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Selectmen Minutes 05/15/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 15, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others Present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Allen Mayville, Patrick Clarke, Donna Chagnon, Jeff Andrews, Lucille Noel, Betty Thompson, Dave, Bob Mann, Steve MacCleery, Lou Barker

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Other Business

Suncook River Nomination:  There was discussion about whether or not the Town should take part in the Nomination of the Suncook River into the River Management Protection
Program.  The Conservation Commission and the Historical Society are in favor of the nomination.  There were several riparian owners present who once again expressed their desire for the Selectmen not to participate in the process.  Mr. DeBold, who has been in favor of the nomination, stated that even though Chichester will not be moving forward at this time he hopes that it will be considered in the future.  It was suggested to have a nonbinding warrant article at Town Meeting to get input from more of the residents.  
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan that Chichester will not participate in the Suncook River Nomination process.  Motion passes 2-1 (DeBold voted no).
Logging Operation off of Hillview Drive:  Lou Barker expressed concern over a logging operation that is accessing the lot via Hillview Drive.  There was question as to whether access should be allowed.  Nancy will research.

Library Roof Bids:  The bids for the Library roof are as follows:
Base price - no allowances
Russell Towle Construction
A+ Roofing
Boddie Construction
Mike Gardner
Eric & Phils Home Improvement

The lowest base price was from a contractor that did a roof project for the Town last year.  
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the Library roof project to S&W Roofing LLC.  Motion passed.

Personnel Issue: Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into a non-public session at 7:52 to discuss a personnel matter.  Roll call vote was unanimous.  
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session at 8:23.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
The minutes of the non-public session are sealed.

Well:  Nancy is still researching the well issues.

Cross Road:  Nancy discussed the “children at play” sign as requested by a resident.  The Selectmen stated they have received previous advice not to install children at play signs as it is a liability issue for the Town.

Propane pricing:  The Town received propane pricing from another vendor. It was essentially the same price as our current vendor.  No change will be made at this time.

Unitil:  The Selectmen approved tree trimming/removal on Town properties.

SVRTA:  Chichester’s share of the insurance consult from Melcher and Prescott will be $292.  The Selectmen approve of this expenditure.  Nancy will follow-up.

Abatement:  The Selectmen reviewed an abatement request and would like to speak to the assessor about it.  Nancy will set up an appointment with Dave Hynes.

Legal issue: Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (e) Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into a non-public session to discuss a legal matter.  Roll call vote was unanimous.  
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the non-public session at 9:02.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

Park and Recreation:  Mr. DeBold reported that the park trail project will be going out to bid next week.

Payroll and accounts payable expenditures were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:04pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman            Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold