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Selectmen Minutes 02/05/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 5, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Others Present: Moderator, Doug Hall; Budget Committee members, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Norm Larochelle, John Martel, Lucille Noel, Jason Weir and Scott Martson; 20 members of the general public

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – 2008 Proposed Budget

Moderator Hall opened the public hearing at 7:00PM.

Mr. Hall asked for the members seated at the head table to introduce themselves to the body and explained the meeting format and handouts to be discussed this evening.

Chairman Colbert commended the department heads for level funding the budget as requested by the Board of Selectmen and summarized the significant changes proposed within the operating budget.

The proposed benefits change was discussed and detail of the changes was provided on a spreadsheet that listed the costs on one side and the reason for the proposal on the other side.  

Salary changes include a 2.3% COLA for all employees, ‘market’ adjustments for the Administrator and Police Department positions, and one-time benefit adjustment to offset the adverse impact of the proposed out of pocket increases to the employees for health coverage. Also, the Selectmen are proposing to increase the hours of the consolidated Planning Board secretary/Selectmen’s Office assistant to 32.5 hours per week, thus qualifying this position as a permanent part-time position, eligible for benefits at a pro-rated cost.

The Police Department will now show the replacement cost of a cruiser in the operating budget.

The decrease in the Highway’s operating budget is due to the proposal for a lease/purchase for a wheeled excavator.  This piece of equipment is always rented by the department.  Should the warrant article not pass, the operating budget will again need to reflect the cost to rent.

The body reviewed the budget line by line and questions were asked and answered throughout all areas of the budget.  Evelyn Pike asked for confirmation of the requested increase in hours for the deputy positions.  The Board approved, the budget numbers do not reflect that request.  Lisa will review and confirm with the Town Clerk.

The revenues for the ensuing year were reviewed.

Warrant articles with an appropriation were discussed.  Two petition articles seeking an appropriation of $2,000 each were explained by the petitioner, Paul Adams.  Selectman DeBold stated the reason the Board was not recommending these appropriations was because they felt the expense premature.  The Parks and Recreation Commission, together with the Conservation Commission are working on a Recreational Master Plan for all available town recreational facilities.

The moderator closed the public hearing at 9:10PM.

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BOS minutes
February 5, 2008


The Selectman discussed the option, requested by Bruce Dyke, on behalf of the Suncook Valley Regional Committee, to place a warrant article for a non-binding resolution, formally recognizing this committee of area Selectmen representatives, meeting on a quarterly basis to share ideas and concerns, and look at the possibility of regionalizing contracts or services.  The article was not ready this evening therefore it must be brought up under the final article at town meeting.

Mr. Dyke, Budget Committee Chairman relayed the vote of the Budget Committee, not to recommend the two petition articles.  

The Board discussed the bill submitted by the library for the snow removal from the back entrance.  Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman DeBold to not approve payment of the snow removal bill for the library as the cost is too excessive.  All were in favor.  Motion carries. Lisa will return the bill to the trustees.

Lisa discussed the status of the lawsuit against 763 Second Street.  Settlement terms and costs were decided upon.  Lisa will contact town counsel with the Board’s stipulations.

The Board discussed the recent highway department accident with the plow truck.  Selectman MacCleery stated his concern of the Road Agent’s judgment to attempt to pull the truck out.  The safety committee is meeting to discuss and review this incident on Friday, February 8, 2008.  The Selectmen will defer comment until they receive minutes of that meeting.  

Lisa also informed the Board of the claim submitted for water damage at the Fire Station due to ice build up on the roof.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of January 29, 2008 as written.   

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery to adjourn the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   2/12/2008

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman           Richard DeBold                                      Stephen MacCleery