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Selectmen Minutes 04/10/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
April 10, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan
Others Present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Donna Chagnon, Allen Mayville, Michele Plunkett, Ed Andrews

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  
Chairman Paveglio asked for a moment of silence in memory of Judy Kenneally.

Michele Plunkett
Mrs. Plunkett had some questions regarding the Town’s Purchasing Policy.  The Policy was reviewed.

Ed Andrews – R&D Paving
Mr. Andrews offered to extend last year’s paving contract to this year, so that the Town may lock in at a base price that is predicted to rise within days.   Mr. Andrews explained that the base price is expected to increase for a variety of factors including the rising cost of fuel.  The liquid asphalt price will also change every month and our prices will rise or fall along with that monthly adjustment.  All indications are that the price of asphalt will be going up.  
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to waive the purchasing policy and extend last year paving contract with R&D Paving.   There was further discussion regarding the proposed projects.  Not all projects listed on the contract extension would have to be done.  Ed worked with Jim on the project list.  Motion passed 2 -1 (Jordan voted no).

Other Business
Fire Department Command Vehicle:  The Fire Department has found a vehicle to replace the command vehicle.  The cost of the vehicle is $8,400.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to authorize the Fire Chief to purchase a 2003 GMC Sierra VIN 2GTEK19V931184755 for $8,400.  The cost will be offset by the insurance proceeds any remaining cost will come out of the Fire Department’s budget.  Motion passed.

Wells:  Nancy will consult the attorney’s at LGC for advice on responsibility of the Town.  

Lease Agreement:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept the lease purchase proposal from Gorham Leasing Group for the lease/purchase of the new highway truck.  The proposal is for a term of 5 years at 3.46%.  The cost of the equipment is $125,284.  Motion passed.  The annual payments are $26,923.67.

Scheys:  The contact information on the application was revised, it was signed, and will be submitted.

Route 4:  Chief Quimby brought it to the attention of the Board that accidents are still happening on Route 4.  Mr. Paveglio is still following up with the State regarding the safety concerns.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:26pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman                Jeffrey Jordan                              Richard DeBold