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Selectmen Minutes 02/15/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 15, 2011

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Steve MacCleery, Bruce Dyke, Ed Millette, Norm LaRochelle, John Martell, Fred Chagnon, Donna Chagnon, Carolee Davison, Lucille Noel, Elaine Coffey, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Alan Mayville, Thomas Houle, Matt Cole, Pat Clarke, Alan Quimby, John Freeman, Doug Hall

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Public Hearing
A Public Hearing was held for the purpose of appropriating $500 in the 2011 budget in a new line item for the Heritage Commission.  Lucille Noel gave a brief overview of the Commission.  The Commission intends to spend the money on items such as workshops, speakers and printing.  The item is recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.
Public Hearing was closed.

The Library Trustees were present to discuss the warrant article for the Library roof replacement.  They report that the roof is about 25 years old and showing signs of aging.  The Library Trustees and the Selectmen are in favor of replacing the roof article with an article naming the Selectmen as agents of the Library Capital Reserve Fund.  If that article passes and it is determined in the spring or later in the year that the roof needs to be replaced/repaired the Selectmen can authorize the payment.  Mr. MacCleery would like to add to the article that the Selectmen would have to hold a public hearing prior to authorizing expenditures from the fund.  Nancy will add that language and reprint the warrant for signatures.

Department Heads

Building:  John Freeman reports the building activity is still slow.  There have been mostly accessory permits so far for 2011.

Fire: Engine 3 will be going to McDevitt Trucks on Monday for diagnosis.  Rescue 2 is in need of a Light Tower replacement ($7,000) and an air conditioning unit replacement ($7,000).  Alan Quimby is not recommending those repairs at this time due to cost.  He is recommending a repair to the coil wire, which will cost approximately $500 for this year.
The Fire Marshall’s report should be received within the next couple of weeks.  
One freshmen student has left the academy due to personal matters.

Police:  Chief Clarke applied for 4 grants this year.  He has received two back; one for accident equipment and one for the DWI patrols.  Chairman Jordan signed the grants.  
Chief Clarke would like the Selectmen to consider a comp time policy.  Nancy will draft one for Tuesday.

The laptop is in need of repair.  It will cost about $150 for the diagnostics Chief Clarke would like to use the Police Office Equipment Fund for this purpose.
Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to authorize the expenditure of $150 from the Police Department Office Equipment fund for the purpose of diagnostics on the Police Departments laptop computer.  Motion passed.

Possible future ordinances were discussed.  Nancy still has a proposed ordinance from the Road Agent.  Chief Clarke will put together some ordinances.  Once the Selectmen agree on which ones to propose, we will hold a public hearing for all the ordinances at one time.

Health Officer:  Chief Clarke investigated an odor coming from the grate at the Community Building.  He could not determine where the odor was originating.  He will try to do a dye test.

Highway:  Jim believes a snowmobile groomer has caused an ice damn on Leavitt and Hutchinson Roads.  It has caused a problem for the plow trucks.  The Selectmen will follow-up with the snowmobile clubs.

Evelyn Pike asked if the inmates could be utilized to dig out a citizen’s propane tank for delivery.  Jim and Evelyn will arrange.

Library:  Lucille Noel gave thanks to the Highway Department for the shoveling work they did at the Library.  This month they are featuring the work of Andy Hampton, a local potter.  There will be a game night on February 28th.  A study committee for the renovation of the basement will be meeting on the 28th.  The Trustees feel the Library signs on Route 4 need to more directional.  

Other Business

Budget:  Doug Hall provided the Board with a budget comparison for years 1981, 1991, 2001, and 2011(proposed).  Doug feels this gives a larger picture than just comparing year to year.  Total budgets compiled by D. Hall are as follows:
1981    $179,447
1991    $632,026
2001 $1,188,446
2011 $1,859,108

Planning Board:  Thomas Houle reviewed the latest Planning Board meeting with the Selectmen.  There was a brief discussion regarding the Signs for Jesus decision.

Community involvement:  Thomas Houle suggested that the Selectmen try to solicit volunteers to do work for the Town.  It is a way for the Town to save money and gain a sense of community among neighbors.  Nancy suggested a “volunteer coordinator”.   Discussion followed.

Fleet Needs Committee:  Mr. Paveglio reviewed a newly drafted charter for the Fleet Needs Committee.

Road Advisory Committee:  Mr. DeBold provided the Selectmen with a revised charter for the Road Advisory Committee.

The 2011 Warrant and MS-6 were signed by the Selectmen.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio