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Selectmen Minutes 02/23/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 23, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Mike Paveglio, Thomas Houle, Alan Mayville, Barbara Frangione, David Colburt, Ewen MacKinnion

Mr. Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Fuat Ari
Mr. Ari wanted to address his current situation of having no road frontage with the Selectmen.  The Town had, at one time, owned the lot adjacent to Mr. Ari.  At that time, the Town granted him an easement for a driveway.  Mr. Ari questioned the original driveway permit and the location of the driveway in relation to the permit.  Mr. Ari would like to see one of two things happen.  He would like to be assigned land to include 200 feet of road frontage.  The Town no longer owns the land in question.  If that is not possible he would like the land to be surveyed and the road moved to where he believes it belongs.  He wants his lot to be considered a buildable lot.  
Mr. DeBold stated that the Selectmen would have to do further research.

Dave Colbert
Mr. Colbert is concerned about the plowing of Center Road.  He reported driving behind a highway plow truck during last week’s storm and seeing the truck with no wing driving on the edge/over the edge of the road in order to push back snow.  He feels that because they are pushing back snow with plows instead of wings they are damaging the sides of the road.  Mr. Jordan agrees that they should be able to use the wings.  Mr. Colbert asked if the Selectmen would talk to the Road Agent before the next storm to minimize damage.  Mr. DeBold said that he did notice the damage, but did not realize it was our own trucks doing it.  Mr. DeBold also reported being troubled by the road conditions during the last storm.  Mr. Colbert and Mr. Mayville are concerned with the amount of salt that is being used (too much).  Mr. Colbert has observed that a lot of the salt is ending up in driveways and in ditches.  
There was discussion about the need to add material to the edges for a few years after a new road is installed.
Mr. Houle mentioned that the issue of road conditions during a storm has been discussed since the very first storm.  There was discussion about sand usage vs salt usage.
Other Business
Abatement: Mr. Jordan would like to hold off on signing the abatements until a full Board is present.
Zoning updates: The Car Farm contacted Nancy today.  They are working to bring their property into compliance and have scheduled an appointment with the Planning Board.   
Town Meeting:  Mr. DeBold asked Nancy to check with the School about the availability of offering babysitting.  
Audit:  Nancy informed the Selectmen that the Audit has been started and is going well.
Supplies:  Mr. Jordan asked Nancy to look into the possibility of saving money by buying paper products with the SAU.  
Depot Rd & Route 28:  Ms. Frangione brought it to the Selectmen’s attention that she was reading in the newspaper that the Epsom Selectmen are concerned with the Depot Road and Route 28 intersection.  She feels that if the Chichester Selectmen and the Epsom Selectmen work together it will carry more weight with the State.  Mr. DeBold states the Planning Board has looked at this and has had concerns.  He will bring the issue back to the Planning Board.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.
The minutes from February 16, 2010 were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold