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Selectmen Minutes 11/20/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Selectmen’s Minutes
November 20, 2007

Members present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: upgrade Ring Road
Mr. Nolin did not show up for this appointment.

General Business:  The Board authorized the Administrator to have the fire alarm systems upgraded for the grange, community and library buildings.  The cost of $2250.00 will be expended form the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund.  

SUBJECT: 2008 budget proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members, Jason Weir, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Norma Larochelle and John Martel

Fire Chief Gil Vien discussed his warrant article proposed for 2008; CRF funding, replacement ambulance, SCBA breathing apparatus.  There was a lot of discussion as to costs, replacement time and capital reserve funding not addressed in the CIP update.  Chief Vien was asked to submit more quotes and research funding options for the SCBA Breathing Apparatus as well as working with a CIP committee representative to correct the funding costs and vehicle replacements needed for the next ten years.

Administrator Stevens ran through the Selectmen’s proposed budget to date.

A discussion took place as to the type of information the budget committee is looking for to back up the capital expenditures.  Bruce offered to work on a template that all departments can use to submit their warrant article requests.  Much more information should be supplied at this stage to justify the large expense and also provide options for the funding source.

SUBJECT: Police Department – Personnel Matter
PRESENT: Chief Patrick Clarke

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery, at 9:37pm, to enter into non-public session under RSA 91: A-3, II (B) to discuss employee hiring and compensation.  MacCleery – yes; DeBold – yes; Colbert – yes.  Motion carries.

The Board returned to public session at 10:45pm.   

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten years.  MacCleery – yes; DeBold – yes; Colbert – yes.  Motion carries.

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BOS minutes
November 20, 2007

General Business/Board Discussion:   

The Selectmen opened the five bids received for the printing of the annual report.  
        Wharf Printing  $4409.00
        T.Pine                  $3206.00
        RC Brayshaw             $3131.00
        Town & Country  $3934.00
        Commonwealth    $3647.00

All listed additional costs for various items except Town & Country.  Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold to accept the bid from Town & Country Reprographic.  The Board was pleased with the service and product from last year and preferred to work with a local vendor.

Administrator Stevens updated the Board on the ongoing zoning violations.

Levitina - Horse Corner Road – after further research, Lisa could not find a zoning ordinance being violated unless the Board classified the marketing and breeding of the dogs to be a business.  Marketing and breeding are acceptable practices under farming contained within the agriculture RSA.  A neighbor has contacted the Selectmen’s office stating the situation is getting worse, there is attack training going on with at least one of the dogs.  The neighbor has chosen to pursue appeal of an obnoxious use with the Board of Adjustment.

763 Second Street, LLC – Dover Road – Building is continuing without a permit.  The complaint letter was served in hand to the property owner.  The Board directed Lisa to contact town counsel and proceed with a Cease and Desist order.

An update from town counsel was reviewed regarding the small claims complaint from Coffey.

The Selectmen reviewed the expenses to date for the 2007 operating budget.  The highway department is getting very close to 100%.  The Board directed Lisa to speak to the Road Agent about watching expenses closely for the remainder of the year.  The Board expects the Road Agent to stay within the operating budget.

Selectman DeBold informed the Board that the final perambulation meeting with the Town of Pittsfield is scheduled for December 2, 2007.

The Board signed the equalization study for the Department of Revenue.

The Board signed the annual assessing contract and the update contract for 2008 with Brett Purvis & Associates.

 An abatement for map 10, lot 30-1, was signed in the amount of $500.00 of assessed value.

A disabled exemption was signed.  Veteran’s credits were signed for map7, lot 19 and map 6, lot 15.

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BOS minutes
November 20, 2007

The minutes of November 13, 2007 were approved as corrected.  The non-public minutes of November 16, 2007 were approved as written.  The minutes of the November 16, 2007 work session were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:50pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN