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Selectmen Minutes 06/02/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 2, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Allen Mayville, Tom Houle, Bette Bogdan, Richard Holloran, Barbara Frangione, Lucille Noel, Joyce Vien and Michelle Plunkett

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Department Heads
Present: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, John Martell; Emergency Management Director, John Dever; Building Inspector, Gilbert Vien; Fire Chief, and Jim Plunkett; Road Agent

Library - Trustee, Lucille Noel reported that repairs are being done to some minor cracks in the walls of the foundation and patching around the pipe lines.  The Centennial plans continue to move forward with the goal of burying a time capsule.  Summer programming is in full gear.  As a result of a recent safety inspection, the trustees have ordered reflective exit markers and plan to add lighted emergency lights over the inside of the front door.  

PD - Chief Clarke reported use of the traffic trailer and notified the Board that a sobriety checkpoint will be taking place in the near future.

Chief Clarke has followed up with Fish & Game regarding an inquiry of a large quantity of dead fish around the dam in Deer Meadow Pond.  According to Fish & Game, this is a natural occurrence when baby sunfish attempt to leave the nest in late spring.  No other fish species seem to be effected in the pond, at this time it appears to be a natural situation and not as a result of contaminated water.

The Chief is plugging away with the renovations, the demolition of the existing office space is just about complete.  Allen Mayville and David Kenneally continue to help with block work.  Chief Vien held a training exercise for the fire department members in the office space which greatly assisted the removal of the sheetrock.  The Chief is planning on holding an open house for the community once renovations are complete to show what can be accomplished with all volunteer help.

BI - Mr. Dever reported that things are moving along, the word is starting to spread that electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits are required by law and Chichester is no exception to that law.  Mr. Dever, in thinking long term, informed the Board of his opportunity to travel to Germany for about a month during the Christmas holiday and stated that he could arrange for backup help if desired.  The Board will discuss how they would like the absence handled.

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BOS minutes
June 2, 2009

EMD - Mr. Martell has received an update from Lisa regarding the Schey property mitigation project.  John will coordinate a meeting with Lisa to work on the grant application.  

HWY- Mr. Plunkett reported that he sent correspondence to owner Davis regarding the pond and drainage issue on Horse Corner Road.  Jim has the Salt Procurement Letter ready to go to the State.  The replacement truck body is almost ready to go.  As a result of conversation with a contractor regarding the upcoming paving project at the Community Building, Jim has learned that the town must get a driveway and an excavation permit from NHDOT. These permits must be in place prior to any work commencing.

Jim and the Road Advisory Committee have met and compiled documentation for six or seven road projects to be submitted to the CIP committee.

Jim reported that worker Blackey is out sick due to emergency surgery to remove his appendix.  

Jim reported that the status of the mowing project is halfway, the rental is through Saturday, and if there is time he would like to work on the brush around Carpenter Park.  Selectman DeBold offered to coordinate a time when they could meet at the park.

The memo from Paul Adams was discussed.  Mr. Adams would like the town to give advance notice of when roadside mowing will be taking place to allow the residents to remove or shield their roadside plantings.  Jim stated that Mr. Adams had thrown chicken wire and metal fence posts in the right of way in front of his property and that Jim had advised his crew to just bypass that residence to safeguard against injury or damage to the rented equipment.  Jim is not aware of destroying the property marker noted in Mr. Adams memo but will take a look around that area.  Jim stated that the crew is only mowing the right of way which is town property.

The under drain work has started on Kelly Corner Road.  Thursday morning has been scheduled for tree removal, the two on Horse Corner Road and one on Smith Sanborn Road.  Jim will be meeting on Monday, June 8th with representatives from CLD Engineering to discuss the Perry Brook, Swiggey Brook and Hilliard Road project.

 Selectman DeBold asked for follow-up regarding the Road Project Submission Form.  Jim indicated that he and the RAC as using that as a guide only and are only addressing the front side of the form together with the Cost Input Form that was created by the CIP.  

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BOS minutes
June 2, 2009

Selectman DeBold shared information he received from speaking with NHDOT District #5 regarding references made in correspondence to the town regarding Main Street.  The letter indicated that the Town could proceed with legislative action to return that road to a class 5 town road and that the State would assist with repairs and resurfacing which would entail a complete overlay of the road and repairs to any broken pipe along the way.  Selectman Jordan has offered to speak with Senator Barnes on the town's behalf and has a call into the senator.  Jim suggested the town consider that same request for the state portion of Canterbury Road.  Concerns raised for Main Street were the narrow bridge and culvert near the school.  Selectman DeBold asked the group to think of Chichester in twenty years, what we want the Main Street area to be designated and whether or not we want to take back the road and prevent through trucks.  

The Board discussed the request from the Welfare Coordinator, for town equipment to be used on private property to assist an applicant in town currently without water.  The Board was not in favor of allowing the town equipment to be used in this manner, citing their concern for liability.  Any costs incurred, can by law, be recouped to the town through the lien process.   

FD - Chief Vien reported that things are going pretty good.  The furnace replacement work has begun.  A new base will have to be constructed for the unit. Chief Vien informed the Board that he will be on vacation July 2 - 7/12.

The condition of the Safety Building roof was discussed. Gil stated that he has spoken with Jim Kelso, the gentleman who shingled the roof in 1995 and was informed that the shingles used were fifteen year shingles.  The new furnace installation may take care of the current problem but this project should be considered for inclusion in the CIP, perhaps combining with the 2011 replacements scheduled for the Library and Community Building.  

SNC - Barbara Frangione reported that she has been elected Chairperson; the committee is working on a questionnaire for the departments to indentify their space needs.  The committee will be meting on the second Monday of the month, at the Safety Building, next meeting scheduled for 7,13,2009.  

Subject: Public Hearing to accept and or expend FEMA funds- $24,502.91
Chairman MacCleery moved to open the Public Hearing at 7:40pm.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried. Chairman MacCleery stated the purpose of the Public Hearing was to accept and or expend the revenue received from FEMA for costs incurred during the December 2008 Ice Storm.

Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the amount of $24, 502.91 from the State of New Hampshire.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

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June 2, 2009

The reimbursement is a combination of highway and fire department expenses.  Chief Vien requested the Board expend enough of the funds to cover the payroll costs incurred by his department.  Chief Vien requested time to go home and retrieve the appropriate paperwork detailing the amount of those costs.  Chairman MacCleery moved to recess the Public Hearing until later this evening when the Fire Chief returned.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Subject:  Assessing Practices/Revaluation
Present: David Hynes; Department of Revenue, Community Liaison
The Board was interested in the Department of Revenue's recommendation for the most cost effective revaluation procedure for the Town of Chichester.

Mr. Hynes outlined general assessing procedures that the town currently follows and indicated that perhaps a cost savings could be realized if several neighboring town contracted with the same vendor.  

As far as updating values, per the US Constitution, all property must be valued anew once in every five year period. The State of New Hampshire also requires Assessment Review, once in every five year cycle.  The town has just completed a value update in 2008, which included all parcels being measured and listed through the data verification process, referred to as a Cyclical Revaluation.  The data for the town is very clean, with only 1400 parcels; to continue with cyclical revaluations doesn't make sense in Mr. Hynes's opinion. The town does not need to spend that money.  The town contracts out through general assessing for annual pickups of new construction (building permits) and review of sales.  A town of this size would benefit from a contractor performing the work in one shot, two to three months of work all at one time.  Or, should the data appear to remain clean enough without any disparities showing up in the statistical data, data verification (measuring and listing of each parcel) may not be necessary for an additional five years beyond this next cycle of 2013.  This would be a tremendous cost savings to the town as only the sales review and statistical data would need to be compiled.   Whichever process the Board decides upon, Mr. Hynes stressed that the DRA advises all towns to have a separate contract for general assessing work and a separate contract for revaluation work.  The town can remain with the assessor contracted for the general assessing and employ a separate revaluation company to perform the revaluation work.  

The Board asked Mr. Hynes's opinion of the assessing cooperative operating in the town of New London, Sunapee and Newbury.  Mr. Hynes stated that the towns have not seen any reduction in assessing costs per say but have seen a reduced amount of overlay, a savings on legal fees associated with a reduction in appeals and a real consistency between the staffing and methodology of establishing value.

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BOS minutes
June 2, 2009

Subject: Public Hearing - FEMA funds

Chairman MacCleery moved to reopen the Public Hearing at 8:20pm.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.  The correct figure for reimbursement to the fire department payroll was discussed.  Chairman MacCleery moved to expend $4,288.50 for the FEMA reimbursement for the purpose of fire department payroll expenses incurred during the December 2008 Ice Storm.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried. Chairman MacCleery moved to close the Public Hearing at 8:25pm.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.


Chairman MacCleery informed the Board members of a call he had received regarding a rancid smell coming from 47 King Road.  Acting as Deputy Health Officer, Chairman MacCleery made a site visit to the property and viewed two decaying goat carcasses. Lisa has spoken to the State and researched the applicable laws.  The State has recommended that the Health Officer(s) contact the property owner and seek permission to return to the property and make a full investigation and determine how best to remove or bury the animal remains.  Chairman MacCleery proceeded to the Administrator's office and called the property owner, now residing out of state.

When Chairman MacCleery returned to the meeting, he informed the Board that the property owner was aware of the situation and this has become a police matter.  The property owner gave verbal permission to the town but cautioned that the town not destroy or bury any evidence.  Lisa was directed to follow-up with the State for the next step.

The Board extended their condolences to the Potter family on the passing of former Selectman Duane P. Potter.  Flowers have been sent.

Selectman Jordan, with Selectman DeBold as backup, will represent the town at the mediation hearing for the Levitina case.  Lisa will notify counsel.

Selectman DeBold as yet, has not confirmed the removal of unregistered vehicles at the Patten residence.

Selectman Jordan moved to accept the Seat Belt Policy as written.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to appoint the following residents as members of the Space Needs Committee; Leslie Ari, Barbara Frangione, Gilbert Vien, Patrick Clarke, Lucille Noel, Bette Bogdan, Stephen MacCleery, Mike Paveglio, Brandon Giuda and Selectman representative, Richard DeBold.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

The Board discussed the sample Fraud Policies and agreed upon the sample from the City of Dover.  Lisa will draft for approval next week. Selectman DeBold has not had the opportunity to review the sample Credit Card Policies as he concentrated on what he called the more global issue of fraud. Further discussion of Credit Card Policies was tabled for this week.

The Board opened the paving bids for the Community Building parking lot.  CLD Paving - $5387.00; Kruger Construction - $5775.00; Paving by Sam Cooper & Son - $3950.00;
Advanced Paving - $7525.00; Capital City - $4750.00; and Young's Paving - $3790.00
Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the bid from Sam Cooper & Son due to the additional work stated to saw cut the pavement edge.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

The Board discussed the outstanding request by the Parks and Recreation Commission to withdraw and expend $25,000 from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of preliminary topographic surveying, wetlands delineation and the drafting of a base plan.  Discussed was Chairman MacCleery's preference to only spend the initial $14,000 - $15,000 at this time and have the commission apply for grants for the remaining engineering portion.  Chairman MacCleery moved to authorize the withdrawal of up to $15,000 from the Parks and Recreation Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of preliminary topographic surveying, wetlands delineation and the developing of a base plan for Carpenter Park.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

The Board discussed the Town Clerk/Tax Collector office expansion proposal submitted by the Administrator.  Chairman MacCleery stated that this was discussed at the Space Needs meeting last evening and that he had asked the Fire Chief what the room capacity would be in the conference room should the expansion take place.  Chief Vien state the assembly permit would stay the same at fifteen people maximum in that room.  
Chairman MacCleery moved to proceed with the expansion proposal, as amended to remain a meeting room for small groups and selectmen's meetings and further to authorize expenditures up to $750.00 from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund for that purpose. Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Barbara Frangione requested on behalf of the Historical Society, storage use of the attic in the Grange for acquisition items obtained by the society.  The Board agreed to the request.

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BOS minutes
June 2, 2009

The audience brought to the Board's attention, dead trees along the State portion of Canterbury Road and along Main Street.  Removal of these is the responsibility of the State.

The Board reviewed the Notice of Violation for the Luksza property which led to a discussion of how the complaint came about and who was responsible for filing the complaint.  It was clarified that the issue was brought as a concern through telephone calls to the office and Chairman MacCleery from an abutter as well as a neighbor emailing the board through the town's website.  The Board stated they are obligated to follow-up when concerns are brought to their attention.  No written zoning complaint has been received in this matter.  The Board investigated the activity brought to their attention and is questioning that the property is operating as a commercial business without proper approval from the Planning Board.  Selectman Jordan abstained from signing the letter.

Allen Mayville and Selectman DeBold offered to assist Selectman Jordan with the trash removal project.  

Selectman Jordan reported that a tentative date of June 20th has been set for the final perambulation walk with Selectman Vien of Pittsfield.

The minutes of May 26, 2009, were approved as written.

The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $24,458.15.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:40pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                    6/10/09

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold