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Selectmen Minutes 05/10/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 10, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Neva Foley, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Jim Plunkett
Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Neva Foley – Representative from Senator Ayotte’s Office
Neva Foley wanted to introduce herself to the Selectmen and residents.  She is the contact for Senator Ayotte’s Office on many issues.  Ms. Foley is currently in the Manchester office; although she anticipates the Concord Office opening in late summer.  In addition to telephone, mail and email there is now an online form you can use to contact the Senator’s Office.  The form can be found on her website. The Selectmen discussed their concerns regarding the Northern Pass project with Ms. Foley.  

John Harkness
John Harkness came into talk with the Selectmen about his water/well (reference prior minutes).  Mr. Harkness and the Selectmen are in agreement that there should be a written agreement going forward with regard to maintenance/replacement issues.  There was a discussion about the quality of the Harkness’ water.  Mr. Harkness has the water tested regularly and the sodium levels are continuing to rise.  He can’t drink the water and has been buying water.  There is concern that the filtration system has not been doing its job.  Mr. Harkness feels the well was drilled in a bad place as it is below the area of contamination.  Mr. DeBold mentioned the other well at Carpenter Park, which is on higher ground.  There was a discussion as to whether that well could service the Park and the Harkness’.  It was decided that a water test should be done at that site as well as from the Harkness’ faucet after the filtration system to see if that system is working.  Nancy will arrange for the testing with the Health Officer.

Other Business

Highway:  Jim Plunkett presented the Selectmen with two intents for Hazardous Mitigations grants.   These are only intents with estimates not actual applications.  They are for work on Swiggy Brook Road and Cross Road.  The Selectmen all approve of the intents.

Jim read a prepared statement to the Board.  Prior to reading the statement Jim stated that he was going to read it and leave without any discussion. Jim read the statement and immediately left.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he wanted to discuss the statement, but Jim said he would not discuss it and left.  The statement was a response to last week’s discussion concerning a contractor whose insurance was questioned last week.  The contractor does have insurance, which has been verified.  Jim’s statement also stated that a prior discussion between Mr. Paveglio and Mr. Colbert must have occurred and if that happened why didn’t Mr. Paveglio bring his concerns forward sooner.  Mr. Paveglio adamantly denies any prior conversation with Mr. Colbert.  Mr. Paveglio expressed his concern about this type of behavior as it does not lend itself to a good working relationship between the BOS and Road Agent. This will be addressed at the next department head meeting.

Following that discussion, the topic of insurance was discussed (in general).  The Selectmen want to know if someone presents the Town with a Certificate of Insurance is there a way for us to be notified if the policy is cancelled.  Nancy will follow-up.

Carpenter Park:  The Selectmen are concerned with the number of dead trees at Carpenter Park.  Nancy will notify the Conservation Commission.

Road Advisory Committee:  The RAC held a start up meeting last week.  They proposed changes to the Charter to allow for more members.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to approve the change to the Road Advisory Committee Charter that will allow for increased membership.  Motion Passed.  The new Charter was signed.

As recommended by the committee the following were appointed to the Road Advisory Committee:
Stan Brehm, Doug Hall, Dave Dobson, John Amsden, Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Richard DeBold (Ex-Officio), and Jim Plunkett (Road Agent)

Warrant:  Nancy received a notice that warrant article #15 has been disallowed by the DRA.  This article was to name the Selectmen as agents of the Library Building Capital Reserve Fund.  The article was disallowed due to the amendment that the Selectmen be named as agents for a limited number of days.  It is the Municipal Services Division’s position as well as the Department of Attorney General’s Charitable Trusts Unit, that agents cannot be named for only a limited purpose or time pertaining to capital reserve or expendable trust funds.  

The Selectmen asked to be named as agents so that the Library Roof could be replaced this year if needed.  The Library Trustees will pursue getting an assessment of the roof to see if replacement is necessary for this year.

Community Building Roof:  Nancy asked if the Selectmen would like to send out an RFP for the project.  Since Mr. Houle is working on getting a volunteer crew together, they would like to wait until we hear from him.  The Historical Society is not in favor of a metal roof.

Food Pantry:  The Food Pantry reimbursement process was discussed.  Nancy feels it is unfair for the Coordinator to have to spend her own money then be reimbursed.  It was decided to use a gift card system.

Tax Warrant:  The tax warrant was signed by the Selectmen and the bills will be sent out this week.

Historical Society:  The Historical Society had a very successful yard sale over the weekend and raised over $600.

BCEP:  Paul Adams noticed that an ordinance for usage of the BCEP must be developed.  Mr. DeBold will bring it to the next BCEP meeting.

Payroll:  Nancy noticed when reviewing the payroll that the Road Agent has not been listing meeting time on his time cards.  Nancy feels he should be paid for that time since he is an hourly employee.  Further research will be done.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Approved as amended
Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman   D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan