More work will be done on the policy for next meeting.

Tax Deed:  No progress has been made from the homeowners.  The Selectmen would like to properly notice all owners with a deadline.

Zoning Violation:  Nancy sent a letter to Hallquist requesting them to contact her and has not heard from them.   The Selectmen would like Nancy to send a certified letter.

Food Pantry:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and expend unanticipated funds for the benefit of the food pantry as follows:
$100 from an Anonymous Benefactor
$300 from St Stephens Episcopal Church
$50 from Mark and Linda Fisher
Motion passes.

Primary Election:  Doug Hall reviewed the new voter requirements with the Selectmen.  For the election on September 11th voters will be asked for identification.  If they do not have it they will be allowed to vote, but will be given paperwork regarding the requirement.  Doug asked for the election to be listed on all Town sign boards.

Next Meeting:  The September 18th meeting will be changed to September 25th.  There will not be a quorum of the Board on the 18th.

Payroll and accounts payable expenditures were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:20.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman       Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold