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Selectmen Minutes 10/30/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 30, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Selectman DeBold was excused.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: 2008 Budget Proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members – Bruce Dyke, Lucille Noel, Jason Weir, Scott Marston, Norm Larochelle and John Martell

Chairman Colbert introduced the budget committee members and explained the Selectmen’s directive to departments this year was to submit a flat line budget.  Any pay increases requested would be submitted to the Selectmen separately.   Discussion ensued with the budget committee asking what the intent of this change was.  Mr. Weir stated in the past the committee has been part of that process which in his opinion has been positive interaction.  Chairman Colbert explained the Board’s opinion that this was not the correct forum to be discussing individual employee’s increases in front of ten people. To keep on schedule, the group agreed to continue discussion after tonight’s budget appointments, time permitting.

Historical Society

Dick Pratt, President and Elizabeth Collins, Treasurer, presented the Historical Society’s budget, reviewing the breakdown of expenses and discussing the two proposed warrant articles related to the Community Building.

Town Clerk / Tax Collector

Ms. Pike answered questions from the budget committee, clarifying what is included in support line #4140-26 of the town clerk’s budget.  Mr. Dyke posed the question could Ms. Pike work within the flat lined budget or would it cause the department hardship and or loss of services.  Ms. Pike responded yes, she could live within the budget and services to the town would not be cut.


Ms. Carolee Davison, Library Trustee discussed the library’s proposed budget.  The increase for the librarian is keeping with the goal set by the trustees to bring the salary up to a competitive level.  This is the last year of the $1,500 amount.  There will also be money designated to compensate fill in help when the librarian is attending conferences.  With adjustments to other lines within the budget, the overall increase to the library budget is $924.00.  

Discussion returned to what the process was going to be for payroll increases this year.  It was not the Selectmen’s intention to keep the budget committee out of the process. The Selectmen have a problem with how last years increases were handled and want to make the process more efficient moving forward instead of getting bogged down within each department’s budget.  

Selectman MacCleery asked the budget committee for their suggestion on how they wished to see this handled.  The suggestion was made to set aside a meeting to discuss pay increases as a whole once the Selectmen have determined the range for Cost of Living Adjustments, raises and or any allowances for inequities that may exist within departments.     

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BOS minutes
October 30, 2007

SUBJECT: Gate proposal for the Giuda/Merrill subdivisions
PRESENT: Mr. Gordon Jones

Mr. Jones submitted a petition to the Selectmen, which he read into the record; “We the undersigned are opposed to the gating of Perry Brook Road, as Healy Pasture Road, Pleasant Street and Kelly Corner Road should not bear the entire burden of traffic from the Giuda-Merrill subdivision.”  

Chairman Colbert stated that in his opinion this petition should be made available for all taxpayers to sign, Perry Brook Road is a Class V public road. Chairman Colbert and Hilliard Road resident John Martell added their names to the petition.

Mr. Jones shared with the Board his past experience when he gated Clifford Road and put a lock on it.  The Board of Selectmen at that time, called him in and told him he had to remove the lock, that the road could not be blocked.  

SUBJECT: Personnel Matter, Police Department – Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 ll(a)
PRESENT: Chief Clarke

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery, to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 ll(a), the dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee, at 8:30pm.  MacCleery – yes; Colbert – yes.  Motion carries.

The Selectmen came out of non-public session at 8:50pm.  No decisions were made while in non-public session.

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery, to seal the minutes of the non-public session for one year.  MacCleery – yes; Colbert – yes.  Motion carries.


The Selectmen approved the Road Agent’s request to accept the bid from BII, for the guardrail repair on Higgins Road.

A discussion took place regarding the opinion received from town counsel in response to the Board’s inquiry of whose authority it was to approve a gated road and should the town be considering this if it is not included in our zoning regulations.  The attorney offered the following summation; The Planning Board is the authority overseeing the layout of roads within a subdivision as stipulated in the Town of Chichester’s Subdivision Regulations.  If this road was an emergency lane only, then the Fire Chief would have the authority to allow or not allow a gate and stipulate what kind and to whose expense.  This is not the case.  This connector road will be the second egress from the proposed development and the subdivision regulations specifically state the requirements of what those roads will be with no provisions for the Planning Board to waive those requirements.  Therefore, the gate is not an option the Planning Board can consider at this time.  

In light of this rendered opinion, Selectman MacCleery stated he has no reason to change his vote from the one previously given at the July 31, 2007 Selectmen’s meeting.

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BOS minutes
October 30, 2007

The Selectmen reviewed the draft Impact Fee Assessment Schedule for the Giuda/Merrill subdivisions.  RSA 674:21- Innovative Land Controls, requires the impact fees to be assessed by the Planning Board at the time of subdivision approval.  Substantial road improvements to Hilliard and Perry Brook Roads will be necessitated by the amount of additional traffic generated by these subdivisions.  The Selectmen directed the Administrator to send a memo to the Planning Board offering advisory input, strongly recommending the Planning Board not to deviate from the professional engineer’s report of costs for these upgrades.  In addition to the municipality’s proportional share of these costs, the Town will still be responsible for the costs to replace three box culverts already identified by the town for repair.    

The Board approved the new stumpage rates, adjusting for the average rates.

The Board appointed Chief Vien as the Deputy Emergency Management Director.

The Board signed the recommendations for appointment as Deputy Fire Wardens for Matthew Cole and George Cooper.  These will be forwarded to the State Forest Ranger for approval.

Chairman Colbert signed the renewal for the Health, Property Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance policies.  Chairman Colbert signed the 2008 health benefit rates from Healthtrust. The increase is 9.9% this year.  This is down slightly from last year’s 14.5%.

Selectman MacCleery asked the Administrator to speak to the Road Agent regarding overtime reported.

The Selectmen agreed to solicit bids for the printing of the annual town report.

A Selectman representative is needed for the Regional Board Committee being established.  This decision was tabled until a full board was present.  The Town Organization Committee is hosting the first meeting here in Chichester at the request of the Board of Selectmen.  This is a direct result of a recommendation identified in the committee’s final report.

The Board reviewed correspondence.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of October 23, 2007 as corrected.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery