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Selectmen Minutes 07/15/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
July 15, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Selectman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Other present:  Road Agent David Kenneally, Chris Weir, Rod Wood, Allen Mayville, Walter Sanborn and
Fire Chief Gil Vien.

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 7:02pm

Chairman DeBold updated those present on the condition of Lisa Stevens.  The Board wishes for her quick recovery and return.

Brett Purvis and Associates – Rod Wood, Representing
Mr. Wood is appearing at the request of the Board to discuss the functions of his assessing services and the option of completing the revaluation under the terms of the general assessing contract.

Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Wood if it reasonable to complete this work as there appears to be time available during his monthly eight-hour schedule with the Town.  Mr. Wood stated that he does much work on the reval at home, and is currently starting to update the values at which the Town is assessed.

Mr. Wood also stated that the remaining 20% of the Town that has not been revaluated has had some work done with annual pick-ups and resident requests.  It appears to Mr. Wood that the data throughout the Town is very good.  

Mr. MacCleery asked Mr. Wood what amount of work was being completed in other Towns.  Mr. Wood stated that his time in the office for each Town varies by the amount of work that needs to be completed.

Mr. DeBold reviewed the assessing contract to determine what functions were to be completed by the assessor on the monthly scheduled dates.

Mr. Pike presented the Board with a schedule of items for completion during Mr. Woods visit with the Town on July 21st.  

Mr. Wood stated that the preliminary values should be complete in a couple of weeks and reminded the Board that the values are set as the market was on April 1, 2008 and will not take into affect any market fluctuations since that date.  It currently seems that vacant building lot values will be increasing to approximately $100,000, while it has been noticed that in other Town there seems to be a decrease in building values.

Road Agent – David Kenneally
Mr. Kenneally reported that work is progressing on Mason Road.  The pavement was ground this past week.  Continued work will involve the removal of trees and the necessity to blast some ledge for the safety of the road.  Mr. Kenneally presented bids to the Board for this work.

Tree Removal            Lee’s Tree Service      5 man crew      $1600.00/day    1 day
                        Bartlett’s Tree Svc     2 man crew      $1200.00/day    2-3 days

Blasting                        Buckeye Blastiing       $800/day minimum
                        Drog, Towley, & Polt    $500/day minimum
                        Hamilton Shea           $1500/day

Mr. Kenneally recommended the use of Lee’s Tree service as they did the work on Center Road and he feels their work is better than that of Bartlett Tree Service.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Buckey Blasting had previously done work on Center Road and Smith Sanborn Road, but recommends trying Towley.  Mr. Kenneally also informed the Board that all contractors are properly insured.

A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the hiring of Drog, Towley and Polt at the rate of $500 to blast the ledge on Mason Road.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the hiring of Lee’s Tree Service at the rate of $1600 for one days work on Mason Road.  Motion passes.

Winter Sand Bid Proposal – Mark Drew
Mr. Drew came before the Board this evening to inquire about the procedure to bid on the supplying of Winter Sand to the Town.  Mr. DeBold stated that the bids have been typically secured by the Road Agent and then presented to the Board for discussion, recommendation and award.  It was also explained to Mr. Drew that the Town has recently imposed a purchasing policy that requires the submission of at least three bids from the Department Head.

Mr. Drew is proposing the use of a conveyor to fill the material shed to best utilize the space available.  Mr. Drew stated that the shed is capable of holding approximately 2500 cubic yards of material.  It was asked of Mr. Kenneally what his specifications are for Winter Sand.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he typically receives bids from Merrill, DeCato, Concord Sand & Gravel, and Fillmore, then visits each vendor to determine the grade and quality of the sand.  Typically DeCato has the sharpest and most course sand.  Each vendor bases it pricing on either a per ton delivered rate of by the ton and adds the delivery by an hourly rate.

Mr. Kenneally stated that Mr. Drew is welcome to submit a bid proposal, but made it clear that he does not like the quality of Concord Sand & Gravel’s material as it is very silty.

Other Business – Mark Drew
Mr. Drew stated that he will not be returning to the Planning Board until its “house” is in order.

Mr. DeBold noted that the Board had received the letter from Mr. Drew concerning the use of port-potties at Carpenter Park.  Mr. Drew was asked who had told him that the use of porta-potties was not allowed.  Mr. Drew answered that he had been told this by a member of the Planning Board.  Mr. DeBold stated that he has spoken with DES concerning this issue, and has been informed that porta-potties are a legal way of providing sewage disposal for the public.  

It was noted that on July 10th, the Planning Board did not state that the use of porta-potties was illegal and requested Mr. Drew to submit a proposal for the site.  Mr. Drew stated the he has preconceived that the Planning Board was not going to use common-sense and that he was going to be unable to work with the Board.  Mr. Jordan asked Mr. Drew that, if the septic issue were resolved, would he be willing to move forward with a proposal?  Mr. Drew answered maybe, but in the past he feels the Planning Board is only trying to stop people from using their property.

Mr. Drew also asked the Board if the Planning Board should know why a member has recused themselves from hearing a case.  The Board referred to “Knowing the Territory” and RSA 673:14 and were unable to determine that a member has to state their reasons for recusing themselves.

Fire Chief Gil Vien – Outstanding fire pond proposals

Chief Vien appeared on this evening at the request of the Board to discuss the miscommunications between the Chief, Mr. & Mrs. Plunkett, and Mr. & Mrs. Ferman regarding proposed fire ponds.

In regards to the Plunkett fire pond, Chief Vien explained that he had spoken to the Plunkett’s at Town meeting as a result of a note that was left in his mailbox stating that they were proposing a fire pond on their property.  During this conversation, Chief Vien noted that Mr. Plunkett said that he had no intentions for use of the pond as a fire pond and that it was being constructed for business use.  There originally was to be a driveway to the pond but that was not constructed.
In regards to the Ferman fire pond, Chief Vien met with the Fermans and Jeff Andrews of the Conservation Commission on Monday, July 14th.  One of the concerns of Mrs. Ferman was the presence of any liability issue regarding the use of this pond by the Fire Department.  It was also concluded that the hydrant for this pond was not installed at the proper location according to the plans and was accepted by the prior Fire Chief.  Due to the location of the Pond, Chief Vien recommends the use of Town funds to construct a driveway approximately 20 X 30ft off the current driveway to access the hydrant.  It was noted that the Fire Department has budgeted $2500 for hydrant maintenance.  The Conservation Commission forwarded its support for the construction of the access within the wetland  buffer and across the Conservation Easement.  The Board was in agreement with the use of Town funds and equipment for the construction of this access.  Mr. MacCleery would like to have Town Counsel opinion on the construction of the access within the wetland buffer.

Concerning the miscommunications between the parties, the Board is troubled.

Harkness Water System

The Board has received an estimate of $1760.00 for the repair to the Head Unit of the filtration system at the Harness property.  Crystal Hill Water Systems requires approval from the Board before completing this repair.  It was determined that the Board is responsible for all maintenance to this system and a motion was made to authorize the repair of the filtration system up to a price of $1760.00 as estimated by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. MacCleery.  Motion passes.

Zoning Violation -  Elias Smirnioudis – Map 2 Lot 51

Building Inspector Dave Paveglio reported that he has spoken with Mr. Smirnioudis, and that he has agreed to finish the siding on the barn, and has contacted a contractor to complete this work in about 2 weeks.

Grounds Maintenance

Chief Vien brought to the attention of the Board, the lack of grounds maintenance being completed at the Fire Station by the current retained contractor.  It was stated that the contractor does not do any trimming around the building or sign, and that not all areas are mowed satisfactorily.  Mr. Pike concurred that the standard of maintenance was not acceptable, and deficiencies at the Town Hall were noted.  A volunteer upon the Fire Department brought their own equipment to take care of the deficiencies at the Station on this day.  Mr. DeBold said that he had not been to Carpenter Park to see the level of maintenance being completed there but will look at it this week and will contact St. Laurent’s Lawn Care and notify them of the deficiencies.  

No-Thru Trucking

Mr. Pike asked the Board of the status of the No-Thru Trucking Ordinance.  It was explained that further research was to be done on a definition of a commercial truck.  Mr. Pike shall research and draft a definition with the assistance of the Road Agent and report back to the Board.

Road Advisory Committee

At the request of the Board, Ms. Carol Raymond has submitted a roster of the current attending members of the RAC.  There 11 persons listed excluding Mr. John Martell.  The original membership of the committee shall be contacted, specifically Mr. Plunkett and Mr. Jameson to see if they wish to remain on the Committee.  It was noted that the original charter does not require representation from the Police Department.

Other Business

Mr. MacCleery brought forward for consideration, a concern from a resident about a sign located on Route 28 for “Mike’s Roofing”.  The Board discussed if this was a zoning violation.  It was determined that this was a violation of the zoning and may require site review.  Mr. MacCleery shall follow up with the resident to have them prepare and sign a zoning complaint form.

There was continued discussion on how to handle complaints received by the Selectmen.  It was determined that it be of policy of the Board that all zoning complaints be received in writing or brought forward to the Board by a member on behalf of an identified person and that all other complaints be directed to the appropriate department for investigation and follow-up.

Mr. Walter Sanborn asked the Board if they had contacted NHDOT concerning the possibility of prohibiting the travelling of tractor-trailers on Main Street at the result of a non-binding vote at Town meeting.  It was explained that the Board has not contacted NHDOT as of yet, and that due to the condition of the road, this may not be an unreasonable request.

Chief Vien asked the Board if any further action has taken place concerning the new time cards and their subsequent implementation.  Mr. DeBold mentioned that he was personally disappointed by the Road Agent’s decision as Chief Vien’s service to the Town as a first responder is invaluable.  The Board advised Chief Vien that they are still moving forward with a new universal time card.  The Board has heard and taken into consideration those issues raised by the Police Dept., Road Agent, and Fire Dept.  These concerns will be incorporated into the time card.

Chief Vien asked the Board about his not being allowed to respond to emergency calls while working for the Highway Department.  It was explained to Chief Vien that this was not at the direction of the Board and was the decision of the Road Agent.  Chief Vien stated that due to this directive he will no longer be responding to calls during working hours.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

 It was recognized by Mr. DeBold that a check to Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission had not been signed by either Mr. MacCleery or Mr. Jordan.  This check is for the Town’s portion of a matching funds grant received by the Commission to complete the Route 28 Corridor Study.  These funds are to be expended per a vote of the Planning Board on July 10, 2008, and would be expended from the Planning Board budget.

Mr. MacCleery stated that he is personally against the CNHRPC as it only adds another level of bureaucracy, but as an elected official he feels it his duty to authorize the payment of said funds at the request of the Planning Board.  Mr. Weir also stated that he is personally against the CNHRPC but finds great benefit in these studies.

Due to the extended hours to be covered by Mr. Pike, it was decided that the Selectmen’s and Planning office be closed on Fridays until further notice.

The minutes of July 8, 2008 were reviewed and approved as written.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:33pm by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                Not yet approved
Jamie A Pike

Richard DeBold, Chairman                             Stephen MacCleery                            Jeffrey Jordan