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Selectmen Minutes 06/30/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 30, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Selectman DeBold was on vacation.

Others present: Allen Mayville, Barbara Frangione, Michelle Plunkett, Lucille Noel, Bernie Reinhardt, Richard Holloran, Master Caleb Stock and Chuck Scheys

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Department Heads
Present: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, Jim Plunkett; Road Agent, Gilbert Vien; Fire Chief, John Martell; Emergency Management Director, John Dever; Building Inspector and Stephen Stock; Forest Fire Warden

EMD - Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

PD - Chief Clarke reported the new cruiser has arrived and is being outfitted.  Disposition of the 2004 Crown Victoria was discussed.  The vehicle will be advertised for sale by sealed bids first.  Should that not be successful, the '04' cruiser will be taken to State Surplus to sell there.

The sheetrock has been installed at the station thanks to Tim Baker and his crew.  The renovations are really starting to take shape, changing the entire appearance of the department.

BI - Mr. Dever is staying busy, purging files and attending to area inspections. Mr. Scheys has secured the cost for his building project proposal that being the final piece of information needed prior to submitting the Hazard Mitigation Application to the State.

Mr. Dever thanked outgoing Administrator Lisa Stevens for all her help getting established in his new position.
Mr. Reinhardt asked the status of the emergency lighting replacements at the Community Building. Mr. Dever is checking pricing.

HYW - Mr. Plunkett reported receipt of the State Driveway Permit for the Community Building parking lot resurfacing.  The excavator is still awaiting brake parts; Jim may rent a machine for a couple weeks, after he returns from vacation the week after next.

The town portion of the road leading to the bed and breakfast on Horse Corner Road has been crack sealed by the owner.  Jim has spoken to the owner regarding interest in taking over this portion of the road from the town.  Jim has also contacted Mr. Giuda regarding the town portion of Berry Road.

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BOS Minutes
June 30, 2009

Jim has asked CLD to pursue pricing of an alternate to a com span such as the walkway installed at Chucksters connecting to their go kart track.  This arch has an H 20 rating for weight load, with concrete footings that sit atop frost walls.  The cost of the Chucksters walkway was just over $20,000 for an 11.5 x 23 foot long bridge.  The cost savings may be significant on the Perry Brook, Hilliard & Swiggey Brook Road project.

Jim reported pricing quotes for paving shim and overlay 666 ft of Kelley's Corner Road with a 7" base; Advanced - $12,000; Capital - $15,500; Sam Cooper & Son - $15,900
Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the quote from Advanced Paving in the amount of $12,000.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Jim has met with the Epsom and Deerfield Road Agents and discussed equipment sharing options for the three towns.

To date, Jim has received no response from resident Davis regarding the drainage problem on Horse Corner Road.  Selectman Jordan offered to meet with the homeowner to discuss options to redirect the drainage away from the road.

Jim reported he has let one of his part-time help go for not showing up for work and discussed how the Board wished to handle the hiring of a new full-time replacement.  The Board cited the process to be followed is to advertise in the local newspapers and interview candidates with the Board and Road Agent collaboratively.  Selectman Jordan would like to see the candidate start on a part time probationary period and then moved to a full time position.

Jim submitted $101.80 in scrap metal revenue.  

Chairman MacCleery asked for clarification that the department has been stripping the GMC truck and what appears to be converting it to a plow truck.  Chairman MacCleery did not recall the Board being notified of which way Jim had decided to go with the truck.

Jim stated that yes the truck was being converted for little money.  He picked up a flat bed for free from L & K and plans to use the truck as a utility vehicle for the winter, it will not be a dump truck, Jim is using everything of the blue International that he can.  

Chairman MacCleery suggested that now was not too early to think about snow plow contracts.  Jim stated he has started preparing for the winter season and has put a call in to the State regarding the salt contract.  

Lisa inquired as to the status of the potable water tank.  Mr. Plunkett is going to keep the tank and utilize it on the retrofitted flat bed.  Jim will notify Mr. Mara of his decision to keep the tank.

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BOS minutes
June 30, 2009

FFW - Warden Stock, on behalf of all the wardens, thanked Lisa for her assistance to his department.

Library - Trustee Noel reported that the summer reading program kickoff event realized sixty participants.  The trustees has chosen NH author Donald Hall for Chichester reads.  The overdue books list is being actively worked on, the trustees are putting together a list for new computer needs, wishing to designate a computer exclusively for collections and perhaps an additional computer for public use.  The library has obtained free passes for families to visit the NH Farm Museum.  

FD - Chief Vien reported the new rooftop furnace unit has been installed with no leaks presenting at this point in time.  Upon returning from vacation, the Chief will begin the ceiling repairs.

Road Agent Plunkett asked for the Boards opinion of using prison labor for some of the road maintenance projects.  The Board thought this favorable.  Mr. Plunkett will pursue for details.  

Chairman MacCleery stated his rationale for questions he brings forward during Selectmen's meetings.  The Chairman stated he tries to be very careful to not be perceived as one selectman acting independently and that by asking in a public meeting, the questions get recorded in the minutes, it is not the Chairman's intention to pick on anyone.  

At this time the Chairman announced that this was the last meeting with Administrator Stevens and the entire body stood for a round of applause.


Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the proposal for the fuel tank replacement at the Community Building from Spencer Brothers, in the amount of $1595.00 and further to authorize this expenditure from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve fund.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Mr. Charles Scheys submitted his completed grant application for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Funds to modify the footprint of his residence to prevent further flooding disasters. The town must submit the application on behalf of the resident. Chairman MacCleery moved to submit the FEMA Grant Application on behalf of Chuck & Frankie Scheys.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries. Chairman MacCleery signed the application for submission to the State.  The Schey's have committed to funding the thirty percent matching fund requirement.  The Board must draft a payment agreement should the grant be awarded.

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BOS minutes
June 30, 2009  

The Board reviewed the changes to the Fraud Policy.  Selectman Jordan moved to adopt the Fraud Policy as written.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery opened the one bid received for the concrete repair work on the Depot Street Bridge.  The bid received from Cold River Bridges was in the amount of $68,755.  This price includes the $500.00 allowance for quality control testing.

Chairman MacCleery moved to reject the bid from Cold River Bridges due to the fact that the amount of the bid was more than the town had appropriated for the project.  Lisa was directed to contact CLD Engineering representative, Rob Picard and have the project re-bid.

The Board discussed possible candidates to sit on the Town Administrator Selection Committee.  Mr. Ellis is out of town and not able to participate.  Selectman Jordan brought forward resident Marlene Hammond.  Chairman MacCleery moved to appoint Marlene Hammond to the TA Selection Committee.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Lisa has obtained a sampling of interview questions from the Local Government Center.  The Board agreed to start the meeting next week at 6:30pm to discuss the interview format.

Ms. Noel inquired how the Board got down to seven candidates from the twenty-five applications.  Chairman MacCleery explained that candidates currently making more of a salary than Chichester has budgeted were removed from consideration along with several candidates not displaying any municipal experience.

Abatements - Denials
Chairman MacCleery moved to deny the abatement application from Chronis, map 4, lot 155-B, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to deny the abatement application from Gulo, map 2, lot 51-13, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Selectman Jordan moved to deny the abatement application from MacCleery, Russell, map 8, lot 35, based on the recommendation of assessor Murdough.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

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BOS minutes
June 30, 2009

Selectman Jordan was not in favor of denying the abatement application from Nyhan.  Lisa was directed to have the assessor review the property once again.  The homeowner will be notified of the delay.

Abatements - Granted
Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from McKenzie, map 9, lot 8, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $122,900 in assessed value and refund $2,624.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Selectman Jordan moved to grant the abatement application from MacCleery, Russell, map 8, lot 34-1, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $20,000 in assessed value and refund $131.04 plus interest.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from Barker, map 4, lot 132, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $59,400 in assessed value and refund $1,268.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from Trotter, map 4, lot 79, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $12,600 in assessed value and refund $250.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from Scheys, map 5, lot 70, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $10,600 in assessed value and refund $227.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from Cassavaugh-Brown, map 7, lot 35-3, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $12,100 in assessed value and refund $258.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery moved to grant the abatement application from Philbrook, map 5, lot 27-A-2, based on the recommendation from assessor Murdough and abate the amount of $19,200 in assessed value and refund $410.00 plus interest.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion; both were in favor, motion carries.

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BOS minutes
June 30, 2009

The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $ 66,046.74

The minutes of June 23, 2009 were approved as written.

The Board discussed how to operate in the absence of an administrator.  Lisa was directed to contact the IT coordinator to forward all of Lisa's and the Selectmen's emails to Chairman MacCleery's home email address for the interim.  Lisa was directed to discuss the daily tasks with Mr. Pike for coverage of those and to assist the Board with minute taking during the weekly meetings.  Lisa will participate during the hiring process of the new administrator.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:10pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Approved As Corrected

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold