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Selectmen Minutes 04/21/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 21, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Richard Halloran, Barbara Frangione, Tom Houle, Michelle Plunkett, Bette Bogdan, Allen & Cindy Mayville, Kristina Cole, Mike Paveglio, Paul Twomey, Lucille Noel, and Jon Martell

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Department Heads
Present: Gil Vien, Fire Chief; Pat Clarke, Police Chief, John Dever, Building Inspector; Stephen Stock, Forest Warden; and Jim Plunkett, Road Agent  

PD -Chief Clarke reported that sheetrock is being hung in the booking room and bathroom areas of the renovation project.

The plan is to move out into the one bay and operate out of their while the office area is renovated.

Chief Clarke informed the Selectmen he will be on vacation the week of May 14, 2009.

BI -Mr. Dever reported he has issued his first demolition permit, has finalized the Commercial Occupancy Permit for the Boards review, intending this to be the final version.

Chairman MacCleery informed Mr. Dever that the sign permit issued to Mr. Luksza was in error and suggested Mr. Dever first confirm such matters with the Planning Board to prevent this from happening in the future.  The Board will discuss how to remedy later this evening.

HYW -Mr. Plunkett reported he has spoken to the representative from Michie Corporation regarding the box culvert problem with the wing walls coming forward on Center Road.  Michie will take care of this repair this summer.

Jim recapped the meeting he attended at the State level regarding participation in the States bid for Winter Salt.  If the town can purchase and store no later than November 1st, a cost savings of $5 per ton can be realized. Capacity of the salt shed is needed. The State vendor is selling at $61/ton, the same cost as last year.

Paperwork has been corrected for reimbursement of FEMA funds for the December ë08í Ice Storm.  It is anticipated that the town will receive $23,000.  

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BOS minutes
April 21, 2009

Jim will be attending training for the Rte 28 corridor project on April 27 & 28.

The stop sign on Granny Howe Road has been removed.  The International Dump Truck has been repaired.  Pembroke Sand & Gravel will take the old Community Building parking lot asphalt, estimated at 25 tons, for no cost, if we haul.

Chairman MacCleery stated he had received a call from a Durgin Road resident complaining that the road had been left in rough condition.  Jim explained that while grading Durgin and Back Roads, the crew had to stop due to rainy weather.

Chairman MacCleery noted that the rain cap was broken and the back lights were not working on the grader.  The Road Agent was aware of this and will take care of repair.  There is a working warning beacon on the top back, they may be all that is required for a vehicle of this nature.

Selectman DeBold commented that he had driven Ferrin and Durgin Road today and in his opinion they looked good, were a huge improvement over what they were.

A pillar is cracked and in need of mortar on Blackman Bridge.  The Board advised Mr. Plunkett to speak to the Blackmans prior to repairing.

The department is almost through with chipping debris as a cause of the ice storm.

A drainage problem persists at the corner of Lovers Lane and Smith Sanborn.  The department will be addressing again at the end of the week.  The utility companies will be trimming on Kelly Corner, Pleasant, Swiggey Brook, Hilliard and Webster Mills.  

Chairman MacCleery informed the Road Agent that the Board had received opinion from counsel that discussion of questions raised regarding Mr. Plunkettís work history, could be discussed in non-public session.  

FD - Frank Merrill, who now owns the old Phelps property on Cross Road, has offered the department storage of the forestry vehicles during the police department renovations.  This will afford the police use of both basement bays.  

The Chief has not had an opportunity to discuss the offer with Matt Cole for the Arc Air Unit.  

The Chief has inspected the woodstove at the Pinckney residence.  Everything is in order.  The chimney had been inspected six months ago by a chimney company but not the stove.  The basement is a walkout basement.

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April 21, 2009

Selectman DeBold has drafted a bid for the rooftop furnace replacement and asked the Fire and Police Chief for their input.

FFW -The McAnney field was burned with the assistance of the fire department.
The Warden has not issued a ban on burning.  The Warden submitted and discussed a memo outlining burn permitting procedure/fire class day, to clear any miscommunication being given by the department or the town staff.

Library - Lucille Noel wished to acknowledge Jim and Gil for their work on repairing the retaining wall and supplying a dump truck on Saturday for the library grounds clean-up.  

Lucille also informed the Selectmen that 7 Siding, the contractor that replaced the siding on the Community Building last year graciously repaired the broken siding on the library at no charge.  

The bathroom renovation is underway.  Plumber Bob Gagne should have the project complete by weeks end.  The library will have hot running water for the first time.  

Chief Clarke stated he thought the bid proposal for the rooftop furnace was acceptable and also mentioned he received a call from Jaan Luikmil regarding the Old Home Day yard sale to take place at Carpenter Park, specifically potential parking problems.  Pat suggested the CYA folks be allowed to park at the shed, Jaan will contact Jim to discuss details.

Jim stated he has received one bid to date regarding cost of materials.  This was from Concord Sand & Gravel.  Jim asked for quotes for 200 tons instead of 2000.  The Board did not deem this a problem.

At this time, Chairman MacCleery asked the Road Agent if he wished to have his discussion with the Board in non-public session.  Mr. Plunkett requested the session be held in non-public.

Chairman MacCleery moved and Selectman Jordan seconded, to enter into non-public session at 7:40pm, pursuant to RSA 91: A-3, II, a & c, to discuss a personnel matter. DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Motion to seal the minutes for a period of five years moved by Chairman MacCleery, seconded by Selectman Jordan.  DeBold -yes; Jordan -yes; MacCleery -yes. All were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved and Selectman Jordan seconded, to return to public session at 7:55pm.  DeBold - yes; Jordan -yes; MacCleery -yes.

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BOS minutes
April 21, 2009

The Board was told and is satisfied with the explanation given by the Road Agent as to his employment history with Terra Flora.  During the time period of 1988 -11/1990, Mr. Plunkett was a supervisor/owner of the incorporated business.  During 12/1990 -3/1991, Mr. Plunkett remained in a supervisory role as the business operated as a DBA (doing business as).  From 4/1991 -10/1996, Mr. Plunkett was employed by Millican Nurseries in a supervisory capacity.  


The Board discussed the mistaken issuance of a sign permit for the Luksza residence.  The thirty day time frame to appeal to the Zoning Board has passed.  The Board directed Lisa to contact town counsel for method of recourse.   

Chairman MacCleery has looked into town zoning governing trash piles on private property and is of the opinion that it would apply either under the preamble or as an obnoxious use.  Trash comes under the definition of junk.  Selectman Jordan volunteered to spearhead a group of volunteers to assist this property owner with the trash removal.  Selectman DeBold brought up the concern for what would happen long term to correct this situation as the homeowner is not capable financially or physically to handle regular trash removal.

Chief Vien did not see any changes needed to the rooftop furnace proposal.  Selectman DeBold will prepare a clean copy and send out at weeks end to a minimum of six local HVAC contractors.  

Terry Gagnon, corporate contact from Weathervane Seafood Restaurant has informed Selectman DeBold that the parking lot light has been re-directed so as not to cause glare in the neighboring residence.  Selectman DeBold contacted the homeowners who stated there appears to be no difference.  Selectman DeBold will drive by the location this evening to make his own observation.

Selectman DeBold has spoken to Mrs. Patten regarding the status of the unregistered vehicles on her property on Staniels Road.  She was not sure of which vehicles were currently registered.  Mr. DeBold will follow-up with Mr. Patten.

Lisa stated that she had not written a letter to the CIP committee as directed because she felt that an open discussion with the committee would be a more effective way to communicate the Boardís concerns. Lisa also provided the Board with a copy of Chapter 6 of the Office of Energy and Planning (OEP) Planning Board Handbook which is dedicated to the role of a Capital Improvement Program Committee.  The Board will review during the week.  A meeting will be scheduled for April 28, 2009.

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April 21, 2009

Selectman DeBold was still concerned with the committee having the charge of saying what can or cannot be included in the CIP plan and gave the example of last yearís exclusion of the Towle/Mason Road opening that was proposed by the Road Agent and not included by the CIP committee.  Selectman DeBold requested the Administrator be authorized to contact town counsel for clarification.  The Board directed Lisa to contact town counsel.   

The Board reviewed a draft of the MOA agreement between the School Board and the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding management/improvements of the field at Carpenter Park.

Chairman MacCleery recommended to add the wording ëor approved site planí to the Commercial Occupancy Permit.

Chairman MacCleery stated for clarification that he has confirmed that a municipality is exempt from the two hour minimum call out pay pursuant to RSA 275:43-a.  The Board was not opposed to paying for an hourly employeeís time for attending meetings but was no longer going to pay a two hour minimum. Chairman MacCleery explained to the Road Agent that the Board prefers the Road Agent consider this time in the calculation of his regular forty hours and that it not be accumulated to result in overtime at the end of the week.

The Board directed Lisa to contact the Road Advisory Committee members that she was aware of and invite them to a joint meeting with the CIP committee on May 4th.

The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.  The Board directed Lisa to advertise the sale of the used food pantry cabinets on the website and accept a nominal donation for them.

Ms. McIntosh will not be continuing on the Planning Board.  The Board directed Lisa to send a letter thanking her for her years of service.

The Board reviewed the draft procedure for filling vacancies.  Several edits were recommended.  Lisa will re-write and bring back to the Board.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The minutes of April 14, 2009, were approved as written.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.  

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April 21, 2009

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    Approved As Written  
Administrator                                                                 4/28/09

_________________________    ___________________   _____________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan                   Richard DeBold