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Selectmen Minutes 01/11/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
January 11, 2012

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Mike Dennis, Patrick Clarke, Michele Plunkett, Jim Plunkett, Ed Millette, Jason Weir, Alan Quimby, Josh Wright, John Martell, Mike Williams, Bruce Dyke, Steve MacCleery, Norm LaRochelle,

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 6:30PM.  

Mike Dennis  - State of NH DOT

Mr. Dennis wanted to let the Selectmen know that he has been working with the property owner at 86 Suncook Valley Road.  She had notified the State that her water contained a high amount of sodium presumed from the road salt.  Mr. Dennis drilled the resident a new well.  The new well is now contaminated only a few months later.  He advised that the State would not consider putting in a shallow well for this resident and wanted to ask the Selectmen if the Town would consider digging the well for her.  Mr. Dennis believes the State and the Town are both contributing to her problem.  The Selectmen would like to hear from the resident directly.  

2012 Budget

Jason Weir highlighted the fact that approximately $120,000 was not spent out of the 2011 budget. He suggested that we cut the budget even further with that in mind.   He expressed his feeling that in a tight budgeting year we should not be increasing our charitable donations (increased by $101) and we should not be spending $9,000 on Carpenter

The following changes were made to the budget:

Line 4130-10 Selectmen Stipend reduced from $10,000 to $7,500
Line 4130-93 Postage reduced from $6,500 to $6,000
Line 4130-94 Mileage reduced from $200 to $190
Line 4140-23 Training reduced from $600 to $500
Line 4140-29 Town Clerk Office Supplies reduced from $1470 to $1200
Line 4150-41 County Recording Fees reduced from $500 to $450
Line 4150-45 Tax Collector Mileage reduced from $175 to $125
Line 4150-48 Tax Collector Training reduced from $500 to $400
Line 4150-53 Treasurer Mileage reduced from $1,000 to $800
Line 4150-63 IT support reduced from $4,000 to $3,500
Line 4191-14 Planning Board Professional fees reduced from $1,000 to $750
Line 4191-18 PB Legal reduced from $2,000 to $1,500
Line 4191-31 ZBA Legal reduced from $1,000 to $500
Line 4191-34 ZBA secretarial reduced from $1,000 to $750
Line 4194-22 Community Building Electric reduced from $$850 to $800
Line 4195-10 Leavitt Cemetery reduced from $4,450 to $3,500
Line 4195-11 Pineground Cemetery reduced from $2,950 to $2,400
Line 4195-12 All other Cemeteries reduced from $3,300 to $3,000
Line 4210-13 Police Overtime reduced from $10,736 to $10,000
Line 4210-15 Police P/T Coverage reduced from $39,739 to $33,700
Line 4210-42 Police Training reduced from $3,000 to $2,500
Line 4210-55 Solid Waste Removal reduced from $990 to $890
Line 4210-72 DARE increased from $0 to $500
Line 4210-89 New Cruiser and Equipment reduced from $22,000 to $20,900
Line 4215-11 ALS Intercept fees reduced from $2,745 to $2,196
Line 4215-12 Billing Services reduced from $2,700 to $2,400
Line 4215-13 Loudon Subsidy increased from $30,416 to $31,387
Line 4215-17 Ambulance Communications reduced from $700 to $500
Line 4215-22 Medical Supplies reduced from $3,500 to $3,400
Line 4215-24 Uniforms reduced from $300 to $250
Line 4215-27 Ambulance 2 Maintenance reduced from $1,000 to $900
Line 4220-15 Fire Office Supplies reduced from $1,900 t0 $1,800
Line 4220-52 Radio Repair reduced from $1,500 to $1,000
Line 4220-72 Immunizations reduced from $300 to $250
Line 4240-23 Building Inspector Mileage reduced from $1,200 to $900
Line 4290-12 EMD Expenses reduced from $490 to $1.00
Line 4290-41 Warden and FF Payroll reduced from $1,800 to $1,500
Line 4311-12 Highway Overtime reduced from $12,000 to $9,000
Line 4312-12 Highway Road Signs reduced from $3,000 to $2,000
Line 4312-24 Chipper reduced from $1,800 to $1,033
Line 4312-36 Highway Supplies reduced from $2,000 to $1,300
Line 4312-37 Highway Solid Waste Removal reduced from $1,624.08 to $1,250
Line 4312-41 Contracted Services reduced from $2,500 to $2,000
Line 4312-45 Equipment Rental reduced from $4,500 to $2,500
Line 4312-55 Tree Removal reduced from $8,000 to $5,000
Line 4312-61 Winter Contracted Serviced reduced from $4,000 to $2,000
Line 4313-10 Bridge Materials reduced from $12,500 to $9,500
Line 4445-20 Welfare Vendor Payments reduced from $13,500 to $10,500
Line 4520-21 Carpenter Park Electric reduced from $300 to $280
Line 4589-30 Historical Society General expenses reduced from $1,500 to $1,200

The fuel lines were discussed the Department Heads will send to Nancy their fuel usage in 2011 and Nancy will recheck the calculations.


The Board of Selectmen approve of the Carpenter Park warrant the Budget Committee did not (5=no; 2=yes)

The Fred Wood Drive article was removed from the warrant

The East Ricker Road article was changed to $87,177 and 2378ft of roadway.  All were in favor

The Board of Selectmen approve the Fire Truck article and the Budget Committee did not (4=no; 3=yes)

All approved of the Capital Reserve Funding article after the $5,000 for the Library was removed.

All approved of the Library roof article

The Board of Selectmen (2-1)and Budget Committee did not approve of the Library Community Building article

The Budget Committee will meet with the Selectmen again on January 17th at 7:30

Other Business

Food Pantry:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and authorize the expenditure of $133 received from Chichester Methodist Church for benefit of the food pantry.  Motion passes.
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and authorize the expenditure of $20 received from Nellie Mitchell for benefit of the food pantry.  Motion passes.
Town Hall Parking Lot Lighting:  The Selectmen are in favor of having Unitil install a light across the street from the Town Hall parking lot.
RSA 261:153:  The Selectmen would like Nancy to draft a warrant article to see if the Town will accept the provisions of RSA 261:153 allowing the fee of up to $5 per vehicle registration.  The fee would be used for road projects.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:40pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_______________________         _________________________      ________________________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman            D.  Michael Paveglio                                Jeffrey Jordan