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Selectmen Minutes 09/20/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 20, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Jeffrey Jordan, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Mayville, Ed Millette, Jim Plunkett, Michelle Plunkett, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, John Martell, Matt Cole, John Freeman

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads:

EMD:  There was possible damage at the Library from the Tropical Storm.  John Freeman will do an inspection on Thursday.
Building:  Still slow.  Total fees for the two week period $142.22.  The Building Inspector monitored the re-roofing of the Community Building and was pleased with the work.  Lucille Noel mentioned there was damage to the driveway from the dumpster.  Nancy will research.

Highway:  Jim Plunkett attended the FEMA meeting and the Town will be submitting for reimbursement from the tropical storm.  The grant for the Hilliard Road Culvert is still in process.  Jim is reviewing the Road Management Software and will communicate with the Road Advisory Committee.   The winter salt is in.  Jim is working to alleviate the water problem on West Road.  The Selectmen are very happy with the way the highway crew handled the tropical storm event.

The Selectmen granted the Road Agent permission to use the Town’s equipment to dig a hole at the school to plant a tree that was donated in memory of Mrs. Williams.

Food Pantry:  The Boy Scout food drive will be in November.  The Christmas baskets will be done on December 22nd.  

Fire:  There will be a truck presentation at the October 4th Selectmen’s meeting at 7:45.  The students are doing very well.  The Department is working on the 2012 budget.  There will be an EMT refresher October 7-9.  

Library:  The book sale last Saturday raised about $500, which will go toward the basement renovations.

Upcoming events:
How to grow your money 9/21
Young Writers Club
Knitting Club
Story Hour
3rd grade field trip

The monthly exhibit will be Conrad Young’s watercolors.

Circulation is up over 100 items this month compared to the same month last year.

420 books were read by children for the summer reading program.

Heritage:  The Heritage Commission is working on the “beautification” of Main Street.  They have a donation of 2,000 bulbs and would like to plant them along Main Street.  There are two areas that are owned by the State.  The commission will need a letter of support from the Selectmen.  Nancy will work with Lucille and have the letter for next week.  Jim Plunkett will contact dig safe.  When all the approvals are in place there will be a community planting day.

CIP:  The CIP committee updated the Selectmen on their progress.  

Steve MacCleery
Mr. MacCleery has concerns about the Selectmen recommending the Suncook River for the Rivers Management Protection program.  Mr. DeBold explained that the intent of the protection program is not only to protect the river, but also the riparian owners.  The Planning team wanted to start the process which is lengthy and includes an opportunity for public input.  Mr. MacCleery has done some research and there are some limitations having to do with sludge.  He asked that the Selectmen to review the RSA.  He also feels the
Agricultural Commission should be involved.  

Other Business
Ordinance:  There was discussion about whether to require written permission every time someone unloads a piece of machinery on a Town Road.  This type of written permission would be difficult to enforce.  It was decided not to require it.   There was also a discussion about who would be responsible.  The consensus was that the homeowner would be held responsible.  A copy of the Ordinance will be given out with each building permit and intent to cut.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adopt the Regulating the Loading, Unloading and Operation of Certain Equipment upon Public Highways.  Motion passes with a 2-1 vote (Jordan voted no).

Forestry:  The Selectmen gave authorization to Donald Roberts of the Malachy Glen Neighborhood to burn on Town Property for their annual Block Party.

Legal Issue: Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(e) Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio for a non-public session to discuss a legal matter.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the nonpublic session.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(e) Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio for a non-public session to discuss a second legal matter.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the nonpublic session at 9:02.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:03pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    _________________________      __________________________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman           D.  Michael Paveglio                                Jeffrey Jordan