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Selectmen Minutes 11/10/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 10, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

The Selectmen were in attendance at the joint public hearing with the Conservation Commission from 7pm ñ 7:45pm.  Chairman DeBold reconvened the meeting for the Selectmen to conduct general business, downstairs in the Selectmenís conference room at 7:50pm.  

Others present: Karen Langley


The Board discussed the recommendation just voted by the Conservation Commission regarding the granting of permission for the NH Trail Dawgs Snowmobile Club to construct a trail that connects the Sanborn/Cray Conservation parcel and the town property known as the Shaw Fields to the existing trail #15.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to grant permission to the NH Trail Dawgs to cross the Sanborn/Cray easement, provided the conditions set by the Conservation Commission are met.  All were in favor, motion passes.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan that any usable cordwood cut, from the Sanborn/Cray parcel as a result of the new trail, is turned over to the town welfare department for use by those residents in need of fuel assistance.  All were in favor, motion passes.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, to grant the NH Trail Dawgs Snowmobile Club access across town property to connect to the existing trail #15 and further that the club meet with a representative from the Board of Selectmen together with a Conservation Commission member on site a t the Shaw Field to discuss the location of the trail.  All were in favor, motion passes.  

The Board discussed at length, the request from the Road Agent on behalf of the current contractor, to guarantee a minimum weekly standby fee of $500.00 during the upcoming plow season of November 1, 2008 ñ April 1, 2009.  Chairman DeBold has confirmed with the State that standby pay is paid by the State at a rate of ten (10) hours per pay period.  The State pays on a bi-weekly basis.   Chairman DeBold also contacted several area Road Agents and learned that no area town is paying standby pay at the local level yet.   Motion was made by Selectman Jordan, second Selectman MacCleery, to deny the request to pay a guaranteed standby rate of $500.00 per week for snowplow contractors for the time period of November 1, 2008 ñ April 1, 2009.  All were in favor, motion passes.   The hourly rate of $63.00 will stand again for this yearís plow contracts.

The Board reviewed the information put together by the Administrator regarding replacement for a part-time building inspector.  The Board will review at home and bring back their comments for discussion next week.

The Board reviewed a proposal from website host Virtual Town Hall for re-design of the website.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan to contract with Virtual Town Hall Holdings, LLC, for a full website re-design at a cost not to exceed $995.00 to afford the town enhanced navigation, cost to be funded from Cable Franchise Fees.  All were in favor, motion passes.

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BOS minutes
November 10, 2008

The Board discussed and clarified that the medical adjustment applied to eligible employees last year, would not affect the calculation of COLA going forward.

The Board reviewed the IT proposal spreadsheet prepared by the Administrator showing price/service comparisons.  The Boardís consensus was to not accept either proposal and to remain with the current vendor who has guaranteed no rate increase for the 2009 contract.  The Board would be interested should any department not be satisfied with the current service.  Departments were polled for their interest to be included in the proposal and no one at that time mentioned dissatisfaction with the current provider.

The Board reviewed the assessing proposal spreadsheet and requested the Administrator schedule interviews with the Board with three out of the five vendors; Murdough/McAllister, Commerford, Neider and Perkins; and Cross Country Appraisals.   

Lisa informed the Board that the copy machine is and will continue to exceed the number of copies contracted for under the current lease.  All boards and committees use this copier and the selectmenís budget picks up the expense.  A lot more copy work is being handled in house to save money with outside vendors along with the town clerk now producing monthly motor vehicle registration mailers and the annual voting ballots.  The Board discussed options, continue to pay the lease and overages or re-negotiate a new lease, with an additional cost over this present situation of $342.00 annually.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, contingent upon NEIP negotiating on the townís behalf, a new lease contract for a new copier as proposed on the letter dated November 7, 2008 with an annual payment of $3480.  All were in favor, motion passes.

Chairman DeBold, authorized representative for the town, signed the commitment letters to engage audit services for 2009 from current vendor Mason & Rich.  

The Board received an offer to purchase one of the used computers from Jamie Pike for $100.00.  The Board agreed to accept the offer for $100.00 from Mr. Pike.  

The Board signed a Notice of Violation letter to be served in hand by the police department to the Doucette property on Kelleyís Corner Road.  

The Board discussed the outstanding request from Warden Stock to replace the $500.00 hose expense in his operating budget.  The Board denied this request.

The Board directed the Administrator to remind employees to complete both sides of their timesheets every week.  Some inconsistencies are appearing from week to week.

The Board directed Lisa to follow-up with the Road Agent regarding the recent culvert work on Webster Mills Road and to remind the Road Agent that the Board is still looking for the report from CLD regarding the Depot Road bridge repair.  

Selectman MacCleery reported on his conversation with property owner Chagnon concerning a request for a gate to be placed at the end of Pound Road.

Selectman MacCleery reported he has been approached by a resident concerning procedures with the police department and has referred this matter to the Police Chief for follow-up.

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BOS minutes
November 10, 2008

Ms. Langley introduced herself to the Board and informed them she is now covering news of all kinds for the Town of Chichester.

Selectman MacCleery brought to the attention of the other Board members recent litigation in the Town of Tilton regarding sidewalks and sidewalk policies.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.   Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of October 28, 2008, with the following corrections to page 1;
Last paragraph- replace the word whole with hole; replace Horse Corner Road near the Loudon town line to ñ Staniels Road near the Pembroke town line.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:08pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Approved As Written                            11/18/2008

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan