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Selectmen Minutes 08/19/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 19, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Selectman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Others present:  Mark Drew

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.  

Mark Drew
Mr. Drew submitted a letter to the Board concerning his zoning violation.  Mr. Drew also submitted an application to the ZBA to appeal the decision of this Board to enforce a zoning violation.  A lab analysis of the sand delivered to the Highway Department was also submitted.

Mr. Drew reported to the Board that on Monday, August 18th he received a phone call from Ms. Raymond of the Highway Department inquiring upon the delivery of the sand as she was waiting at the shed to sign the deliver slips.  After wrangling trucks to deliver the material, because he was not previously informed of a required delivery schedule, Mr. Drew arrived at the shed to find that Ms. Raymond was not there and that there was still a plow truck inside the shed.  A similar incident occurred on the morning of August 19th.  Mr. Drew’s delivery trucks showed up at the shed to continue delivery of the requested 500 tons, to find that the winter salt was also being delivered.  Mr. Drew’s trucks had to wait until 5 trailers of salt were dumped before he could get access to the shed.  Mr. Drew had not been previously informed of the salt delivery or the need to alter his delivery schedule.  Mr. MacCleery asked Mr. Drew if he had attempted to contact Mr. Kenneally concerning these issues.  Mr. Drew informed the Board that he had not contacted Mr. Kenneally, nor had Mr. Kenneally attempted to contact him.  Mr. Drew also expressed concern over the salt and the sand not being physically separated within the shed.  Mr. DeBold shall follow-up with the Road Agent to find out why the vendor was not given adequate notice of the needed delivery and the other issues revolving around the deliveries.

Mr. MacCleery shall deliver the ZBA application to the Secretary.

Mr. MacCleery questioned why it appears that an Independent Contractor was paid to cold-patch Kelley’s Corner and Pleasant Street.  Mr. Jordan felt the cold-patch needed to be tailgated onto the road.

Mr. Jordan wishes to speak with the Road Agent concerning the stockpiling of materials at the Town Shed.  It is understood that some materials are needed on hand for emergency purposes, but other materials should be trucked directly to the job-site

Mr. MacCleery reported to the Board that he had received a complaint from Mr. Briggs of Carpenter Road about a plugged culvert.  Mr. Briggs has been in contact with the Road Agent over the past three years concerning this issue.  Mr. MacCleery contacted Mr. Kenneally concerning this issue and was informed that Mr. Kenneally would look at this problem.

Mr. MacCleery reported that he had looked over the blue plow truck and the tanker at the Highway Department while at Old Home Day.  It appeared that the cab and chassis of the tanker were in great shape with minimal rust and the floor boards of the plow truck are rusted through.  It will be brought up with the Road Agent if the plow truck is worth getting ready for the winter season, and other possibilities of the use of the tanker truck.

Mr. DeBold brought to the Board a revision to the Purchasing Policy.  Mr. DeBold recommends raising the bid threshold to purchases over $1000 from the current $500.  This will allow more flexibility to the department heads.  Mr. MacCleery expressed concern over the end of year shopping that has happened in the past with some departments.  It was expressed that all employees are encouraged to prudent in their ordering.  A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to amend the Purchasing Policy Section 3A to read under $1000 and amend Section 3B to read $1000 - $2999.99.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.  Mr. Pike shall prepare the new document for signing at the next meeting.

The lighting study of Chuckster’s was reviewed.  The Board directed Mr. Pike to contact CLD to determine if there was any comment concerning glare upon the property, and if so, please document such findings.

Mr. MacCleery suggested to the Board that the rate pricing for the Independent trucking contractors be revisited as the price of fuel had dropped recently.

Mr. MacCleery wished to address an issue that was presented to the Board in a letter from Mr. Drew.  That issue if of the dress code of the employees of the Town.  Mr. Drew’s concern and frustration are understood, but it is recognized that the Board does not have any control over the attire worn by the employees under the current policies.  Mr. Pike informed the Board that the attire in question has not been worn since the occasion in question.

Concerning the request from Mr. Hall to meet with the Selectmen on 8/26 concerning the set-up and layout of the voting booths, the Board defers this subject to Mr. Hall’s best judgment and coordination with the Supervisors of the Checklist.

Mr. Jordan reported that he had visited the Doucette property but no one was home at the time.  It was noticed that there were less vehicles on the property and 3 of the vehicles were neatly parked at the rear of the property.  It was not possible to determine if the vehicles were registered.

The minutes of August 12th were reviewed and approved with minor correction.

Mr. Jordan along with the rest of the Board would like to commend Mr. Pike on his ability to step up to the plate during Lisa’s absence.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not Yet Approved.
Jamie A Pike

Richard DeBold, Chairman                             Stephen MacCleery                            Jeffrey Jordan