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Selectmen Minutes 10/29/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
October 29, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Jamie Pike, Sandra Rourke (DRA), and Peter Aubrey (SAU 53)

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:57 AM.

The 2009 Tax rate was discussed.
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to use $248,600 of the unreserved fund balance to set the tax rate.  A role call vote was taken: MacCleery-Yes; Jordan – Yes; DeBold- No.  Motion carries.
The tax rate will be $19.51 pending final approval.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 am.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold