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Selectmen Minutes 09/08/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 8, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others Present:   Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator),Alan Mayville,  John Dever,  Gil Vien,  Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Barbara Frangione, Bette Bogdan, Thomas Houle, Richard Holloran, Donna Chagnon,  Brandon Giuda, Doug Hall, Karen Lingner, Holly MacCleery, Craig Tufts, Lisa Drouse, Richard Moore and Matt Cole

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Regional Planning Commission
Craig Tufts was present from the Regional Planning Commission.   He gave the Selectmen a copy of NH Route 28 Corridor Study.  Mr. Tufts spoke about the study.  The information was gathered by members of our own community along with a DOT representative.  The study indentifies problem intersections and offers suggestions for improvement.  There are short term fixes as well as long term solutions with cost estimates.  This study is supported by the DOT.   Mr. Tufts asked the Selectmen to officially endorse the study.  The Selectmen will review the material during the week and decide next week whether or not to endorse.

Capital Improvement Committee
Members of the CIP Committee presented the Selectmen with an early report.  Of main concern is that on average over the next ten years the proposed capital projects to be funded by taxes are double recent years’ approved annual expenditures.  Every $100,000 of tax supported capital projects requires about 34 cents on the tax rate and every $290,000 requires about $1.00 on the tax rate.  Potential options include: funding as submitted; delaying projects, including beyond the ten year window; prioritizing and/or not moving forward with some proposed projects; capping the total yearly capital expenditures to be funded from taxes; or reducing the size and scope of projects.  The committee does not yet have proposals from the space needs committee.  If setting a cap is an option to pursue the committee will be seeking advice from the Selectmen as to what a reasonable cap might be.  

Ethics Committee
Ms. Bogdan is seeking opinions from the Selectmen as to what they thought about an Ethics Committee.  Mr. DeBold said that he has given it thought and has consulted LGC on the matter.  He feels that if we go forward we should proceed cautiously.  He feels that there should be guidelines and rules of procedure for the committee and that the possibility exists that the committee may turn out to be a liability for the Town if not done correctly.  Mr. DeBold asked if there was a groundswell for an ethics committee in Chichester.  He was not aware of one.  Mr. MacCleery agrees that there would have to be guidelines and feels the committee should be well structured.  Discussion ensued regarding a recent case in Peterborough.  Ms. Bogdan reported having done research on the formation of such a committee and offered the information to the Selectmen.  Mr. MacCleery stated that we have some ethics rules in our personnel policies.  Discussion ensued as to whether the employee policies applied to elected officials.  

French Hill Subdivision
Mr. Giuda addressed the Selectmen on behalf of Frank Merrill.  The owner would like to start putting in a connecting road and start some development on the portion that is not condominiums.  He feels if he starts development on these portions, since they do not include the section for condominiums, that the open space portion should not come out of current use.  There was discussion about a change in the law regarding condominiums.  Ms. Tanner will consult with Mr. Pike and our assessor for clarification.

Other Business

Morse Water System: The Selectmen’s Office received an inquiry from the Estate of Robert Morse as to whether the Town will continue to maintain the water system after the sale of the property.  The Health Inspector will test the water at this property as well as the other properties that the Town has maintained to see if they are still contaminated.  Mr. DeBold will check with the Recreation Commission to see if the park’s water needs testing as well. Ms. Tanner will check our records for any agreement with the homeowner.

Weathervane:  Mr. DeBold left a message with Terri Gagnon for an on-site meeting.   Mr. DeBold will follow-up.

Patten:  Mr. DeBold will follow-up.

Noonan: Holly MacCleery reported that the Noonans have appealed the decision of the ZBA and no action can be taken until the ZBA has met on the subject.  The meeting is scheduled for September 30th.

LaFleur: The homeowner left a message with Mr. MacCleery that the camper has been removed.  They also inquired as to the abatement process.  Mr. MacCleery will follow up with the homeowner.

Trash clean up: Mr. Jordan reports that an excavator is needed for the clean up.  Discussion ensued around whether or not to use Town equipment to clean up a homeowner’s property.  Mr. MacCleery and Mr. DeBold are in agreement that we should not use Town equipment for the clean up. Mr. Dever suggested that if we incurred any expenses for the clean up we might consider a property lien.  Mr. Houle wanted to be sure if we were going to proceed with a lien situation that we notify the homeowner first.  Mr. Jordan agreed.  Mr. Mayville will look into borrowing a machine at no cost to the Town.  

Letter from Trident Insurance: Ms. Tanner will contact Trident Insurance for a quote.

Main Street reclassification: Senator Jack Barnes will attend the Selectmen’s meeting on September 22nd to talk about this issue.

Fire Department: Pursuant to a Right to Know Request Mr. Vien provided the Selectmen with the mileage on a Fire Department vehicle and membership numbers. Mr. Vien will write a policy for the use of the Fire Department’s vehicles.

Zoning Complaint:  The Selectmen have received a zoning complaint regarding a residence on Connemara Drive.  The Selectmen’s Office will draft a letter.

Tiernan:  The Selectmen received a letter from Ms. Tiernan regarding the moisture and wetness on her property since the road connecting to Connemara Drive and its cistern were installed.  There was discussion as to whether this was a Town issue or a civil matter.  Mr. DeBold will follow up.

Highway: Mr. Plunkett will be ordering winter salt from Morton.  Mr. Plunkett addressed some issues that were asked at last weeks Selectmen’s meeting.  Mr. Holloran asked about the culverts on Cross Road.  Mr. Plunkett calculated one and found it was sufficient.  He will calculate other culverts.  The change of use issue for the property in question was discussed.  

Releasing of Non-Public minutes:  Ms. Tanner will contact counsel for the procedures involving the opening and releasing of non-public minutes.

Myers RV: The Conservation Easement was signed by the Selectmen

Depot Road: The form of agreement between owner and contractor on the basis of a stipulated price was signed by Chairman MacCleery.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $314,931.20

The minutes of September 1, 2009 were approved as written.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                          Approved as Written
Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold