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Selectmen Minutes 08/18/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 18, 2009

Members present:  Chairman Stephen MacCleery Sr., Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Nancy Tanner, Town Administrator, and Jamie Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Others Present:  Gil Vien, Jim Plunkett, Michelle Plunkett, Barbara Frangione, Bette Bogdan, John Dever, Alan Mayville, Walter Sanborn, Patrick Clarke, Thomas Houle, Lucille Noel

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads

Police Department:  Chief Clarke reported that the renovation project was at a standstill during his vacation.  The department has moved into the new space because of lack of air conditioning in the booking area.  The heat and smoke detectors still need to be installed along with a couple of doors.  Chief Clark also reported that in cooperation with Project 54, a grant program through UNH, the cruisers have been outfitted with the capability of checking plate and registration information without contacting dispatch.  Project 54 has previously installed voice activated sirens and lights in the cruisers.  The Town will be responsible for providing wireless aircards for each of the computers, and a reduction should also be seen in the cost of the County dispatch with the saved air time.

Mr. MacCleery thanked the Police Department for placing the speed trailer on Route 28 for Old Home Day, as it significantly slowed traffic down.

Regarding the current cell phones provided, Chief Clarke was asked if he was having any issues with the phones as problems had been reported by the other departments.  Chief Clarke reported that the phones did not operate as well as the phones that were demonstrated.  Primary problem is the lack of service availability.  Ms. Tanner shall contact the representative to set up a meeting with the department heads to determine if anything can be done to rectify these and previously stated issues.

Building Inspector:  Mr. Dever reported that there are currently 8 homes under construction, 3 new homes are in the works and there are 19 single-family building permits available.  Year to date there have been 25 building permits issued for various projects.  

Historical Society:  Ms. Frangione asked about the status of the tank replacement.  Ms. Frangione was informed that the tank has been scheduled to be removed on Monday August 24th.  Ms. Noel reported that the no motorcycle parking sign has been installed and patrons are obliging the request.

Road Agent:  Mr. Plunkett reported that Kelleyís Corner Road had been paved.  The project came in under budget by approximately $1500 due to extra shimming that had been completed by the highway crew.  

The 2009/10 salt price has been set at $54.00/ton and to be provided by Granite State Minerals.

Mr. Plunkett reported that he has been spreading calcium chloride on all the dirt roads for dust control.  The south-end of town has been completed and will get the north-end of town done in the coming week.  

Mr. Plunkett has viewed the Davis property on Horse Corner Road.  The current plan is to dig a swale to dissuade the drainage problem.  DES has been contacted to see if any permits are needed.

Three of the five applicants have been interviewed with two left to be scheduled.  Mr. Plunkett also reported that he working on the winter sand spec and that currently he does not plan to hire any plow contractors for the upcoming season.

Mr. MacCleery brought forward the previously stated issues from Mr. Mayville; regarding these issues, Mr. Plunkett reported that the Chipper is not stored on top of a pile of salt, but is in the same building parked behind the one-ton truck.  The spilled material on Route 28 was caused by the tailgate on the truck not being properly secured, and the respective employees have been talked to about maintenance outside of Town bounds.

Mr. Plunkett also reported that there were some culverts missing from the Highway shed.  Mr. Pike shall contact the insurance company to determine if theft is covered.

Fire Warden:  No report.

Library:  Ms. Noel reported that the summer reading program is coming to an end with a play at the School.  The childrenís section has been reorganized to make the area more kid friendly.  Mr. Weir has volunteered to do the plans for the downstairs renovation that is currently scheduled for 2015.  

Fire Department:  Chief Vien reported that he has spoken with Town Counsel regarding the copier at the station.  It was stated that without a copy of the contract, Mr. Mayer would not be able to pursue avenues for removal.  Chief Vien has attempted to contact the leasing company again and was able to reach the sales department and left a message.  It was also reported that there has been no subsequent roof leaks following the repairs made.

Other Business

Weathervane:  Mr. DeBold has contacted the original complainant regarding the lighting issue.  He has asked Mr. Daly to report back to him his concerns, if any, over the adjusted lighting.

