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Selectmen Minutes 01/15/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 15, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Selectman MacCleery was excused due to illness.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

SUBJECT: 2008 budget
PRESENT: Budget Committee members, Lucille Noel, Jason Weir, John Martell, Norm Larochelle, Lisa Drouse and Bruce Dyke

The revenues for the prior and ensuing year were reviewed.  

The Fire Chief presented the department’s final proposal for replacement and funding of 16 breathing packs and bottles.  Chief Vien was informed of used packs for sale by a Pennsylvania fire department and traveled to PA to check them out.  These are four year old “Scott” packs/bottles in excellent condition.  The packs have the necessary safety features and are currently upgradeable.  The price to purchase these units is $40,000.  An additional $5,000 will be needed to flow and hydro- test the units and fit test the masks.  The Chief feels strongly that this option is the most cost effective for the department at this time.  These bottles are good until the year 2018 which will give the town plenty of time to establish a capital reserve fund and plan more accordingly for this apparatus replacement in the future.  The possibility of grant money is still an option.  Lisa will be writing the grant which has a deadline of April 15, 2008.

The Budget Committee voted to recommend this appropriation.
The option for alternative ambulance service from Tri-Town Ambulance was discussed.  Chief Vien shared a letter he received from the company stating they were not interested in becoming our ambulance provider. Discussion incurred due to the content of the letter.  It appears Tri-Town was given the wrong impression of Chichester’s inquiry.  Bruce Dyke, as Town Organization Committee member was directed to make initial contact to determine interest, based on cost information stated by a Pembroke Selectman during a regional meeting of the area select boards in November.  Mr. Dyke received no response back from his phone call.  Chief Vien spoke with Tri-Town and the letter is a follow-up to that conversation.

Also shared was a letter from a Loudon EMT and former Selectman stating support for the current arrangement between the two towns.  The letter is on file as part of the permanent record.

The town is not dissatisfied with the current arrangement but merely looking into all options as they relate to cost effectiveness.  Mr. Dyke will contact Tri-Town to clarify the town’s intent.

The Budget Committee voted on their recommendations for the following warrant articles;
        Lease/purchase excavator        recommend
        Lease/purchase loader           recommend
        1st payment only loader         not recommend
        Ambulance                       recommend
        Funding Capital Reserves        amended to $123,500 – recommend
        Forestry matching Grant recommend
        Center Road paving              recommend by taxation only
        Community Bldg Paving   recommend
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BOS minutes
January 15, 2008

        Community Bldg siding           recommend
        Park irrigation/shed repair     recommend by Capital Reserve monies only
The Board of Selectmen did not vote on any articles tonight without a full board present.

The operating budget was discussed for final figures.  Lisa mentioned where utilities lines for the Grange and Community Building are overspent and requested additional funds be added to these operating lines.

Jason asked the Selectman DeBold about his research on Selectmen stipends for communities within our population demographic.  Selectman DeBold went over the spreadsheet of results.  Chichester’s Selectmen stipend is within range of what the other communities’ workload and remuneration is.  Jason asked the two sitting Selectmen for their opinion of the proposed increase.  Both stated they did not support going forward with the proposed increase.  No vote was taken this evening.

The spreadsheet that was compiled to explain the costs of the proposed benefits package was discussed.  The group shared thoughts for refining format and the need for a narrative to accompany this document to assist the taxpayers in understanding the change and its cost.


Lisa reported on her discussion with the Road Agent regarding the discontinuance of a portion of Perry Brook Road per the request of property owner Lorne Boulet.  The Road Agent recommends the town wait another year on this.  

The Board reviewed a proposal received for extended cleaning services to the Grange building at the cost currently paid.  Lisa will contact the current contractor to discuss options.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

A timber tax levy for map  5, lots 13 & 100, was signed.

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 11:5PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

                                                                         APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman           Richard DeBold                                      Stephen MacCleery