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Selectmen Minutes 12/14/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 14, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Bruce Dyke, Steve MacCleery, Scott Marsden, Jason Weir, Ed Millette, John Martell, Donna Chagnon, Steve Stock

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Budget Committee

Projected revenues were reviewed.   Nancy will provide the prior three years actual revenue for trending purposes for the next meeting.  

Jamie Pike restructured the Budget Worksheet for more clarity and to meet the DRA’s recommended format.  Nancy reviewed the changes with the Board and Committee.
Some questions arose during the restructuring.  One question was does line item 4312-62 winter trucking still have a purpose.  A new part-time labor line was added for highway to replace the ditching labor line.  Nancy asked if the winter fund labor should be reported in the part-time line as well.

Line 4152-33 $1,355 was added to allow for the service of on-line assessment cards.

Advertising expense was listed under the proper departments.  

Animal control was moved to the Health Officer section.

Nancy cautioned that depending on the way we receive the funding for the two large partially grant funded warrant articles the Town may need to seek short-term funding for the projects.   Nancy will research with the DRA.

The Budget Committee and the Selectmen would like to meet with the Police Chief and the Road Agent at the January 4th meeting.

Salaries were discussed.  The pay and classification study from LGC was quickly reviewed.  The Town Administrators salary was below the mid-point according to the survey.  It was decided to increase the salary to $54,524.  

The Road Agents salary was not easy to compare since many Town’s that were used in the survey pay their Road Agent a salary amount verses and hourly wage, which is subject to overtime pay.    Richard DeBold will work on getting the salary amounts for the towns used, so that total compensation could be compared.

Richard DeBold will work on doing a salary study for all positions in Town as has been done in the past.

Line 4153-00 was reduced to $12,000

Line 4191-31 was reduced to $1,000

The proposed warrant articles were reviewed.  Nancy will find out if the two roofing projects pricing are contingent upon both articles passing.   The Selectmen would like to use $50K of surplus to fund the Capital Reserve Funds.  

Other Business

Credit Card Policy:  The credit card policy was reviewed.  The Road Agent had an issue with using his credit card.  The policy will be reviewed with the Department Heads next week.

Fire Warden:  Warden Stock updated the Selectmen on the two classes he is sponsoring.  Pay for the firefighters attending the GPS training was discussed.   Warden Stock asked the Selectmen what they wanted to do with the felled trees from the sawyer’s class.  The Selectmen directed Warden Stock to the Conservation Commission.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio