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Selectmen Minutes 07/01/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
July 1, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator)  

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 5:47

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a), a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue at 5:47pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan– yea, DeBold yea, Paveglio – yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the non-public session at 6:20pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan– yea, DeBold yea, Paveglio -yea.  Motion passes.

The minutes were sealed indefinitely.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________________________________
    Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman   Richard DeBold                          D. Michael Paveglio