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Selectmen Minutes 02/22/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 22, 2011

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Brandon Giuda, Donna Chagnon, Jim Plunkett, Steve Stock, Alan Quimby, Lucille Noel, Barbara Frangione, Ed Millette, Thomas Houle, Alan Mayville, Matt Cole, Kris Cole
Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 6:45PM.  

Brandon Giuda – Berry Road
Mr. Giuda is concerned about how the discontinuation of Berry Road will affect his assessment.  Nancy will research and report back to Mr. Giuda.

Fire Department
The Fire Department Officers wanted to speak to the Selectmen about the upcoming appointment of a Fire Chief.  A new Fire Chief is scheduled to be appointment by the Selectmen effective April 1st for a three year term.  Ed Millette spoke on behalf of the Department.  He said the Fire Department recommends appointing Alan Quimby to the position of Chief.  Ed listed Alan’s many accomplishments during the year since he has been the acting Chief.  Ed feels Alan has restored camaraderie among the Fire Department members as well as “mending fences” and establishing good communication with the other Departments.  Barbara Frangione spoke as a citizen also in favor of appointing Alan Quimby.  

The job requirements of Fire Chief were reviewed.   Under previously established requirements, only members who have held an Officer position are eligible for the appointment.  The Selectmen would like to post the position within the department.  This will allow for all who are eligible to apply.  Nancy will create the in-house posting.  

Other Business

Health Officer Position:  The Selectmen received a letter from a citizen who is interested in serving as Health Officer.  Chief Clarke stepped up to serve as the temporary Health Officer when John Dever resigned.  The Selectmen will talk to Chief Clarke to see if he would like to continue doing the Health Officer duties.

Personnel Policies:  A new Compensatory Time Policy was prepared by Nancy.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the new policy as prepared.  Motion passes.

Zoning:  The Selectmen received a letter signed by 48 residents.  The letter states that the residents are in favor of the Selectmen enforcing our zoning to the fullest extent allowed under law.  Excerpt from the letter “…We believe that the Board of Selectmen are responsible for defending our town’s ordinances and decisions in court if necessary, and not capitulate to a plaintiff (town resident or not) unless there is clear prior case law cited by the Town’s Counsel that would indicate that the town will certainly lose in court”.   Those who signed the letter and were present at the meeting said they signed it to give the Selectmen support and empowerment to enforce our zoning.  

Planning Board:  There was a brief discussion regarding the Signs for Jesus Planning Board decision.  

Fleet Management Committee:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the Fleet Management Committee Charter as presented. Motion passed and the charter was signed.

Highway:  Mr. DeBold is following up with the snowmobile club regarding the ice ridges on the road that is believed to be caused by the groomer.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio