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Selectmen Minutes 11/15/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 15, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Matt Cole, Ed Millette, Norm LaRochelle, Jaan Luikmil, Richard Moore, Bernie Reinhardt, Danna Chagnon, Mike Williams, John Martell, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Steve MacCleery, Jason Weir, Bruce Dyke, Kris Cole, Brian Boyer

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 6:30PM.  

Fire Department

The Fire Department gave their truck presentation.  They are looking to replace Engine 2, which is a 1989 truck.  The cost will be $394,000.  There is currently $247,000 in the Capital Reserve Fund.  The current truck is not pumping to capacity, there is corrosion on the cab corners and a separation of the frame rails.  In 2014 there will be new emission standards which will increase the cost if the vehicle purchase happens then.  The Department is having Goodwins, E-1, and a State Trooper inspect the vehicle and give a report.  The department does not have an estimate of the cost to repair the vehicle although such a repair would be considered major and the truck would then have to meet today’s standards.

Department Heads

Fire Department:  The Fire Department is requesting permission to expend up to $5,000 in impact fees to purchase 2 storage containers.  The Department has been very short on space.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to authorize the expenditure of $5,000 out of the Fire Department’s impact fees to purchase two (2) 8X20 used storage container units.  Motion passed.

The Town received a grant for an energy audit of the safety building.  The report from that audit should be ready in the next couple of weeks.  The Fire Department has an opportunity to partner with Concord Hospital to purchase a Lucas 2 CPR device.  The Department would need to raise half the cost ($6,500) and Concord Hospital would then match that and purchase the device.  This device would provide for better more consistent chest compressions.

Food Pantry:  Donna Chagnon reports that the Boy Scout food drive was very successful.  14 Boxes of food were collected.

Highway:  The trees on Canterbury Road are down.  The crew has been replacing a large culvert on Horse Corner Road

Library:  The Library has a writer’s group for adults as well as one for grades 4 – 6.  They have a toddler story time.  The petition for the retention of the interlibrary loan service has been signed by approximately 100 people.  The Trustees estimate the amount needed to finish the Library meeting room is $19,800.  

Nancy asked if the Library would like the Town’s RSA books and if they wanted to keep up the update subscription.  The Town uses on-line resources rather than the books and the books can be costly to update.  Lucille will follow-up with Nancy.

Historical:  Bernie Reinhardt asked about the follow-up to the Joint Loss Management Committees recommendations.  The Historical Society has made some of the changes.  The electric will need to be assessed by an electrician.

Building:  Total fee for period $125.00

Capital Improvement Plan and Budget Committees

The CIP Committee gave an overview of their recommendations.  There was a long discussion about why the recommendations do not always match the warrant articles that are submitted.  There was also a lengthy discussion about the proposed purchase of the Fire Truck and financing methods.

Other Business

Voting hours:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to set the voting hours on January 10, 2012 from 7am – 7pm.  Motion passes.

Town Hall Fire Restoration:  Nancy has two proposals to replace the doors that were broken during the fire/break-in.  Holmes Carpet $1,360.26 and Tepper Contractors $1,410.  Holmes Carpet did a lot of the restoration work for us and the Selectmen would like to give another contractor the opportunity to provide service.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the replacement of the damaged doors to Tepper Contractors.  Motion passed.

Town Office Painting:  Three quotations were received for the additional painting work at the Town Offices:
Paul Dupont: $1,175
Ron Lesieur: $1,875
Webster Painting: $1,850
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to award the Town Hall painting work to Paul Dupont for the amount of $1,175 and to expend $950 from the facilities capital reserve account for this purpose ($225 will be paid for from the insurance company as part of the fire claim).  Motion Passes.

Security System:  Nancy was able to solicit a third quotation for the Town Hall security system.  The most favorable (inexpensive) quotation is still Prospect Mountain Fire and Security.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the Town Hall security system work to Prospect Mountain for an amount not to exceed $1,235 and to expend that amount out of the facilities capital reserve fund for such purpose. Motion passes.

Assessing proposal:  Our current vendor, CNHAS, submitted a proposal for the 2012 and 2013 assessing work and the 2013 data update.  The total for all is $44,350.  Nancy feels this is a very good price.  Nancy has been very happy with the work they have provided this year.  The Selectmen will review the proposal and discuss it next week.
Town Hall Parking Lot:  Matt Cole mentioned to the Selectmen that the Town Hall parking lot near Main Street is very dark at night.  His concern is that many people will park there and walk across the street causing a hazard.  He suggested putting a light on one of the poles.  Matt Cole will follow-up.

Old Home Day Committee:  Jaan Luikmil announced that he would be leaving the Old Home Day Committee.  He encouraged anyone who is interested in serving to please contact the committee.  The Selectmen acknowledged that Jaan’s absence on the committee will be a huge loss.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    _________________________      ______Absent______________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman           D.  Michael Paveglio                          Jeffrey Jordan