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Selectmen Minutes 09/23/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 23, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Alan Mayville, Ted Bailey, Jamie Pike. Doug Hall and Richard Moore

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief; Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector and Stephen Stock, Forest Fire Warden

BI- Mr. Paveglio reported; Healthy Buffalo has gone to the Planning Board for their project expansion.
A number of plumbing and heating issues must be resolved at Tractor Supply before an Occupancy Permit can be issued.  The Fire Chief, State Plumbing Inspector Roy Pender and the State Fire Marshall’s office are assisting with Mr. Paveglio with the inspections and corrections needed.  

  The proposed Certificate for Business is being reviewed by the Planning Board.

Mr. Paveglio asked the Board what if any changes to the position the Board was looking for 2009.   The Board stated they were not looking to change the position to Code Enforcement at this time but are aware that the Suncook Valley Regional Committee is gathering data from the participating towns to see if the interest is there to share/expand this position.

FD-   Things are going good overall.  The Fire Chief is actively working with the State regarding the Tractor Supply issues as previously stated by the building inspector.  
Forestry III has been taken out of service and parked in the upper front parking lot.  The tank is the only equipment left on it.

Chief Vien and Deputy Uitts will be traveling to New Jersey next week to pick up the new ambulance.  Expected date of arrival is the seventh of October.

HYW- Money is running short, it is a little tighter than normal and the Road Agent is aware of the situation.  The department will concentrate on cutting brush, grading roads, filling pot holes, flushing culverts and getting the equipment ready for plowing.

 The last heavy rain storm saw water over only 8 roads, not enough to qualify for FEMA reimbursement.  That shows that the roads are in better condition to handle heavy rains due to the extensive ditching project that has taken place over the past two years.

Selectman MacCleery commented on how nice the shim and seal coating turned out on Pleasant Street.

Mr. Kenneally discussed his plan for hiring one big truck for plowing this winter.  He may switch Mr. Vien to the big truck and hire someone for the one ton but regardless he will be looking for one driver.

Selectman MacCleery commented that if Mr. Kenneally was satisfied with his current contractor he did not see the necessity to advertise in the newspaper for a plow operator.  Chairman DeBold shared that sentiment.

The plow contract will be updated for this year and a price will be determined at a later date.

Mr. Kenneally reported the loader was in for repairs again.  All costs under warranty except for transporting.  The Board advised Mr. Kenneally to arbitrate over the transport cost.

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BOS minutes
September 23, 2008

The one ton was at Grappone’s for repair as well, all repairs covered by warranty.  

EMD- Mr. Martell reported to the Board regarding the unresolved FEMA claim by the Schey’s of Deer Meadow Road.  Mr. Martell and representatives from the State Emergency Management Department inspected the site for water damage after last year’s storm.  Mr. Schey’s is still working with the State for costs.  At this point, the Town must pledge money for mitigation, 75/25 split, in order for FEMA to look into the claim further.    The home sits about ten yards from the pond.  The State recommends opening an outlet at the dam during storms.  That would result in the water overrunning the road.  Mr. Martell did not believe this to be a feasible solution unless the house was raised to a higher level.  At this time, Mr. Martell is not in favor of the taxpayers paying the cost because the homeowner knowingly purchased this residence so close to the water.  The Board will discuss this matter later this evening.

Mr. Martell is working on a grant application for the town to update our Emergency Operations Plan.

FFW- Mr. Stock reported he had attended weekend forestry training.  The Town of Loudon would like the tank they donated returned since the town has taken that vehicle out of service.

Mr. Kenneally added that the tank on the old fire truck that went to the highway department is all rusted out, he doesn’t think it feasible to outfit as a plow truck and that he has no further use for the vehicle and recommended the Board take this vehicle out of service as well and get it over to the State farm for the upcoming auction.

Chairman DeBold inquired of the FFW whether there was any value in this vehicle for his needs. Mr. Stock replied he did not want the vehicle and agreed it was more feasible to scrap it; the value just isn’t there any longer.

The cement on the downhill side of Depot Bridge is experiencing some flaking and scaling.  CLD Engineers have inspected the damage and recommend repairing the damage before it gets worse.  The damage is a result of a defect in the concrete.  CLD estimates cost to repair around $56,000; a full report will be forwarded to the Board.  Mr. Kenneally will submit a warrant article to withdraw the funds from the Town Bridges Capital Reserve.

Selectman MacCleery inquired if the timber bridge on Kelley’s Corner Road had been inspected recently.  The Road Agent responded yes, they have been oiling it as part of the bridge maintenance program and it gets washed over once or twice a year.  It is do to be washed off. Also, the State inspects all the bridges on an annual basis.

The Town is still seeking cooperation from the Town of Pittsfield to seal their side of Webster Mills Bridge.  Additional correspondence may be necessary from the Board.

Subject: CIP recommendations
PRESENT: CIP Committee members; Doug Hall, Jamie Pike & Richard Moore
Mr. Hall submitted the committee’s list of the 2009 project recommendations for funding consideration on the warrant.  The committee still has work to complete to finalize the plan and hold a public hearing prior to adoption by the committee.  This list will be made available to all departments to aid in their budget preparation. This is a great tool for the town; the committee is also looking at a plan for putting money into the existing town funds. Chairman DeBold commended the CIP Committee for all their hard work, which included numerous meetings, to complete the Capital Improvement Plan and commented on how valuable the Plan is in the budget process.  

Subject:  Concern over employee behavior
Present: Jaan Luikmil

Mr. Luikmil would like to discuss his concerns over behavior and activity he witnessed by town personnel.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to enter into non-public session at 8:08pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II, a, to discuss an employee.  Chairman called the vote, Jordan-yes, MacCleery – yes, DeBold – yes.  

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BOS minutes
September 23, 2008

The Board returned to open session at 8:50pm.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Luikmil expressed the difficulty with continuing to fund Old Home Day festivities on donations and the $2,000 allotment from town funding and discussed the process for asking for increased funding.

Mr. Luikmil brought to the attention of the Board his concern for the foul language being used by the Road Agent while in the capacity as a town official.  Mr. Luikmil relayed the language spoken by Mr. Kenneally while on duty at the highway shed, during a conversation between the two at which time Mr. Luikmil’s son was present.  Mr. Luikmil also relayed witnessing this same type of foul language spoken to a gentlemen driving into the town lot during the week before Old Home Day.  Mr. Luikmil is concerned for the image that is being portrayed by an elected town official.  The Board is concerned over what has just been reported and will set up a meeting with the Road Agent to discuss this matter.


Chairman DeBold noted that Bill & Diane Stevens have sold their house on Bailey road.

Chair DeBold has noticed that the sand has been removed from the Drew lot on Horse Corner Road.  The town was not involved and received none of the material.

Chairman DeBold brought to the attention of the Fire Chief that the next meeting of the Suncook Valley regional Committee will take place on October 2nd and at that meeting the Pittsfield Fire Chief will be there to discuss regionalization.  Chairman DeBold suggested that Chief Vien should attend the meeting and he said he plans on attending.

The Board discussed what action they would take now that Crystal’s Landscaping has been denied their appeal by the BOA.  Chairman DeBold is still in favor of proceeding with an injunction for violating a zoning ordinance.  Mr. Drew has been scheduled to meet with the Planning Board at their October meeting.  Selectman MacCleery stated he would like to give Mr. Drew the benefit of the doubt and wait and see if Mr. Drew attends the Planning Board meeting next week. Chairman DeBold replied by stating

Mr. Drew has stated and been scheduled to meet with the Planning Board before and has not shown up.

Selectman Jordan felt as Steve did but also stated that Chairman DeBold had a point.  The Board agreed to delay taking action until after the Planning Board meeting on October 2nd.  However, should Mr. Drew fail to appear and meet with the PB and make a sincere attempt to come into compliance with his zoning violation, the Board has directed Lisa to contact town counsel to proceed with the injunction.

New Business:
 The Board okayed the proposal to sell the old town office computers.  The specs will be posted on the web.

The Board re-appointed Paul Adams as budget representative on the BCEP Committee.

Old Business:
Giuda/Merrill road bonds; as yet the office has not had any feedback from CLD.

Giuda/Merrill building permits; the Board discussed opinion from town counsel. Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, following much discussion and having opinion rendered by town counsel, the Board has determined that the exception rule as stated in the Growth Management Ordinance, section L, II,a,3; in open space conservation, applies to the Giuda and Merrill 55+ elderly subdivision approvals.  Each subdivision will be allowed up to ten permits the first year.

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BOS minutes
September 23, 2008

Selectman MacCleery has spoken to Health Officer, Ed Meehan regarding the water sample needed at the Mayville residence on Horse Corner Road.  Dr. Meehan advised that several should be taken at different time intervals and the town should run a complete water sample for comparison purposes. The Board concurred with Dr. Meehan’s recommendations.

Lisa shared the Sign Proposal documentation located in the Planning Board files on the Chucksters Site Review application.  The document clearly states the sign will be lit from two spotlights located on the ground.  This confirms what Mr. Blasko stated to the Board regarding the matter of the illuminated sign as identified in the Light Study report from CLD.  In light of this information, the Board removed that item from concern of non-compliance.  Lisa was directed to notify Mr. Blasko and Mr. Breton of this development.

Lisa has not received any further feedback from departments regarding the revised timesheets.  The Board directed Lisa to finalize a format for Board approval.

The addendum for the Winter Maintenance Policy was tabled this evening.

Outstanding Zoning Violations:  

        Patten-unregistered vehicles-Chairman DeBold has spoken to the homeowner who stated they are aware of the violation and are making a sincere effort to get rid of the vehicles.
        Doucette-the office has not been able to schedule a meeting at this time.

Correspondence was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed. The Board approved the minutes of September 16, 2008 as written.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan, to adjourn the meeting at 10:08pm.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved  As Written
Administrator                                                                   9/30/2008

____________________      _______________________                _______________________  
 Richard DeBold, Chairman         Stephen MacCleery                      Jeffrey Jordan