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Selectmen Minutes 07/10/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 10, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectmen MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief; John Martell; Emergency Management Director, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief; Carolee Davison, Treasurer

PD – The Chief reported he has received a complaint of vehicles parking along the side of Bailey Road as a result of over flow parking from Chucksters Entertainment Center.  Options discussed were to post the road on one side and or speak with the business owners regarding expansion of the businesses parking lot.  Chairman Colbert will address the matter with the business owners.

The Chief has looked into individuals parking cars for sale on the sides of area roadways.  The vehicles have been removed from the corner of Webster Mills and Rte 28. A discussion was held relevant to establishing a procedure to handle all such incidents.  The majority of the Board would like to hold off pursuing these cases until a complaint is submitted to the office in writing.

Patrick has looked into the laws regarding the licensing and kenneling of dogs in reference to the concerns from homeowners on Horse Corner Road.  The police department will pursue any complaints received.    

The Center Road reconstruction project will begin on Monday July 16, 2007.  The road will be closed to thru traffic for the duration of the project and will have to be closed temporarily when the large culvert is replaced. The project is anticipated to last for six weeks.  The department is finishing up with the ditching work this week. Ms. Davison asked about the condition of a section of Horse Corner Road between the Mobbs and Edmonds properties.  The Road Agent will go and inspect the roadway.    

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.  

BI – Mr. Paveglio inquired as to the Board’s decision on Mr. Mullaney’s request for alternate payment of the impact fees.  The Board has not made a decision at this time.

Mr. Paveglio has not worked on drafting a Certificate of Operation as yet.

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BOS minutes
July 10, 2007

The Building Inspector has had a request for a conditional Certificate of Occupancy.  The dwelling under construction appears (in the opinion of the Building Inspector upon his inspection) to be a duplex with one side complete.  The dwelling should be a single family; the applicant was denied a variance from the Board of Adjustment for a duplex.  The Selectmen did not approve the Building Inspector to issue a conditional Certificate of Occupancy.  Mr. Paveglio informed the Board that the expansion project for Live and Let Live Farm has been approved by the Planning Board.

FD – Deputy Chief Uitts informed the Selectmen that a problem arose with gaining access to the upper field at Carpenter Park during a rescue call over the weekend.  The newly placed boulders to deter parking also blocked access for the ambulance.  This will need to be revisited.  Options were to relocate the boulders or issue keys to the gate.  

Engine 3 will be participating in a parade on Friday night.

Treasurer – Carolee discussed the recent memo sent to all departments regarding the Capital Improvement Program (CIP).  In particular Ms. Davison questioned the line stating that if a department did not submit an updated plan they would be subject to no funding.  Is this a new procedure and can we do that were questions raised?  

Carolee also asked about the disposition of outstanding escrow engineering accounts.  She has not received any response from her previous requests to the Planning Board.  Carolee asked if she should go directly to the Planning Board Chairman.  A brief discussion was held relative to the road conditions on these developments in which the town still has money held.  Perhaps the Road Agent or the Town Engineer should inspect them first.   

Carolee inquired as to the guidelines for the Ambulance Special Revenue Fund.  The question raised was could the billing service fees be taken from this account and not be part of the budget. The fund was established through a warrant article appropriating the  
funds collected to be used for the purchase of an ambulance only.

Prior to the informational session, the Board signed the agreement with Kelly Corner Farm to allow their sheep to graze on the town property known as the Shaw Field.  This is a one year, no cost agreement with the town.  The Board has never received any complaints while the sheep have grazed on this property.  No crops will be grown and no profit will be made during this agreement.

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BOS minutes
July 10, 2007

SUBJECT: Proposed lease/purchase; loader for the Highway Department  
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent and 4 members of the general public

Chairman Colbert gave an overview of the situation the town is in with the backhoe/loader.  It is in need of major repair, estimates received total just over $9,000, due to the age of the machine the Road Agent and the Selectmen are not in favor of putting any more money into repairs, this year already the repair costs of $2,500.00 have gone over the budgeted amount.

The Road Agent has brought a proposal to the Selectmen for the lease/purchase of a used loader with a trade-in value for the town’s backhoe/loader of $20,000. Should the Board agree to the selection of the Hyundai loader, the proposal will be amended this evening for a new loader because the used one selected has been sold.  The proposal included a cost comparison of new versus old from five different manufacturers. Mr. Kenneally recommends the Hyundai based on the value and performance.  Also researched was the cost of renting this piece of equipment.  The Town can no longer afford to not do anything.  The options are to repair the existing, trade-in the existing through a lease/purchase or rent a piece of equipment until Town Meeting.  The lease/purchase is a municipal agreement which contains a non-funding escape clause should the town not agree to fund this purchase in March. The first year’s payment will be the value of the trade-in.  Selectman MacCleery made the suggestion to propose the balance of the funding in the proposed warrant article for next year come from the Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund saving the town the interest that would be accrued over a four year agreement.  The general consensus was favorable to this suggestion.  Motion Chairman Colbert and second by Selectman DeBold to enter into a municipal lease/purchase agreement for a new Hyundai 730TM-7 wheeled loader for a cost of $82,125 and to accept $20,000 as trade-in value on the Town’s Case backhoe/loader.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  The Board of Selectmen stated their intention to have a warrant article drafted to make the final payment for next year using the Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to save on two year’s interest.

FD - Deputy Chief John Uitts had remained at the meeting to hear the discussion regarding the loader lease/purchase and asked the Selectmen if he could discuss two additional items with the Board. Mr. Uitts informed the Selectmen that he is continuing to work on updating the fire department polices and administrative guidelines.

In regards to Mr. Stock’s letter to Chief Vien requesting reimbursement for his personal radio on loan to the department, Deputy Uitts confirmed the department has not been able to locate this radio.  The position of Captain is the officer in charge of radio equipment. When Mr. Stock can provide the Town/Selectmen’s Office with the serial number, who the radio was loaned to and or a receipt of when the town accepted this piece of equipment on loan, further searching will be done.  The Board directed Lisa to reply to Mr. Stock, requesting this information.  
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BOS minutes
July 10, 2007

Options for scheduling for the Incident Command Class were discussed.  The following departments must be involved; Fire, Police, Highway, Emergency Management, the Board of Selectmen, the Town Administrator and a School Representative.  The Board agreed on a schedule of three consecutive Monday evenings and the final class on a Saturday morning.  Mr. Uitts will finalize the class schedule and notify the Board.  

NEW BUSINESS: Clarification is needed on the Mayville invoice.  The charges are posted to only one account line and should be broken out.  Lisa will review with the Road Agent.  Also of concern, was the town paying a contractor to haul sand while the town truck was idle or were both trucks hauling at the same time?

Selectman MacCleery brought forward a zoning complaint he received from a phone call regarding several unregistered vehicles on Kaime Road.  Lisa has prepared a letter to the homeowner for the Board’s signature.     A discussion followed regarding the policy adopted by the Board on the filing and handling of zoning complaints.  Lisa was directed to search for the complaint form previously adopted for use by a former Select Board.  

Upon recommendation of Selectman DeBold, the Board went on record to thank volunteer Donna Chagnon for all her time and effort with reorganizing the supply and records room at the town hall.  Lisa was directed to send a letter of thanks to Mrs. Chagnon.

OLD BUSINESS: The Board finalized the bid document for the sale of the town lot on Towel Road.  No minimum price will be listed.  The Board will be seeking fair market value for the lot.

FFW - Warden Stock stopped by the meeting to speak with the Board on two items. Mr. Stock inquired as to the status of the additional deputy fire warden appointment forms.  The Selectmen asked the reason behind recommending these nominations.  Mr. Stock replied because the candidates have expressed interest in it and Mr. Stock wanted to give the residents more of an opportunity to get burn permits.  The Selectmen are not aware of any complaints from the townspeople not being able to get a permit.  The Board feels the town is adequately covered with the number of wardens we have at this time.  Warden Stock asked that the Board re-consider this position.  

Mr. Stock then inquired as to the status of completing the outfitting of the military vehicle.  Mr. Stock stated Chief Vien has not kept him informed.  The Board was not aware of any new issues preventing the work to be completed.  Previously discussed was the issue surrounding the size of the tank to be put on the vehicle.  The department was given a 550 gallon tank by the Town of Loudon for free.   A 1000 gallon tank would be an additional expense.  No one present was sure what size tank was determined for use.  The Board and or Mr. Stock will need to follow up with the Fire Chief as to the vehicles status.
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BOS minutes
July 10, 2007

The vacancies on the Conservation Commission were tabled at this time due to no names being brought forward for candidates.  

The Board tabled the discussion on Impact Fees and scheduling a joint meeting with the Planning Board for discussion on such.

No policy review work was done this evening.  The Board will edit during the week and bring any changes to the table for next meeting.

A lengthy discussion took place to finalize Phase II of the office reconstruction, expansion of hours and staffing re-alignment.  The goal was to improve customer service by expanding the number of office hours to include the planning department, establishing  evening hours for the planning department and improve/increase communications across all boards and departments as planning affects all aspects of town functions. Two proposals were considered.  Proposal I considered two part time clerks, with some separate tasks and some dual tasks, reducing hours of the Selectmen’s Office and increasing hours of and recognizing planning as a department by covering alternate shifts and backfilling one another as needed.  Proposal II was for the consolidation of the Selectmen’s Office and the Planning Department, upgrading from two part time clerks to one regular part time clerk, increasing/improving the daily functions to address the needs with a total number of hours open to the public for all functions of town government of thirty and one half (30.5). The initial consolidation of jobs will be at no additional expense to the budget in 2007.  The new hours proposed are in line with what is currently available at the Town Clerk/Tax Collector Office. The intent is to phase out the two separate positions after town meeting when the position’s job classification will change to a salaried position which will include any and all evening meetings and make the position eligible for prorated part time benefits.  Motion Chairman Colbert and second by Selectman DeBold to accept the Selectmen/Planning 2007 realignment proposal for one employee at 30.5 hours per week through March 31, 2008 with the intent of passage by town meeting vote to upgrade and fund the position as a regular part time employee 32.5 hours/wk eligible for prorated benefits.  Colbert/DeBold – yes; MacCleery – no.  Motion carries.  

The Board reviewed the bids solicited by the Historical Society for the painting of Thunder Bridge.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and second by Chairman Colbert to award the bid for the painting of Thunder Bridge to 4 Sons Painting as described, in the amount of $12,500.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The Selectmen received a favorable response back via a letter of interest to be part of a joint meeting of Select boards from the Town of Barnstead.  Lisa will forward a copy to the Town Organization Committee.

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BOS minutes
July 10, 2007

The Board received a letter of complaint from the Concerned Citizens for Lighting regarding light glare at Chucksters Fun Center. Due to the lateness of the hour, discussion on this issue was tabled.   

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Mail was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of June 26 and July 3, 2007 as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery


                                                        NOT YET APPROVED