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Selectmen Minutes 02/10/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 10, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: CIP vacancy
PRESENT: Brian Boyer

Mr. Boyer has expressed interest in joining the Capital Improvements Program Committee.  The Selectmen like to meet with the individuals to discuss what the expectations of the position are and what if any career experience the individual can bring to the position.  Mr. Boyer has a masterís degree in finance with more than fifteen years in the field of accounting, currently employed as the Regional Finance Director for the SMG Consortium that handles the operation of the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester. Mr. Boyer stated that in his experience he has learned that there is more than one way to do things and he hopes he has something to add to the process.  Chairman DeBold noted that Mr. Boyer has been involved in town and school meeting and cautioned Mr. Boyer to take time to study and learn the process of why things are done and how they are done, much as Mr. Boyer did with his research on the funding of Special Education.  Mr. Boyer commented that is how he always approaches things; you have to do your research.   Selectman Jordan commented that the position is a huge commitment.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to appoint Brian Boyer as a voting member on the Capital Improvement Program Committee.  All were in favor, motion passes.  

SUBJECT: Plunkett property
PRESENT: Jim Plunkett

Mr. Plunkett notified the Selectmen that he has spoken to Todd Hammond from the Chichester Youth Association and Chief Vien regarding the use of his pond for ice skating during the week of school vacation.  The fire department has agreed to pour water on the pond and Mr. Plunkett has cleared some of his field for parking so that no cars will be parked along the roadside. The property is classified under current use taxation with the recreational adjustment allowing for passive recreation to occur.


Chairman DeBold informed the other Board members of a proposal from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, to update the townís Impact Fee Schedule.  The town has been delinquent in updating this ordinance which was established in 2000 and has not had an update performed.  The zoning ordinance requires an annual update.  The Planning Board is proposing to spend $1500 from their professional fees line and is requesting the Selectmen fund the remaining $1500 of the $3000 cost proposal from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission.  The Board would like two additional costs due to the proposal amount.  Additionally the Board had two questions; what will next yearís cost be and is that amount going to be an annual cost.  

The Board received an offer of $50.00 for the additional equipment that was removed from the military vehicle (a tire carrier, sideboards with bench and a toolbox) from Paul Sanborn.  Chairman DeBold motioned to accept the offer of $50.00 from Paul Sanborn.  

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BOS minutes
February 10, 2009

Selectmen Jordan seconded the motion.  The vote was 2-1, motion carries.  Selectman MacCleery was not in favor of the offer because he was against the equipment not being put out for bid or brought to Whites Farm.

Lisa reported that the roof at the Safety Building has experienced leaking around the furnace unit again this winter.  Chairman DeBold had been notified by the Fire Chief as well.

Lisa reported she has reported the accident with the plow truck to the insurance company. The procedure for reimbursement in this incident is not clear as this is being reported after the fact and the truck has already been repaired.

Selectman MacCleery has reviewed the data comprised about the Town of Merrimackís highway budget and winter costs.  According to Steveís reading, Merrimack spends $150,000 for winter maintenance on 160 miles of road.   Selectman MacCleery would like to hear from the Road Agent why we spend so much more per mile than the Town of Merrimack does.

SUBJECT: proposed warrant articles- stonewall protection and Heritage Commission
PRESENT: Dick Pratt and Lucille Noel

Ms. Noel explained that the reasoning for the article which proposes to add an additional level of approval for removing or altering stonewalls that border town roads, came about after an article appeared in the Concord Monitor about vandals stealing stones from stonewalls.  The consensus of the Historical Society members is that a local ordinance increases the importance of protecting stonewalls that run along the town roads, protecting one of the towns resources and homeowners property rights and bringing awareness to the people that the walls are protected under the law, subject to a violation.  The Society believes that these stonewalls are important to the character and aesthetics of a place.  

 The Board discussed their concern of creating an ordinance that would require enforcement, investigation of complaints and possible attorney fees.  Discussion took place regarding this article may be premature on this years warrant because it may want to be included in the zoning ordinance and that time frame has passed for this years ballot but perhaps it could remain on the warrant as a non-binding resolution or referendum  item.  Selectmen Jordan stated his opinion was that this is just another thing that is chipping away at home ownerís rights.  Chairman DeBold stated this is a philosophical issue, the intention is a good one but we should proceed with caution.  Stan Brehm commented that this issue is a double edged sword, the ditching project is widening the road to todayís standards but it is also undermining the stone walls.  Lucille and Dick will discuss option with the other society members next week and let Lisa know of their decision. Should the article be left as submitted, the approval from the Planning Board would have to be deleted because the PB deals exclusively with zoning articles and has no authority over town ordinances.  

Heritage Commission ñ this came about after a presentation from Jen Goodman of the NH Preservation Alliance during a 20/20 forum.  This commission would be advisory not regulatory, with no adverse consequences should proper membership not be achieved.  This commission could establish a fund that could be used for matching grant funds.  Selectman Jordan raised concern about commission members going on homeowners properties without permission such as he experienced during the Historical Societyís work on their barn project.  This should not have been the case and the two apologized to Mr. Jordan for any inconvenience he or his mother had experienced.  Lucille shared handouts that described all activities related to a Heritage Commission.  

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BOS minutes
February 10, 2009

SUBJECT: Willow Hill Office Building
PRESENT: Stan Brehm

Mr. Brehm presented a proposal to sell his office building to the town for use as a town office facility.  The Selectmen stated that it was to late as this point to include on the warrant and that the overall needs for all departments need to be studied in depth prior to reaching a decision such as this.  The Board did agree to tour the building to discuss options at a later date.  

SUBJECT: Planning Board vacancy
PRESENT: Kevin Mara

Mr. Mara expressed interest in becoming involved with the Planning Board.  He explained that he has been through the process as a business owner himself twice and has attended a couple recent meetings.  Mr. Mara finds the process interesting and would like to get involved.  Selectman MacCleery motioned to appoint Mr. Mara as an alternate member of the Planning Board. Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carries.

Selectman MacCleery returned the census map still in need of correction.  Chairman DeBold will make the corrections and submit to the census bureau.

The minutes of February 3, 2009 were approved as corrected.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.   

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:55PM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                           2/17/09

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan