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Selectmen Minutes 09/04/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 4, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Selectman MacCleery was excused.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting with the public hearing at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – Acceptance of Healy Pasture Road as a Class V Town Road
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Karl Merrill property owner and three members of the public

Chairman Colbert informed those in attendance that the Board of Selectmen has received a petition from property owner, Karl Merrill, for the Town to accept 1653 ft of paved road, known as Healy Pasture Road, as a Town road. This public hearing is a step in the process for that formal acceptance; however no vote will be taken by the Board this evening due to the absence of Selectman MacCleery.   

Also, as part of the process, the Selectmen have requested the Town Engineer walk the road and issue a report.  No written documentation has been received as yet.  The Town is not expecting to hear of any problems with the condition of the road.  There are some minor stress cracks on the surface, but the road does not show any structural damage.  

The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally, has inspected the road and recommends approval barring any major damage report from the Town Engineer.  

Mr. Karl Merrill stated he believes the road was paved during 2002 -2003 with one to two years between the application of the base coat and the finish coat. The Town has documentation in the file from the former Town Engineer that corresponds to those dates.

Chairman Colbert took questions from the audience.  Ms. Karen Lingner asked if the delay would hold up the vote at the Planning Board meeting on Thursday night for the proposed Giuda/Merrill subdivisions.  The Selectmen responded no, the Planning Board approval for those projects may not happen anyway this month for a variety of reasons.  

With no further questions, Chairman Colbert closed the public hearing at 7:12pm.


With time between appointments, the Selectmen reviewed correspondence and signed the payroll and accounts payable checks.

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BOS minutes
September 4, 2007

Mr. Jaime Pike thanked the Board for the job offer to become the new Selectmen’s Office /Planning Assistant.  He will begin his duties on Thursday evening at the Planning Board meeting.

SUBJECT: Fire Department Students
PRESENT: Nate Hanson, Kevin O’Donnell & Sarah Buxton; Chief Vien and Betsy Uitts; Fire Department secretary

The Board of Selectmen welcomed the returning gentlemen and newcomer Sarah Buxton for the new school year.  Chairman Colbert impressed upon the students the responsibility extended to them for not only their conduct and care while at the fire station but their positions within the department as well.  

Selectman DeBold stated the Board of Selectmen expected the students to live up to the Fire Department contract they signed which addressed the department’s Code of Conduct, Dress Code and Sexual Harassment Policy.     

SUBJECT: Cyclical Review Assessment Report
PRESENT: David Hynes, Department of Revenue, Community Assessment Supervisor

Mr. Hynes met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss his report that consisted of a random sampling of the Town Assessor’s work relative to the annual cyclical review of a 20% portion of the town’s properties as part of the ongoing revaluation work.  The town property values are scheduled for updating and certification in 2008.

Mr. Hynes cited the lack of current pictures on some of the property record cards.  New pictures are included in the contract price. The Department of Revenue is of the opinion that the Town’s contract is too broad.  The State recommends two separate contracts, one that handles general assessing and one that outlines the revaluation work.  The data has been collected accurately.  However, no callback work has been done.  The Town can and should request a detailed projection of the work to date regarding the cyclical work.  The State also recommends holding informal hearings next year once the new values have been established.   

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BOS minutes
September 4, 2007

SUBJECT:  911 call
PRESENT: Steve Stock Forest Fire Warden

Mr. Stock was asked to meet with the Selectmen to discuss his attendance and actions on a medical call that took place since Mr. Stock is no longer a member of the Chichester Fire-Rescue Department.

Mr. Stock explained he did not respond to the location, he was already on site for personal reasons when the tone went out for the medical call.  Mr. Stock did sign on the radio under his call number (which is assigned to the Chichester Fire Warden) while speaking with the patient who told Mr. Stock it was an accidental trip, Lifeline did not hear the response given to them by the patient and called the dispatch center.  Mr. Stock relayed that information to the dispatch center.  The dispatch operator asked Mr. Stock if he could cancel the ambulance.  When Mr. Stock replied “you can” he stated it was with the inflection in his voice to indicate, there was no emergency so no need to continue with lights and siren, full out.  Mr. Stock did not issue the directive to cancel the ambulance.   When Officer Seluk arrived on scene, Mr. Stock informed her it was an accidental trip and Officer Seluk left the scene. Mr. Stock stated several times, it was not his intention to cancel the ambulance, the inflection in my voice was to mean at their discretion. It appears the call was canceled due to Mr. Stock’s involvement.  
Chairman Colbert discussed his concern for the Town’s liability.  Mr. Stock is only the Forest Fire Warden and no longer has authority to assess or be involved on the Town’s behalf during a medical call, motor vehicle accident or structure fire.  

Selectman DeBold was concerned that Mr. Stock had responded to this call when in fact that was not the case, Mr. Stock was already on scene.

Mr. Stock reiterated, his intent was not to assert any authority I don’t have control over, it was merely a notification to the dispatch to relay to the responding unit.  

Mr. Stock also stated he is trying to work with Chief Vien, his letter of agreement shows
a step towards working together.  I reduced the town’s liability (by not having the ambulance continue on the level of lights/sirens).  My liability is covered under the Good Samaritan law.  

A discussion took place regarding the difference between reporting a call versus taking
authority over the incident.  

Selectman DeBold concluded by stating Mr. Stock’s intentions were good, there is no malice here.  No further action will be taken; the Board is just bringing this concern to the Fire Warden’s attention.

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BOS minutes
September 4, 2007

No response has been received from the Town Attorney regarding the ownership of the right of way off of Perry Brook Road.  Lisa will follow-up prior to the Planning Board meeting on Thursday evening.  

Finalizing the Selectmen’s expectations for this years department budgets was tabled due to the absence of Selectman MacCleery.  Lisa was directed to move forward and compile the meeting schedule for the budget season.   

The Department of Revenue approved the expenditure of funds from the Police Special Detail Revolving Fund for the purchase of two used four wheelers for the purpose of the OHRV details conducted by the Police Department.

The non-public minutes of August 28, 2007 were approved as written.

The minutes of August 28, 2007 were approved with corrections.

Lisa reminded the Board that the first Incident Command Class is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2007 from 6-10pm at the fire station.

Selectman DeBold reminded the group he will be out of town and not present at next week’s meeting.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

______________________  ________________________    ___________________
David Colbert, Chairman Richard DeBold              Stephen MacCleery

                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN