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Selectmen Minutes 03/01/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 1, 2011

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Representatives from Northern Pass: Sue Blothenburg, Kathleen Brockett, Brian Bosse and 48 members of the public
Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Northern Pass

Representatives from the Northern Pass project gave a presentation on the proposed project.  The benefits of the project were reviewed.  The proposed routes were reviewed.  The Northern Pass has submitted an addendum to the Department of Energy to mark the preferred route as going through the existing Right of Way.  The Northern Pass still needs FAA approval to use the existing ROW; however they are working to get that approved.  If the existing ROW is used, Chichester will not be affected.  

If a new ROW in Chichester is used the ROW would be approximately 150 feet wide.  The structures would be wood with a height of approximately 80 feet.  The height may vary with terrain variations.

On March 14th there will be a scoping meeting in Pembroke.   The Department of Energy will be taking written comments until April 12th.

If people wish to get involved you may utilize the following:


The question/comment period included the following:

A suggestion to bury the line near the airport

There was a discussion about which Towns would received reduce electric bills.  The reduction would be in all of New England.  

Attorney D’amante asked Brian to look at some of the language regarding the size of the ROWs and pole height.  He believes he has heard/read something different than that which was stated tonight.  Attorney D’amante also stated that he believes any tax revenue would be reversed as homeowners would ask for abatements, view tax would be reduced and property values would be reduced.  He stated there were cultural resources that could be disturbed such as an Indian Encampment.  He also stated that the public would have health concerns.

Imminent Domain was discussed.  This is a process Northern Pass could use as a last resort if they were unable to negotiate with the landowners.  Mr. D’amante does not believe Northern Pass has imminent Domain power at this time.

Department Heads

Police:  The laptop has been sent to General Dynamics.  The Explorer is having work done.  The DWI patrol and equipment grant were approved.  

Fire: The roof on the safety building is leaking.  The Fire Department is trying to remove the remaining snow and ice.  Engine 3 was sent out for diagnostics.  The only issue detected was a bad sensor. There are some bulletins out on the engine.  Alan will follow-up, but does not anticipate a major issue.
Alan wanted to correct a statement from a prior meeting.  He said the cost to replace the harness on Rescue 2 was $500.  There is also a $500 installation cost; for a total of $1,000.

Highway:  Snow, Snow and Snow.  Pembroke is running out of winter maintenance money and they have stopped plowing Higgins Road.  Jim has picked that road up.  Mr. Tachereau received a preliminary approval for a driveway, but in the spring it must be re-slopped.  The Grader should be back mid-month.  Jim has about 100 tons of salt left.  Fuel and propane costs have skyrocketed.  Jim is looking into all options.  

The first meeting of the Fleet Management Committee is March 23rd at 6:00 at the Fire Station.

Mr. Jordan has noticed that the tree trimming Jim and crew did has paid off as there have been very few downed branches.  

Forestry:  Warden Stock said the map and compass class was great.  The chainsaw class will be held at Bear Brook and the Warden will work with the Park Manager.  Warden Stock will be the stand-by medic for the class and has permission from Alan Quimby to use the mule.

Library:  This month’s art exhibit will be quilt landscape pictures.  There will be a children’s art exhibit in April and a Ukrainian egg workshop in April.  There were about 20 people in attendance for the Family Game Night.  The Library is looking to start a teen book group.  There is an upcoming sky watch workshop.  The basement renovation study group will be meeting on 3/28.

Other Business

Judy Kenneally:  Judy Kenneally sent a letter to the Selectmen requesting a reconciliation of the Treasurer’s report to the orders drawn by Selectmen.  Jamie Pike was present to explain to the Selectmen why the two numbers are not reported the same and what the process would be to reconcile.  The reconciliation process is lengthy.  Jamie will send an explanation of the numbers to Ms. Kenneally.

Jaan Luikmil:  Nancy gave the Selectmen a resignation from Jaan Luikmil, which the Selectmen regretfully accepted.  Jim said he will use his part-time labor to fill in for the time being.  Nancy will contact Jaan for an exit interview.

Municipal Resources Junkyard program:  Nancy would like to hire Municipal Resources to handle a junkyard issue.  The Selectmen are in favor.

Road Advisory Committee:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the Road Advisory Committee Charter.  Motion passes and Charter is signed.

Fire Chief Appointment:  The Selectmen received one application for the position of Fire Chief.  An interview will be conducted in non-public session.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(b) Selectmen Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to go into nonpublic session for the purpose of conducting a hiring interview.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to end the non-public session at 9:30pm.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
The minutes were sealed indefinitely.

During the nonpublic session the Selectmen passed a motion to appoint Alan Quimby to the position of Fire Chief for a term of three years to begin on April 1, 2011.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                        Not Yet Approved
Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio