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Selectmen Minutes 06/10/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 10, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Mr. Christopher Weir informed the body that he would be video taping the meeting this evening.

Selectman MacCleery opened the meeting 7:01pm.  Chairman DeBold arrived at 7:20pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; David Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector, John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director, and Patrick Clarke, Police Chief

BI – Quiet at the moment.  Tractor Supply has been issued a building permit.  Selectman MacCleery mentioned his conversation with the Chairman of the Planning Board relative to the establishment of an approval form for commercial ventures to ensure all conditions of said approval have been adhered to. Mr. Paveglio is willing to work on this with the Planning Board and will seek an appointment for the next Planning Board meeting.

HYW – Submitted for discussion and review were paving bids for resurfacing Mason Road from Rte 4 to the end of the existing pavement.  This winter was very hard on the surface that is there.  The town is behind on paving.  Paving has been skimped on in the past.  Mason Road has been identified in the Road Advisory Committee’s report.    

The department is working on shimming the sides along Center Road and removal of the barn on Hilliard Road.  The culvert has been replaced on Mason Road in front of the West property.  Mr. Kenneally reminded the Board of his scheduled vacation next week.  

Selectman MacCleery inquired if the Road Agent was aware of the status of the overtime line, it is in bad shape.  The Road Agent is aware of the amount remaining in the overtime line.  The department will be on four ten hour days for the summer.

The Board will review the quotes for paving and notify the Road Agent of their decision.

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

FD – The air packs are in service.  The Chief would like to surplus the old ones along with the old portable radios.  The Board did not have an issue with that request.  The ambulance is experiencing a problem with the air conditioning and will be out of service for a limited period of time.  The backup ambulance will be in use.  Once the primary ambulance is back in service, equipment from the old ambulance will be removed and sent to be outfitted on the new ambulance.  By reusing this equipment, the town has realized a $10,000 cost in savings.  Chief Vien asked the Board how they wanted to dispose of the old ambulance.  The Chief was directed to solicit cost to salvage this equipment.  

Chairman DeBold arrived at the meeting at this time.

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June 10, 2008  

Lisa inquired the status of the Fire Pond Access Easement on the Ferman property.  The Chief has spoken to Mrs. Ferman recently at which time Mrs. Ferman indicated they were no longer interested in completing the easement and allowing the town access to the pond.  The Board directed Lisa to research the wetland filing on this parcel to determine if the easement was a condition of approval from NHDES.

Chief Vien also informed the Board he has followed up on the proposed fire pond on the Plunkett property and was told by the homeowner that his intentions were not for fire pond access for the town but a water source for his farming operations.  There will be no dry hydrant or drafting pit.  The Board argued that this was not what was presented to them from Mr. Plunkett and directed Lisa to review the minutes of meeting with Mr. Plunkett along with his wetland filing.

PD - Chief Clarke notified the Board of the department’s recent use of the speed trailer and that the sobriety checkpoint is coming soon.   Pat will be scheduling surgery for his elbow, trying to put off until September.  Insurance claim will be filed through the military.  Recuperation time will be eight weeks.
Pat will be out of town next Thursday and Friday.

Selectman MacCleery voiced his suggestion of posting a weight limit or a no thru trucking status for Center Road.   The Road Agent had no objection and offered to look into the requirements/merits of each.

Selectmen MacCleery brought Chairman DeBold up to speed on the quotes submitted for the paving of Mason Road prior to Mr. DeBold’s presence at the meeting.  Mr. Kenneally offered to obtain a third price from Continental informing the Board that Continental’s prior bid for Center Road was already at $60.00/ton.  Concord Sand & Gravel will sub out the work; they act as the general contractor.  Selectman MacCleery asked for the Road Agent’s assessment of the work performed by Pike on Center Road.  Mr. Kenneally replied he was very happy with Pike’s job on Center Road; he has never had a problem with Pike’s work.  Chairman DeBold asked about the shoulder work remaining on Center Road.  Mr. Kenneally informed him the department has been working on building the shoulders up on Center Road.

Mr. Martell asked the Selectmen for an update on the Luksza project.  Chief Vien has viewed the site and informed the Board that Mr. Luksza is constructing a road or driveway on his property very close to the town’s property line.  The project appears to be a second access to accommodate entering and exiting the property in a tractor trailer truck.  The Board directed Lisa to have the Road Agent address the issuance of a driveway permit as soon as possible.

John Martell has requested to become a member of the Road Advisory Committee.  Gil also informed the Selectmen that a fire department representative is also needed on the RAC.  No decisions were made this evening.

SUBJECT: Space Needs Committee
PRESENT: SPC members- Mike Paveglio, Gil Vien, Lisa Stevens, Pat Clarke
Patrick reviewed what the committee has been working on to date.
-       reviewed/discussed the space needs assessment conducted by the LGC
-       formulated a short term and a long term plan to include initiating a space needs study of the entire Safety Building for viability of continued use by both departments currently and for the future maintaining joint use of the existing building

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June 10, 2008

In detailing the short term plan, Pat explained the committees’ consensus to purchase or rent modular office space to be utilized immediately as office space for personnel and the receiving public. A unit is available for purchase from the Epsom Bible Church.  Costs for moving, utility hookup and retrofitting are being investigated along with comparing leasing a newer unit already designed as office space.  Issues with the proposed unit are –
does not meet current building code for snow load
handicapped access
fire rated vestibule
some water damage (could be from sitting apart)
visible mold in furnace room
rotted door frame
condition or age of the roof unknown at this point
asking price - $4,000
        moving cost - $4,000  
still needed but not yet priced – 200 cinder blocks, utility hookup, stair and ramp entries

At this point the committee feels the immediate need is for additional office space. At present, all detainees are being handled at the Pittsfield Police Department.  The evidence and the records room can’t be expanded under the existing floor plan nor can a second egress be created.

Selectman MacCleery asked what happened to the option of building a garage for the cruisers.  Chief Clarke responded at this point that would be a waste of space and money and doesn’t address the deficiencies brought forward. The committee has been told that any renovations to the current building will require the entire building being outfitted with a sprinkler system and brought up to current building codes.  

Selectman MacCleery asked about the condition/age of the roof on the modular under consideration.  It is not known at this time if the roof is the original; the modular was purchased by the Epsom Bible School in 1992.  

Chief Clarke stated the committee would go no further with negotiations until they had the Selectmen’s consensus about the entire space needs issue at the police department.   

Selectman MacCleery stated he is not happy this has come up in the middle of the budget cycle any more than he was when the piece of highway equipment did last year but there is an issue at the police department that the Board of Selectmen need to address.

Selectman Jordan stated the police department deserves more than that old trailer, we should rent something different that’s in better condition, and Pat can’t spend all his time retrofitting this old one.

The Board of Selectmen recognizes the fact that the police department has space needs issues.

The option of a formal home inspection was discussed.  Patrick requested the use of up to $300.00 from impact fees to have an independent home inspection performed on the used unit.  The Board unanimously approved his request.

Lisa will solicit additional quotes for leased units.

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The Board discussed recent correspondence from assessing contractor Purvis & Associates relative to the towns request for completion of the final twenty percent of data verification.  Lisa was directed to schedule a meeting between the assessor and the Board.

After brief discussion and minor editing, Selectman MacCleery moved to accept and approve the bidding policy drafted for the Town of Chichester.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carries.

A brief recap of last weeks Planning Board meeting was discussed in respect to the Chucksters LLC application approval. The PB granted a conditional approval for the project, subject to receiving required State permits.  Selectman MacCleery informed the Board that an appeal has been filed with the BOA on the grounds of obnoxious use and an administrative decision.

Lapsed approvals were also discussed at the PB meeting. Lisa updated the Board on her findings from discussion with town counsel relative to the L & K Truck Body approval.  This case is slightly different than the case discussed by the PB.   L & K received a waiver of paving provision from the PB provided the applicant went to NHDES for an amended wetland approval to waive the provision of paved sales area.  DES has done so.  The approval also involved a variance from the BOA.  The applicant will also have to file with the BOA for an amended or modified variance to waive the condition of paving.  The Selectmen cannot go further with this case until such time as the BOA piece is not addressed.

The Board discussed the additional information requested from contractor Peter Bullock of 7 Siding regarding the re-siding of the community building.  Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to accept the bid from 7 Siding to re-side the community building per the Request for Quotations dated April, 2008, in the amount of $11,764.00.  All were in favor, motion carries.  Lisa will contact an electrician to arrange for the temporary removal and return of the meter socket.  

The Board briefly discussed replacing the fire escape.  The Board remained with their decision to remove it.  Lisa will arrange for a contractor to box in the exterior door and solicit the highway department to remove and salvage the fire escape.

Lisa brought to the Boards attention, the deficit accumulating in the fuel lines within the town’s operating budget.  Preliminary fuel prices are already projecting in excess of $1.30 over current prices.  The town’s contracted price runs out in August.  Options for funding were discussed.  The Board will watch this situation closely.  

Selectman MacCleery made a motion to accept the bid for resurfacing Mason Road from Pike Industries for $48,000.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Lisa notified the Board that Warden Stock has realized a $600.00 cost savings on the purchase of the forestry over pants from a GSA supplier.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold, at 10:07pm, to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,II,a to discuss inappropriate behavior by a town employee.  Jordan – yes; MacCleery – yes; DeBold – yes.  Motion carries.
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June 10, 2008

The Board returned to public session at 10:20pm.  No votes were taken in the non-public session.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The minutes of June 3, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Lisa informed the Board that Mark Drew had not attended the PB meeting but has scheduled an appointment with the Selectmen for next Tuesday.  Lisa was instructed to draft a standard zoning complaint letter for next weeks meeting.

The Board then went back to a discussion of the PB meeting and the Chucksters LLC hearing and the switch to electric go-karts.  Selectman Jordan stated it appeared as no surprise to the PB members but the abutters sure were shocked.  Selectman MacCleery asked Chairman DeBold if he was aware of the change.  Chairman DeBold stated he was not and informed the other Selectmen that the PB members had received a memo from CLD a few days prior to the meeting where it stated that CLD was no longer pursuing the sound issue per request from the applicant.  Chairman DeBold was not able to attend the PB meeting and could not speak to whether or not this issue was discussed by the PB at the opening of the meeting at 6:30pm.  Selectman Jordan is wondering how this change came about, if someone on the PB was assisting the applicant.  Lisa was asked to pose the question to Chairman Jameson of whether or not the PB had prior knowledge of the change to electric go-karts.  

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to adjourn the meeting at 10:37pm.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                           Approved As Written

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan