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Selectmen Minutes 06/26/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
June 26, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Mayville, Richard Steed, Matt Cole, Lucille Noel

Prior to the opening of the meeting John Reagan candidate for Senate District 17 introduced himself to the Selectmen.  He assured the Board that he would hear their concerns and always return calls.

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  
Mr. Paveglio stated that earlier this evening the Selectmen had the pleasure of presenting the Boston Post Cane to Emily Pike on her 101st birthday.  

Richard Steed
Mr. Steed came in to speak to the Selectmen about his property which has been presented for tax deeding.  Mr. Steed needs to follow-up on some legal issues so that he can get his house on the market and sell it.  The Selectmen have agreed to refuse the deed at this time to give Mr. Steed a chance to get his legal affairs in order.
Mr. Steed is to follow-up with Nancy this week.

Other Business

Agreements:  Consulting agreement with Melcher and Prescott was signed.  The area sheltering agreement was signed.  The Carpenter Park agreement with Northeast Landscaping was signed.

Landscaping:  The Park and Recreation Committee reported not being happy with the mowing at Carpenter Park.  The Library and Fire Station also were not pleased.  Mr. DeBold will talk to the landscaper.

Scenic Roads:  At the June 12th meeting the Selectmen passed a motion to have all scenic road approvals come to the Select Board.  After reading the RSA Nancy feels the Selectmen do not have the authority to do so.  The Selectmen agree; therefore the vote is void.

Fire Bills:  The Selectmen will wait two more weeks for payment on Rymes' bill.  The Selectmen have directed Nancy to start legal proceedings on the Brown bill.

Grange Hall Ceiling:  After viewing the Grange Hall ceiling and walls the Selectmen have decided to hold off on the painting work.

Hillview Drive:  Mr. DeBold received a call from a Hillview Drive resident about the logging truck doing damage to the road.  Mr. DeBold inspected and there is some damage.  He notified the Road Agent.  The Road Agent will follow-up.

Mr. Paveglio will follow-up with Lou Barker regarding the prior issue of the easement.

Complaint Policy:  Mr. Paveglio will be working on a policy that provides a procedure for citizen complaints about employees.  

Zoning:  Mr. Jordan did a visual inspection of the Bear Hill Road property from last week’s minutes.  He does not see an obvious zoning violation, but would like to review their Planning Board approval to see that their use is allowed.  Nancy will follow-up.

Rural Fire Water Resource Plan:  Matt Cole was present to answer any questions regarding the draft of the Rural Fire Water Resource Plan.  A couple of corrections on the names were noted.  The Selectmen approve the draft with the corrections.

Fire Department:  Mr. Paveglio made mention of the outstanding job of our Fire Department at the services for Walter Sanborn.

Grange Hall Window Restoration:  Lucille reported that Mr. Bower will be finishing up the window restoration work.  The Heritage Commission has received $1,760 in donations and will need another $295 to finish 4 more windows.  The Historical Society will be sponsoring a window through private donations in honor of Walter and Alice Sanborn.   The Heritage Commission plans to write another grant for the remaining 13 windows.

Pursuant to RSA 91 –A:3 II (e) Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into a nonpublic session at 8:00 to discuss a legal issue.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold at 8:33 to exit the nonpublic session.
Minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

Timber tax: Mr. Jordan would like his timber tax bill adjusted to the actual price of the timber.  Nancy will follow-up.

Payroll and accounts payable expenditures were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:36.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman       Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold