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Selectmen Minutes 04/17/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
April 17, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan
Others Present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Lucille Noel, Pat Clarke, Donna Chagnon, John Martell, Matt Cole, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Michele Plunkett, Jim Plunkett

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Department Heads

Fire:  The Fire Department and the Road Agent have been working together on a CIP plan forecasted until 2040.  There is a crack in the windshield of Engine 3.  The Fire Department would like to reserve the Town Hall parking lot for the day of the Historical Societies Tag Sale.  Recent call numbers were reviewed.  There have been 20 calls since April 1.

Police:  The Chief has reported several “near misses” (motor vehicle crashes) on Route 28 near the grain store.  The cause is an area of roadway that is failing; the drivers are driving around the area, which is causing an unsafe situation.  The Chief has contacted the State and put them on notice of the unsafe situation.
The new cruiser should be in around mid-May.

The Chief received a letter from the owner of a shooting range whose neighbors have been complaining.  Nancy did some preliminary research and shooting ranges are offered some protections.  If someone claimed the range was an “obnoxious use” they would need to go directly to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  

Chief Clarke would like the Selectmen’s approval to bring Billy Byrne on to the Department (part-time).  Billy will need to attend the part-time academy.  The Selectmen approve.
Health Officer: The water test has been done at Carpenter Park and we are waiting for the results.  The Town received a letter from a homeowner regarding a smelly liquid type substance on a neighboring property.  The Health Officer looked at the property and did not find any such substance.

Highway:  The Road Agent reports that Cross and Bailey Roads are finished.  Jim spoke to Frank Merrill regarding an access road to Perry Brook Road during construction.  Representatives from DBU Construction were present.  DBU Construction would like to volunteer their labor and install a culvert at Cross Road so that their trucks can travel over Cross Road.  The Selectmen said it is up to the Road Agent to contract with them if he chooses.  It would be like any other contractor and the Road Agent would need to obtain any required insurance information.  

Library:  On April 18th there will be a seminar on freedom of speech.  Family game day will be held during the week of school vacation.  The recent book sale raised about $500.  The Library has received a grant from the Pittsfield Rotary Club to provide books to newborns.  The Lions Club will be starting the basement soon.  The roof RFP is done and will be sent out. The Selectmen would like the RFP advertised in the Sun only.

Heritage:  The window restoration is set to begin on the 24th.

Suncook River Nomination
Approximately 14 people attended this portion of the meeting including Representative McDonnell

The Selectmen invited the riparian owners to their meeting to hear their thoughts on nominating the Suncook River to the Rivers Management Program.  Vanessa Gould and Jackie Colburn were present to answer questions.  The main benefit of the program seems to be the creation of the local advisory committee which would be a vehicle for all the River Town’s to meet and work together.  The designated river corridor would be ¼ mile from the river’s edge.  The majority of citizens present seemed to indicate they would not be in favor of a nomination.  Many felt that there would be little advantages gained that they could not do already.  They did not want to subject their properties to future legislative changes that may take place.  

At the end of the session Selectmen Paveglio and Jordan indicated that they would not be in favor of recommending the River to the Management Program.  Selectmen DeBold indicated that he is in favor of continuing with the process.  No official decision was made.

Other Business

1981 GMC bids:  The bids for the 1981 GMC flatbed were opened.  There were five bids received ranging from $332.12 to $752.00  
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to sell the 1981 GMC flatbed to Wayne Kimball for the amount of $752.00.  Motion passes.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:55pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman            Jeffrey Jordan                              Richard DeBold