Patten:  Mr. DeBold has contacted the Pattenís regarding the excess unregistered motor vehicles upon their property.  He is awaiting a return call.

Cannons (at Town Center):  The Board would like to thank Mr. Cliff Vien for his time and efforts in repairing the two cannons at the Town Center.

Trash Clean-up (42 Main Street): Mr. Jordan asked Mr. Mayville if he was still available to help remove the trash located 42 Main Street.  Mr. Mayville offered his assistance, as well as offering the use of his dumpster for future use of the homeowner.

Grange Use Policy:  Mr. Pike prepared a revised Grange Hall Use Policy along with an application and waiver of liability and indemnification acknowledgement.  This policy included those requirements set by the Board at a previous meeting to include the provision for a $100.00 security deposit for the use of hall.  A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the policy and application as presented.  Motion passes.

Mike Cwikla; Zoning Complaint; Map 2 Lot 81
Mr. Cwikla was present this evening to bring forward a few issues he has noted at the Chucksterís facility on Bailey Road.  He has on occasion seen many vehicles parked along Bailey Road.  On one occasion he called the Police Department about the parking, and soon after the cars were removed.  He alleged that the Police Department called Chucksterís to have the vehicles removed.  Mr. Cwikla wanted to know if the ìNo Parkingî signs were enforceable or if they were just a deterrent.  The Board shall ask the PD how the situation was handled and will encourage and suggest that the PD patrol the area.  Mr. Cwikla also brought forward a concern over the operating hours of the facility.  He has previously called Mr. Jordan on 2 occasions regarding excess noise from workers during late evening hours.  On one of these occasions, the Police were also called and it was reported that the workers would be leaving in 15 minutes but remained for over 2 hours.  A primary question is whether the facility can accept new customers until their permitted hours and allow them to remain or if the facility was to be shut down at the permitted hour.  It has been noted that the racetrack has been open as late as 11:38pm.  The Board shall draft an enforcement letter.

Non-public session
Present: Building Inspector John Dever III

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a), a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session regarding the compensation of an employee.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery ñ Yea, Jordan ñYea, DeBold ñ Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 III, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery ñ Yea, Jordan ñ Yea, DeBold ñ Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session at 8:28pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery ñ Yea, Jordan ñ Yea, DeBold ñ Yea.  Motion passes.

Other Business

Policy Development:
Ms. Tanner reported that she is currently working on the vacation policy to make modifications with respect to the payout of vacation time upon the release of an employee.  The Board would like the vacation time earned on a monthly accrued basis.

Mr. MacCleery provided Ms. Tanner with sample credit card policies.  A credit card policy is one that is required to be compliant with GASB 34.

Health Officer:
Mr. DeBold reported that he has spoke with Louise Hannan regarding the position of Health Officer.  Ms. Hannan stated that she has seen a progression since ì9/11î that towns have looked at the Health Officer in a different light and are trending toward public education and awareness.  Mr. DeBold also reported that the there is approximately a 50/50 split in the towns that have moved toward this new scope versus those town maintaining a reactive scope of duties.  Representative Sally Kelly was present at the request of Ms. Bogdan.  Ms. Kelly spoke on bills that had been previously introduced to expand the roles and responsibilities of Health Officers.  These bills have been voted as inexpedient to legislate.   The Board tabled the discussion until August 25,2009.

Water Well Board; Aqua Specialties
The Board has received correspondence from the State Water Well Board regarding a complaint that was previously filed against Aqua Specialties.  The Water Well Board found that the complaint was unwarranted and invalid.  The work performed by Aqua Specialties was legitimate and the company deserves to be paid.  The complaint was dismissed.

MS-4 Preparation:  Ms. Tanner reported that she had been working on the preparation of the MS-4 Estimated revenues.  This form will be presented to the Board at the next meeting for approval.

The Board discussed the possibility of preparing an RFP for Auditing Services for the 2009 Fiscal Year.

Historical Society:  Ms. Frangione reported that a complaint had been received concerning the amount of poison ivy present at the Depot Street bridge.  Mr. DeBold shall bring this forward to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $22,830.13.

The minutes of August 11, 2009 were approved as written.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Approved as written
Jamie A Pike

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold