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Selectmen Minutes 02/02/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 2, 2010

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Budget Committee Members: Norm LaRochelle, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Jason Wier, and Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Doug Hall (Moderator), Department Heads: Jim Plunkett, Gil Vien, Patrick Clarke, Steve Stock, Evelyn Pike, John Dever and 23 people from the public

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  The meeting was then turned over to Doug Hall, Moderator, for the Budget Hearing portion of the meeting.
Public Hearing on the proposed budget, revenues, and warrant articles

Doug Hall began the hearing with introductions of the Selectmen and Budget Committee
The proposed budget was then reviewed section by section.  
The following line items were discussed
4130-22 Office Assistant – This line was increased for a market increase and an increase in hours from 32.5 to 36 per week
4130-21 Administrator Salary – This line was increased to bring the Town Administrator salary line closer to the average.  Mr. DeBold stated that the average was around $57,000.  Mr. MacCleery explained that this did not mean they would spend that much.  He stated that they were not looking to give the current Town Administrator an increase, but rather bring the position amount up.  Mr. MacCleery reported having a hard time filling the open position in 2009 for the amount budgeted.  If they should need to hire a new Town Administrator the additional budget might be needed.  
4155-16 Nancy received the bill for this line item and needs to increase the line to $1,973
4210-00 The salary changes to the Police Department were discussed.  Mr. MacCleery explained that there were market adjustments to these lines.  The midnight call line was discussed.
4220-65 Chief Vien had an unexpected repair and would like to increase this line to $3,000
4240-10 Building Inspector administration: The Building Inspectors hours have increased.  The Building Inspector is looking into increasing the revenues to offset the additional expense.
4311-13 Jim Plunkett would like to increase that line by 1,443 to match last year’s budget.  He would like to give one employee a fifty cent increase.
4312-44 There was a discussion about the gravel and asphalt line items.  
Warrant Article items discussed:
Canterbury Road: There was much discussion on the articles dealing with Canterbury Road.  Some people were concerned that a shim and overlay was not a long-term solution.  There was also concern about the State not wanting to repair their section of the road.  
Forestry Truck:  Mr. Paveglio stated he is not in favor of this article because he feels there is no plan in place once the truck chasse is purchased.  The Fire Warden was asked for his opinion of the article since it was the Fire Chief who brought forward the article.  Mr. Stock reported having had no input on the article.  He was asked which of the trucks would be replaced and he said he would have to do some research.  
¾ Ton Pick up (highway):  There was discussion as to whether or not the current forestry truck (if replaced this year) would be suitable for the highway department.  Many had concerns that it would not be suitable due to age and condition.  
There was much discussion on the revenues and position of the Building Inspector.  Mike Paveglio suggested that possibly we go back to paying the Building Inspector only if there was a permit.  Some wanted to see the Building department become self-funded.  Mr. DeBold disagreed.  He said we don’t expect other departments to be totally self-funding, such as the Library, Parks and Recreation, Historical Society, etc, why this one.  There was discussion about what the Towns needs were.  John Dever spoke on his credentials and said that he was working on a fee structure that would bring in more revenue for the Town.  There was discussion about how to go about changing the pay structure for the Building Inspector.
The Selectmen would like to see recommendations on the warrant and the tax impact in the narrative.
The public hearing concluded at 9:30

Other Business

Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $300.00 received from St. Stephens Episcopal Church in support of the Food Pantry.  It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain an accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditure, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion passes.

Car Farm: The Selectmen received a letter from Doug Hall asking for an update on the status of the Car Farms zoning complaint.  Nancy will follow up with Doug Hall.

Comcast:  Mr. DeBold asked Nancy to work with Brandon Giuda on a letter to Comcast with the issues at hand.

Non-Public Sessions: Mr. MacCleery addressed a letter that was in the newspaper regarding the number of nonpublic sessions the Selectmen have been having.  He stated that the reasons for the nonpublic sessions are all listed in the public minutes.

Trustee of the Trust Funds:  Mr. MacCleery received a phone call with concerns about the Trustee’s working relationships.  He is wondering if they would benefit from some human relations training.   Ms. Chagnon would like one of the Selectmen to attend a meeting.  Mr. DeBold will contact Terry Knowles for guidance.

AED: There is a new automatic external defibrillator in the Town Office.  It was generously donated by Frank Merrill and Family in memory of Doris Vien.  The hand crafted case was made and donated by Ted Bailey.  Nancy will send thank you letters.

Budget:  The Selectmen reviewed the proposed budget changes.
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to increase 4155-16 to 1973.00
Line 4220-65 was discussed.  The Selectmen were concerned about increasing the budget for a one time repair.
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. MacCleery to increase line 4220-65 to $2,000.  MacCleery and DeBold vote yes, Jordan voted no – Motion passes.
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to increase line 4311-13 to 67,879

Daryl Wyatt: Mr. DeBold contacted Liza Burrill from the State Bureau of EMS.  He was told that although Gil Vien did speak with her about the incident there was no official investigation. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not a police officer contacted Mr. Wyatt regarding use of emergency lights. Mr. Wyatt feels he was deceived because he was made to think he was being investigated when he was not.  The Selectmen would like to look into this further.

Town Report:  The cover for the Town Report was chosen.

Fire Warden:  Mr. MacCleery reviewed the Forest Fire Warden Replacement Request form.   Nancy will type form and have it for the Selectmen to sign next week.
Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:56 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold