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Selectmen Minutes 06/03/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 3, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Community Building – Siding Bid – General Maintenance Needs   
PRESENT: Historical Society members; Richard Pratt, Ruth Hammen, Fred Shaw, Walter Sanborn, Bernie Reinhardt, Lucille Noel, Frank ….. Barbara Frangione

Lisa explained the confusion over the submission of the bids.  The Selectmen’s office received one and three were sent directly to Mr. Reinhardt as his name was used on the specifications sheet as the contact person.  The cover letter that accompanied the bid specs did not indicate that the bids should be submitted ‘sealed’ as the advertisement did.  No additional communication has taken place between the society members and the contractor’s regarding the bids that were submitted. Chairman DeBold opened the bid sent to the Selectmen’s office by Tepper Construction. The group reviewed and discussed all the bids received –
        BRC General Contractor  $15,407
        Boddie Construction             $18,750
        7 Siding                        $11,764
        Tepper Construction             $13,987

The warrant article appropriated a maximum amount of $15,000, there for, the BRC and Boddie bids were removed from consideration.   Comparisons of the two remaining bids were made and clarification is needed from 7 Siding as to the scope of work to be performed regarding the door and window trims and casing, Statement of Warranty and removal of the meter socket. Also, the Town would prefer a payment schedule of one third opposed to half up front.  Chairman DeBold will contact the vendor and discuss these items. A decision on the bid was not made this evening.   It is the Historical Society’s desire to have this project complete prior to the paving project.

In conjunction with the siding project is the need to replace or remove the fire escape.  Inspections have been performed by the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief regarding the need for the second egress.  Safety concerns about the condition of the existing fire escape, costs to repair or replace have all been discussed.  Due to the square footage of the upstairs space, the number permitted for assembly is 49.  Per the fire code, places of assembly over 50 people require a second means of egress.  A welder was hired to repair the existing fire escape, however the welder’s conclusion was that the decay was too extensive for repair and a replacement would be necessary.  Additionally, should it be determined that the second egress would remain, the doorway and roof  line above the doorway would have to be reconstructed to fit the new dimensions required of a fire escape under today’s standards.  The Board of Selectmen, based on the findings of the Fire Chief, made the decision to remove the fire escape and block off the upper doorway.  It has not been determined at this time who will be removing and disposing of the fire escape.  

Walter stated his opinion as a former Fire Chief and firefighter for over thirty-five years, that it was a bad idea to remove the fire escape.  It has always been there and shouldn’t be eliminated.   All those years ago, before code required it, the fire department felt it prudent to have that second access on the building and built it that way.  The grange as well has always contained a fire escape.  

Chairman DeBold responded by stating he tended to agree with Mr. Sanborn however the fire code (NFPA) states the second egress is not needed per assemblage and further, the present escape is not safe and does not meet code.  

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BOS minutes
June 3, 2008

Mr. Sanborn stated the Board of Selectmen are responsible for all municipal buildings, without a monitor to count the number of people in the room every time they gather, the town doesn’t know if everybody could get safely out of the building.  The Town could get a used fire escape for not a lot of money and just replace it.

Dick Pratt stated the members have had several discussions regarding the fire escape and the concensus was it should be replaced, not removed entirely.

Chairman DeBold stated Walter raised some good points; an alternative could be to stop meeting up there.  The Board will reconsider their decision and bring the issue back up for discussion.  

Other maintenance items, such as the alarm system and updating the electrical, need to be addressed at the Community Building.  The Board gave stewardship of the building to the Historical Society when it became apparent that use of the upstairs needed closer attention.  The Society has always done a good job with that and taking it upon themselves to handle the little items that come up. Now it seems the members are spending more time on maintenance issues at their weekly meetings than on the society needs.  Mr. Pratt, as Society President spoke on behalf of the group informing the Board that they feel they are tenants of the building and the responsibility of the building falls on the Selectmen.   The Society submitted a list of items they agreed to be responsible for; scheduling the upstairs room; preparing the annual budget and CIP; maintenance and repairs costing no more than $500.00.  

Chairman DeBold responded that yes, the responsibilities of the town facilities falls on the Selectmen but you guys have done such a good job.

A new sign has been made for the building, hoping to clarify that it is the Community Building and the front overhead doors have been primed and waiting for paint.

The Society will remain stewards of Thunder Bridge and will be placing a kiosk on site that will contain information about the bridge and the mill.  The USGS water gauge has already been placed on the opposite side of the river next to the road.

SUBJECT: No Property Access
PRESENT: Robert West

Mr. West owns twenty-five acres of vacant land on Mason Road that no longer has vehicle access due to phase one of the ditching project.  Mr. West informed the Selectmen that he has brought this matter to the attention of the Road Agent last year and again a few weeks ago.  The Road Agent agreed to replace the culvert and return access to the property.  As yet this has not been down.  Mr. West stated he has always paid his taxes and he is considering not doing so now if he can’t get to his property.  Selectman Jordan informed Mr. West he should still pay his taxes.  Selectman MacCleery clarified that the town’s policy is to assist a homeowner with the installation of the culvert but that cost is beared by the property owner.  Mr. West again stated that he was told by the Road Agent that the town would take care of it.    Selectman MacCleery stated to Mr. West if he had access prior to the ditching work, the town needs to provide access again.  Lisa was instructed to contact the Road Agent in the morning and instruct him to correct the issue as soon as possible.  The Board offered Mr. West the opportunity to mark the property in the exact spot he wished the driveway access.  Mr. West replied between the break in the stone wall, you can’t miss it, it is very clear.

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BOS minutes
June 3, 2008


The following road issues were discussed-

Selectman MacCleery received a phone call from Darren Lavalley relative to the overnight conditions on Hilliard Road.  Mr. Lavalley feels the highway crew is leaving the road in an unsafe manner at the end of their workday.  The Board directed Lisa to convey to the Road Agent that wherever the highway department is working that the road has to be left in a safe manner.

Selectman MacCleery suggested the Board consider posting Center Road as No thru Trucking or a Weight Limit restriction to prevent damage caused by tri-axle trucks using the road as a short cut. The Board will take this under advisement.

Ms. Deachman informed the Selectmen that a meeting has been scheduled with the Trustees of Trust Funds and Terry Knowles from the Attorney General’s office on June 18, 2008, to clear up discrepancy in the MS-10 report.

Zoning issues –

Selectman Jordan has spoken to the manager at Z-1 Express informing him of the sign ordinance and the complaint filed against Z-1 for excessive signage.  The manner took immediate steps to rectify the violation.

The Board signed a letter of complaint for excessive signage for the Hess Station.

The deadline for the junk cars violation for Patten has come and gone with no response from the property owners.  Chairman DeBold will follow up with a site visit to determine the status of the violation.

L & K Truck Body – Lisa explained she had not written the letter as directed by the Board because she needed clarification as to what violation would be sighted and what direction was to be given to the property owner. Lisa updated the Board on the correspondence received from NHDES allowing the applicant deviation from his original wetland filing, allowing for the gravel surface.  The variance to infringe on the wetland buffer granted from the Board of Adjustment, where it was discussed and represented on the plan as a paved sales area, is the last part of the overall site plan approval to stipulate the pavement.  After discussion, the Board directed Lisa to contact the town attorney for direction.

Chairman DeBold informed his fellow Selectmen that he will not be attending the June 24, 2008 Selectmen’s meeting.

Lisa reminded the Board of the outstanding request from Mr. Blasko and Mr. Breton, to purchase the portion of Bailey Road that depicts the old right of way.  The Board asked Lisa to summarize the information to date by preparing a time line on property ownership for discussion next week.

Selectman MacCleery informed Chairman DeBold of an informal discussion he and Selectman Jordan had regarding comments made at the department heads meeting by the Road Agent, that they feel display the Road Agent’s inability to have an unbiased opinion as a Planning Board member, when voting on the application under consideration for the expansion project at Chucksters. After brief discussion, it was left that should Mr. Stevens feel prejudiced in any way, it would be his right at the hearing to ask Mr. Kenneally to recuse himself from hearing the Chucksters case.  

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BOS minutes
June 3, 2008

Lisa received information from the Historical Society wishing to clarify for the minutes that the Town owns two acres of land known as Pineground Cemetery.  Pineground is the first Town Cemetery and was given to the town in 1826 from the parsonage as land set off for a burial ground.  

Lisa informed the Board of her discussion with the Risk Representative from the Local Government Center regarding the liability issues identified at the police department.  In the event of a lawsuit, the Town will be looked at in a more favorable light as long as the issues are being addressed and there is a long term plan in place to correct the deficiencies.  

The Board signed a Tax Anticipation Note in the amount of $200,000.  The money will not be drawn unless needed with disbursements being in $100,000 intervals.

The Board signed an Intent to Cut for Map 3, Lot 43-1, O’Brien.

The Board signed a Timber Tax Levy for Moses in the amount of $52.14.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The minutes of May 27, 2008 were approved as written.
Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:30pm. All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

                                                Approved As Written                                                                                              6/10/2008

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan