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Selectmen Minutes 07/17/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – Sale of town property    
PRESENT: Eric Krochmal, Jim & Gail Towle, John Uitts, Gil Vien and Chris Weir  

Chairman Colbert began the public hearing by informing the members of the audience that the Board of Selectmen has been approached by Towle Road resident Eric Krochmal to purchase the town owned lot, identified as map 4, lot 48, which abuts Mr. Krochmal’s property.  Pursuant to State statute the Selectmen must first enter into discussion with the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission as to their plans or concerns for selling or keeping this piece of town property, and then the Selectmen must hold two public hearings to receive input from the taxpayers.  The Board intends to continue the past practice of selling by sealed bid.  The terms and conditions of the sale are outlined in the bid notice scheduled for advertisement in next week’s Suncook Valley Sun.  The deadline to submit bids is August 7, 2007.  

One item still unclear was the determination of this lot as a buildable lot.  The size of the parcel is .92 acres.  Should this be determined to be a lot of record prior to when the town’s zoning was established, it could be considered a buildable lot so long as the lot could sustain a state approved septic system and the building area remain within the setbacks. There is a small stream that runs through the property and the tax maps show this parcel to be in the open space wetlands zone.

The town obtained this lot by tax deed and ownership was listed as unknown.  Lisa will research deeds on contiguous parcels in order to find when this lot was created.  The second public hearing is scheduled for July 31, 2007 at 7:00pm.   

The Chairman closed the public hearing at 7:25pm.

SUBJECT: Planning Board – staffing consolidation
PRESENT: Planning Board members; Brad Towle, Richard Moore and Chris Weir

The Selectmen invited the members of the Planning Board to tonight’s meeting to inform them of the Selectmen’s decision to realign the functions of the town office by consolidating the Selectmen’s office assistant and the Planning Board secretary into one part-time position.  The Selectmen are also expanding the hours open to the public to thirty and one half (30.5) per week.  The reasons behind this plan are to increase customer service, improve and address communications across all town boards and departments, assure that the town is in compliance with all State laws as they pertain to postings, filings, recordings and all documentation.  And this is possible to achieve within this year’s approved budget. Due to this position being upgraded and expanded the Board of Selectmen felt the necessity to openly advertise this new position. The proposal phases out the separate Planning Board secretarial position after town meeting.  

The Planning Board members raised concern of the possibility of losing the current secretary immediately, losing all the knowledge and experience she has and having a long transition with the new help.    

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BOS minutes
July 17, 2007

The expanded hours, which co-inside with the Town Clerk’s office except for remaining open on Fridays, will begin on September 3rd.   

SUBJECT: Fire Department
PRESENT: Chief Gil Vien, Deputy Chief John Uitts, Ed Millette

The Chief forwarded an updated officers list to the Board.  Lieutenant Weir has requested a leave of absence due to several commitments going on in her personal life; she does not feel she has the appropriate time to contribute to the department as an officer.  She will remain a member of the department. This will leave an open Lieutenant’s position on the department.  

The Fehr personnel matter was discussed and finalized.  Chief Vien will forward a letter to Mr. Fehr stating the Chief’s decision.  This matter is now considered closed.  

The Board and Chief Vien discussed additional correspondence received from Mr. Stock regarding the whereabouts of Mr. Stock’s personal radio.  Mr. Stock’s letter indicated he did not know the serial number nor did Mr. Stock have any acknowledgement from the town that this piece of equipment was on loan. Mr. Stock’s letter did indicate the member the radio was loaned to was Mr. Millette.  Mr. Millette stated he did not have Mr. Stock’s radio.  Mr. Millette has turned in any equipment he was issued prior to when his call signs were updated and received new equipment from the department.  

Any old radio inventories maintained by Mr. Stock when he was Captain of the department were said to be on the old computers.  The Chief asked the town’s IT consultant to retrieve all data from the old computers prior to disposing of the computers when the new computer network was established.  The old computers had been wiped clean of all information. The department had updated radios from a batch of radios that former Chief Prickett had obtained from surplus.   
The Board of Selectmen agreed to offer Mr. Stock his department issued radio as replacement for his personal radio that cannot be located.  

Deputy Chief Uitts has tentatively scheduled the Incident Command Class for the second and third Monday in September and the first and third Monday in October.  

The Board inquired with the Chief as to the status of outfitting the military vehicle.  Mr. Stock has come to the Board for clarification on this issue.  Chief Vien stated he gave member George Cooper the go ahead to put the lights on, use the best pump the department had on hand and get it to Diamond Signs for the lettering, prior to the Chief leaving for vacation.  

Discussed was Mr. Stock’s correspondence dated July 5, 2007, alleging safety concerns regarding department procedures while handling a motor vehicle accident on Route 4 and Cross Road.  Chief Vien and Deputy Chief Uitts pointed out misrepresentations of the facts contained within that letter. The Chief will follow up with Mr. Stock.

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BOS minutes
July 17, 2007

The Selectmen discussed once again the request to appoint additional Deputy Fire Wardens.  The Board decided not to change their previous decision and add any additional deputies at this time.  


Planning Board member Chris Weir offered to step down from his alternate position on the Planning Board if the Selectmen would appoint secretary Deachman to the Planning Board in his place. The Selectmen recognize the valuable history Ms. Deachman has and have discussed the option of appointing Ms. Deachman as a Planning Board member when a position becomes available.  

Mr. Weir also asked the Board to review page 19 of the Declarations document submitted by Mr. Giuda for the proposed French Hill Condominium Project.  Page 19 details the development rights of the property.  

The Board discussed several zoning issues that have been brought to their attention;

1. What appears to be a duplex under construction on King Road where the applicant has been denied a variance from the Board of Adjustment for a multi family dwelling.  The Board directed Lisa to contact town counsel for direction.

2. The mobile home at 84 Suncook Valley Road must be removed.  The elderly relation has not lived there for over a year.  Lisa was directed to send notice of removal to the homeowner.

3. A letter of complaint for light glare from the new Chucksters Entertainment Center.  Chairman Colbert has visited the site and spoken to the business owner.  All lights have been re-directed on or around July 1st.  Lisa will send notification to the Concerned Citizens for Lighting.  The parking lot, while not all paved is now fully functional.  The Selectmen will hold off on posting the road unless further complaints are received.

4. Mr. Mullaney’s request for the Board to review the town’s practice of collecting impact fees at the time a building permit is issued was discussed.  Lisa has confirmed with the Local Government Center that pursuant to RSA 674:21; Innovative Land Use Controls, the town must collect the impact fees at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.  An arrangement may be made with the applicant as to type of payment accepted but not when to accept.  Lisa was directed to send a letter to Mr. Mullaney and the building inspector, notifying them the town will discontinue the practice of collecting the impact fee at the time the building permit is issued.

5. Selectman DeBold brought to the Board his safety concern generated by the parking along both sides of Route 28 during what appears to be a multi-family yard sale going on frequently. Lisa will draft a letter for the Board’s approval.

Selectman DeBold discussed the revisions to the Oversight on Center Road Agreement between the town and CLD Engineering.  The Board signed the finalized agreement.  

A detailed review of the proposed personnel policies took place.  Lisa will make the adjustments and have a new draft available for next week.

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BOS minutes
July 17, 2007

The minutes of July 10, 2007 were approved as corrected; page 2 1st paragraph, third sentence add after the word Adjustment; for a duplex.  Page 3, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, insert the word in after the wording; “It is”, insert the word major after the wording; “need of”, 5th paragraph, 3rd sentence, change the word “us” to, the Town/Selectmen’s office. Page 4, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, insert the word only between “to and one”, 4th paragraph, begin the sentence with; Upon the recommendation of Selectman DeBold.  Page 5, 4th paragraph, end 4th sentence after (30.5), begin the 5th sentence by inserting the wording; This initial consolidation of jobs will be; insert the words in 2007 after the word “budget”; 6th sentence insert the word new after the word “The”; 7th sentence end by adding the word position; 8th sentence insert the words 32.5 hours/wk between the words “employee and eligible.”  

The Board signed a current use levy totaling $11,800 for two parcels; map 8, lot 41 & map 8, lot 41-B1.  

The remaining mail was reviewed.  Payroll and Accounts Payable was signed.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman Colbert to adjourn the meeting at 10:35pm. All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN