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Selectmen Minutes 09/29/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 29, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery and Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Richard Holloran, Mike Paveglio, Bette Bogdan, Thomas Houle, Jim Plunkett, Stephen Stock, Jennifer Rupe

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:02PM.

Jennifer Rupe:
Jennifer Rupe asked for permission to have a bon fire on town property.  Mr. MacCleery asked about liability to the town.  Warden Stock was present and informed the Board that all liability would be that of the permittee not of the Town.  
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to grant Jennifer Rupe of 28 Wexford Drive permission to have a bon fire at the Wexford Drive cul-de-sac.  Motion Carries.

Other Business

Highway:  Mr. Plunkett received the following sand bids (bids are quoted per ton):
Merrill Construction: $5.45 delivered; 2.95 if picked up
Concord Sand and Gravel: 7.00 delivered; 4.50 if picked up
Decato:  $4.00 and $50 per hour for trucking
Allenstown Aggregate: 9.00 delivered; 7.00 if picked up
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the bid to Merrill Construction at $5.45 per ton delivered. – Motion carries
Mr. Plunkett brought a guardrail issue to the Selectmen’s attention.   There is a guardrail on Deer Meadow Pond where the wires are off the poles.   Mr. Plunkett does not want this to be a liability for the Town.  He is getting pricing for a replacement.

Nextel: Ms. Tanner and several departments met with our Nextel representative regarding the poor cell service.  Nextel will issue an upgraded phone at no charge to see if that corrects the problem.

Credit Card Policy: A draft of the credit card policy was reviewed.  The new policy requires departments to obtain permission from the Selectmen prior to obtaining a Town credit card.  Mr. MacCleery and Mr. Jordan would like in the second paragraph on page three the word “department director” changed to “Selectmen”.  Ms. Tanner will make the change and present it at next weeks meeting.  Ms. Tanner will call Concord’s Finance Director to obtain information about their purchasing cards.  

Cross Country Appraisal Group:  A quote was received from Cross Country for the 2010 assessing work.  The Selectmen would like Ms. Tanner to send out a RFP for assessing work.  Mr. MacCleery asked Ms. Tanner to look at previous minutes and review the recommendations from the DRA.  

Peddlers License: Mr. Pike has received inquiries for a temporary food cart/trailer in Town.  He submitted a letter to the Selectmen asking if they would like him to research a Peddlers license.  Ms. Bogdan suggested he talk to the Health Officer.  Mr. Pike will follow up with the Health Officer.

State owned land:  A letter was received from the State notifying the Selectmen that they intend to sell Map 3 lots 53, 58, 60 & 61.  They offered it to the town at a price of $108,000.  A short discussion took place.  Mr. MacCleery and Mr. Jordan did not see a need to purchase the property.  They asked Ms. Tanner to forward a copy to the Conservation Commission so they can review.

Space Needs:  Mr. MacCleery sees a future need for meeting space and a possible need for filing space. Mr. Paveglio asked why we do not consider scanning our documents.  Mr. MacCleery liked the idea of scanning.  Ms. Tanner will look into the possibility of scanning documents.

ZBA Meeting:  The Selectmen lost the hearing in the Noonan case.  Ms. Tanner will send a copy of the verbatim minutes to Town Council to see if there are grounds for a rehearing.   

Fire Department: Mr. Paveglio asked about an inquiry of the Fire Department in previous minutes.  The question related to the turn over rate in the Fire Department.  Mr. Paveglio and Ms. Bogdan expressed concern over how many are leaving the department and why they are leaving.  Mr. Paveglio suggested that the Selectmen talk with the department head concerning the turn over.  He also wanted to point out that the volunteers are really employees and should be given an exit interview when leaving the department.

Treasurer: The Selectmen received a cash flow forecast from the Treasurer and a letter stating that it did not look like we would need a tax anticipation note this year.  The Selectmen would like the Treasurer to do the preliminary work of contacting banks in case one would be needed.

Agricultural Commission:  Mr. MacCleery recalls the Heritage Commission and the Planning Board received a packet of information from the State regarding farm friendly towns.  It included information about Agricultural Commissions.  Ms. Tanner will contact the co-operative extension and ask them come to a Selectmen’s meeting to speak on the subject of Agricultural Commissions.

Street Light: Chief Clarke checked the street lights at the intersection of Horse Corner Road and Main Street.  They seemed to be operating properly.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a-i), a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session for review of non-public meeting minutes.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the non-public session at 8:15pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea.  Motion passes.

The non-public minutes of October 30, 2007 are now unsealed.

RFP:  The Selectmen asked Ms. Tanner to send out RFPs for assessing, grounds keeping, town report printing, and auditing.

Health:  Ms. Bogdan wanted to thank Ms. Tanner and Mr. Shaw (webmaster) for promptly putting up the information she provided on EEE.  Ms. Bogdan is concerned about the flu and getting information out to the public.  There has been a rash of flu-like illness in the State.  She mentioned that Local Government Center is a great place to receive education on emergency management.  She also wanted to make the Health Officer aware of the Northwood Pod meetings.  
The Selectmen and the Health Officer will need NIMS training in order for our Town to qualify for some grants.  NIMS can be done on-line now.  Ms. Tanner will look into getting the Selectmen and HO up to date on this training.

Forestry:  Mr. Stock has a GPS unit he would like to donate to the Town for use in the forestry truck.  If the unit is accepted each forestry truck would have a GPS unit on board.  The Selectmen are in favor.  Thank you Warden Stock.

Mr. Jordan will not be able to attend the meeting on October 6th.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $52,081.52

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold