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Selectmen Minutes 10/07/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 7, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Alan Mayville, Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Scheys

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: FEMA Mitigation  
PRESENT: Chuck & Frances Scheys
Mr. Scheys met with the Board to discuss his frustration with not being included in the process of the decision making of whether or not the town should apply for FEMA mitigation money for the water damage that has taken place at his residence, as a result of flooding, two years in a row, on Deer Meadow Road.  Mr. Scheys summarized his ongoing attempt with State and FEMA officials to seek a resolution that will prevent this type of flooding in the future.  To Mr. Scheys’ knowledge, the State has not made a decision, as stated to the Board by the Emergency Management Director at a previous meeting, nor is Mr. Scheys aware of any possible options to re-direct the water flow during heavy rains. Mr. Scheys has received no correspondence outlining any project or costs of such project.  A portion of the Scheys property is located in Epsom and both towns would need to participate in the mitigation process.  Mr. Scheys is confused by EMD, John Martell’s comments to the Board; he has not seen or heard from the State or a FEMA representative regarding a decision.

Mr. Scheys also pointed out his displeasure with the new property assessments, specifically the rise in land value and commented that his increased property taxes to the town would more than make-up for the twenty-five percent of the cost the town would commit on his behalf. Mr. Scheys stated he and his wife had exercised due diligence when researching the property prior to purchasing.

Chairman DeBold suggested an option to the Scheys to contact NHDES, specifically the Dam Bureau, and speak to Chief Engineer, Jim Gallagher to discuss flowage rights, if any, to the dam.  The State owns and operates the little dam.

Chairman DeBold stated his concern for committing taxpayer’s money without going to town meeting first.  The Selectmen can only spend what is authorized at town meeting. Also, the town does not know what the total cost of the project is let alone how much the town’s twenty-five percent would be.  

Mr. Scheys requested the town find out what the cost to the town is, what the State commitment would be, details as to how the application for mitigation money works, the Board tighten-up the miscommunications and get all the information that’s flying around out there and re-consider their decision to commit funds.  Chairman DeBold again re-iterated what he was struggling with philosophically, why the Town of Chichester is responsible for spending taxpayer’s money to fix this issue and posed, what is in it for the town?  Is this similar to Allenstown buying flooded out properties, has the town spent a lot of resources rescuing and assisting you during these floods.  Mr. Scheys stated the fire department has done a fantastic job with sandbagging, he couldn’t ask for better response.

The Board agreed to look into the process more thoroughly and educate themselves on the process and submission of an application.  

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BOS minutes
October 7, 2008

SUBJECT: Snowmobile trail upgrade
PRESENT: Kevin Gagne

Mr. Gagne is the trail administrator for the NH Traildawgs Snowmobile Club.  The club has secured permission from Mr. Cavacco to cross his property.  Mr. Gagne presented a conceptual design that re-routes the trail and connects through the Marsh Pond property.  Mr. Gagne was seeking the town’s commitment to move forward with the development of the trail.  The Board directed Mr. Gagne to the Conservation Commission.


Old Business:

The Board reviewed the cost breakdown from the Road Agent for converting the old highway fire truck
to a backup sander truck.   The Board was not in favor of approving the costs which appeared to be an estimate for outfitting the truck as a full plow truck. Lisa was directed to go back to the Road Agent for clarification.

Allstate Insurance does not provide an administration fee to the town for processing employee volunteer benefit payments.  Representative Jarvis offered the town a Section 125 policy at no cost.  The town already receives this option, should they choose to administer benefits pre-tax to the employees, at no cost through the Local Government Center. The majority of the Board was in favor of allowing Skip Jarvis of Allstate Insurance to solicit the town employees for voluntary benefits not currently offered by the town.

The Board reviewed correspondence from town counsel relative to the alleged zoning violation on the Drew property located on Horse Corner Road.  At this time, the Board will take the recommendation of counsel and wait to proceed until all appeal deadlines have passed.

The Board reviewed the proposed Commercial Occupancy Permit and requested further specificity is added regarding completion of conditions met subject to Planning Board approvals.  Chairman DeBold will work on the language and follow-up with the Building Inspector.  

Selectmen reviewed the research conducted from the Planning Board file relative to the approval for operation for Merrimack Timbers, operating as MTS Environmental, on Dover Road.  The Board had received phone calls of a noise complaint from a nearby resident on Smith Sanborn Road.  It appears a contractor has been screening material at this location.  It is not clear whether this is stockpiled material only or if new material is being hauled in.  In review of the file, Selectman MacCleery noted minutes that state the operation was to last for the duration of four years.  The approval was given in 1991; that would mean the applicant no longer has a valid permit to operate a business from that location and would need to go back before the Planning Board.  Chairman DeBold has not had the opportunity to review the file, and will do so before next week.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a letter of inquiry to the property owner for clarification of the operation now taking place on the site.

The Board reviewed the addendum to the Winter Maintenance Policy in regards to the maintenance of the sidewalks on Route 4.  The time frame of October 15 – April 15th was amended to October 15 – May 15th. Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to amend the Town of Chichester’s Winter Maintenance Policy, originally adopted in January of 2008, to include the category of sidewalks.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

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BOS minutes
October 7, 2008

The Board reviewed the Town of Pittsfield Traffic Control Ordinance for details of establishing a No Through Trucking Ordinance for Center Road.  Town counsel has recommended a detailed ordinance be written so as to hold up under appeal.  It was determined at this time, that further research and review was needed and a public hearing held with Center Road residents was encouraged prior to any adoption of this ordinance

At this time the Board wished to discuss the employee complaint on file.  Motion  Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, at 9:45pm, to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II, (a), to discuss an employee matter.   The Chairman called for the vote.  Jordan – yes, MacCleery-yes, DeBold-yes.  Motion carries.  

The Board returned to public session at 10pm.  The Board determined during the non-public session, that a meeting was needed with the employee.  Lisa was directed to schedule that meeting for next Tuesday evening.

Motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of ten years was moved by Chairman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery.  Motion passed unanimously.

New Business-

The Selectmen received an offer to purchase Forestry III from Warden Stock and dismissed taking action until a method of disposal for the vehicle has been determined by the Board and advertised accordingly.

The Board approved the hours of the polls for the General Election will be 7am-7pm as voted by the town.

Chairman DeBold informed the other Board members of a phone call he received from a reporter at the Concord Monitor, now responsible for Chichester news, inquiring about the Sidewalk Policy. The other Board members have received similar calls.  Chairman DeBold will follow-up with the reporter.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed. The Board approved the minutes of September 30, 2008 as written.

Being no further business, Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold, to adjourn the meeting at 10:12pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Corrected
Administrator                                                           10/14/2008

____________________      _______________________                _______________________  
 Richard DeBold, Chairman         Stephen MacCleery                      Jeffrey Jordan