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Selectmen Minutes 12/11/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 11, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: John Martell, Emergency Management Director, Patrick Clarke, Police Chief, Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief, John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief, David Paveglio, Building Inspector

PD – Chief Clarke is still working on adjusting the schedule with one less full-time officer.  The Chief has spoken to former part-time officer Eric Krochmal about returning to the department on a part-time basis.  

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

FD – A member dismissed from the department has asked to rejoin, the current department members were not in favor of this action and voted against the membership.  

The SCBA breathing apparatus available from the Town of Deerfield does not have the RIT fittings and is not compatible to our current equipment.  A funding proposal is still being worked on.  Lisa will still submit the grant application for filing by April 15, 2008, however this money can not be guaranteed prior to town meeting.  Establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund for this purpose is recommended.

The Board has reviewed the department’s Organization, Operations and SOG manual and made these final corrections; all policy dates need to reflect the month of December 2007 in place of August 2007, Section II, Town Policies page was deleted, cover and signature page need to reflect the current date.  Short of these grammatical corrections, the Board approved of the content.

BI – Mr. Paveglio updated the Board on the situation at 68 King Road. The homeowner is requesting the town allow the family to move in to the house under construction. The family is living in a trailer on the property without running water and the septic is backing up into the bathtub.  The Health Officer and Mr. Paveglio inspected the trailer last Friday and informed the owners of the assistance available to them from the town.  The house under construction has been denied an occupancy permit to date due to the status of its completion.  The home appears, based on the inspection of the building inspector, and has been plumbed, according to the contracted plumber, to be a duplex.  The lot is not large enough per zoning to build a duplex and the owner was denied a variance from the Board of Adjustment, to build a duplex.  

Discussion included what stipulations must be met before the town will allow the family to occupy the dwelling.  The building inspector has requested and received a revised set of floor plans with the design not of a duplex.  The house must be completed to the satisfaction of the building inspector, up to and including all life safety standards in place and per code.  The homeowners have agreed to put in writing that the house is not now, nor ever will be used as a duplex.

Chairman Colbert is not in favor of allowing occupancy until the house is complete.  The homeowners have put the town in a position where there is no “wiggle room.”  The Board of Selectmen has made the decision that the house must be completely finished before an occupancy permit can be issued.  

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BOS minutes
December 11, 2007

What is to prevent the property from being sold as a duplex in the future?  Unfortunately, the town is still in litigation over an agreement made with a homeowner years ago.  A written agreement is not going to protect the town.  Chairman Colbert wants the town to be sure the house is a single family dwelling and a completed single family dwelling prior to anyone occupying it.

Selectman DeBold agreed that the house must be completed to the building inspector’s satisfaction prior to occupancy and any agreement between the town and the property owner, become part of the permanent record on that property.

Mr. Paveglio informed the Board of a request received from Mr. Sanoth (763 Second St LLC) for an inspection of his property at 99 Dover Road.  Mr. Paveglio did not respond to this request due to the pending litigation with this property owner.  The Selectmen and town counsel advise no inspections be done at this property at this time.  Mr. Paveglio was advised not to go on this property unless directed by the Board of Selectmen.

Chief Vien stated the Fire Department can not access the back of the building that was constructed at its present location.  The property owner was advised that the department had to have access to all sides of the building.  The building is not located as per the plan submitted.  The alternative, per building and fire code is the installation of a sprinkler system.    

SUBJECT:  NH Trail Dawgs Snowmobile Club
PRESENT: Kevin Gagne

Mr. Gagne was before the Board to obtain renewal of the Snowmobile Access permit.  The club is working on repairing a culvert on the trail easement on the Spaulding Lot behind the fire station.  
Mr. Gagne mentioned to the Selectmen, the club’s future interest in putting a trail around Marsh Pond.

SUBJECT:  Town Clerk/Tax Collector 2008 salary proposal
PRESENT: Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk. /Tax Collector

Ms. Pike is requesting a 2% increase plus consideration of an additional 1.9% adjustment due to the change in medical insurance benefits proposed by the Selectmen.  Ms. Pike will now pay an additional 5% towards her health benefits.

Selectman MacCleery arrived at this time.

The Selectmen’s intent of the new benefit package is not meant to be a penalty for the employee.  The Board has made adjustments in cases where the new benefits will not apply to all employees but the change in ratio will.  The Board approved the increase as proposed.

Ms. Pike discussed the proposal for increased hours for the deputy town clerk/tax collector position.  The budget originally submitted this year, does not reflect an increase from 15 hours per week to 20.  The Board approved this revised proposal.

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BOS minutes
December 11, 2007


The Board continued to finalize salary proposals remaining for the Police Chief, Town Administrator and the Supervisors of the Checklist.  

The Supervisors have requested payment for additional work hours when updating voter registration records and reports.  The Selectmen approved this request.  

Cost of living increases and professional market adjustments were made for the positions of Police Chief and Town Administrator.

Selectman MacCleery brought forward his proposal for an increase to the Board of Selectmen’s stipend.  The Selectmen’s stipends have not been increased since 1999.  The Board agreed to bring this proposal forward to the budget committee.

The Board unanimously approved the expenditure of $8,999.27 for additional forestry tools to equip the newly acquired forestry vehicle, from the fire department impact fees account and not through a warrant article for town meeting. Lisa will notify the Forest Warden and Treasurer.

The Board unanimously approved and adopted the Fire Department Organization, Operations and SOG Manual as corrected.  

Selectman MacCleery received notice of mailbox damage at a residence on Hutchinson Road.  The homeowner was referred to the highway department.  Lisa will follow-up with the Road Agent.  

Chairman Colbert will also speak to the Road Agent regarding damage to a telephone pole and equipment on Horse Corner Road.  

The Board reviewed the pleading to be filed in court against 763 Second Street, LLC and made corrections.  Lisa will follow-up with town counsel and proceed with action against.

 Mail and correspondence was reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of December 4, 2007 as written.

The Board adopted the Fire Department Organization, Operations & SOG Manual as amended and corrected this evening.

Two Intent to Cuts were signed, map 1, lot 15 and map 9, lot 42.

The Board signed the proposals for audit services from present auditing firm, Mason & Rich.
Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:26pm.

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BOS minutes
December 11, 2007

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                                APPROVED AS CORRECTED