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Selectmen Minutes 06/26/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 26, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Selectman DeBold was excused.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Martell; Emergency Management Director, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief

PD – The Chief reported he had talked with Mr. Steed regarding the speeding compliant on Horse Corner Road.

The Chief has looked into the dog complaint on Horse Corner Road, all the dogs are licensed, and he has not found any law that would rectify the abutters concerns other than the civil forfeiture fine for dogs barking continually for a period of thirty minutes or longer. The police department has not received any recent complaints on this matter except for one a month ago about dogs running at large.  The neighbors will need to pursue this and file complaints with the police.  Selectman MacCleery has received two calls from neighbors on this issue and referred them to the police department for handling.  

The construction details are working out okay with some last minute adjustments at times.

Parking at Carpenter Park continues to be an issue.  The highway department will block the access road to the back field.  The gate still needs to be put up as well.  The highway department assisted the Recreation Commission and installed the posts.  Follow-up with Selectman DeBold is needed.   The police department is going to start issuing warnings to those vehicles illegally parked.

EMD – Mr. Martell re-stated for the record that he has met with the Scheys on Deer Meadow Road regarding the flood damage to their property from the April Nor’Easter.  The Scheys are working with FEMA on this property damage.

HYW – The town has received $27,063.55 from FEMA for flood reimbursement.  Mr. Kenneally was expecting more and will follow-up with his FEMA contact.  Mr. Kenneally requested the Board consider allowing the highway department to expend those funds this year to offset the unanticipated expenses to his budget from this storm damage.  The Board asked for Mr. Kenneally to submit his proposal and they will take this under advisement.

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BOS minutes
June 26, 2007

The department continues to work on ditching.  The wetlands permits have still not come through from the state for the Center Road project.

Mr. Kenneally submitted quotes for the proposed lease/purchase of a used loader along with trade-in costs for our backhoe/loader, rental costs and anticipated repair costs for the backhoe.  An informational hearing will be scheduled prior to a decision by the Board.  The Board members will review the information submitted and contact Mr. Kenneally should they wish to meet with him again prior to the informational meeting.  Selectman MacCleery stated his concern should we have problems with the excavator and only have a loader versus what we have now; a backhoe/loader then we do not have a piece of equipment to excavate with.  

Selectman MacCleery passed along complaints he has received of motor vehicle violations such as running a stop sign and directionals not being used when the Road Agent was driving the blazer on Monday morning.   

FD – Chief Vien submitted a copy of correspondence from member Stock regarding the apparent loss of his personal radio on loan to the department. The Chief can not locate the radio.  The Captain of the department was responsible for all radio equipment.  All such equipment should be logged.  The member is requesting reimbursement from the town.  
The town is not responsible for personal equipment.

Also submitted were copies from area fire departments regarding reckless conduct of a department member.

The radio frequencies are expired and have been for some time.  Deputy Chief Uitts is working with a gentleman from Capital Area Dispatch to resolve this.  The town frequency is now being used by the Town of Canterbury.  Chairman Colbert signed a letter to the Town of Canterbury requesting shared usage of this frequency.  The cost for licensing will be around $200.00 opposed to much higher should the town need to apply for a new frequency.

The Chief has canceled the contract with Nextel due to too many billing problems.  The new cell phone contract is with Verizon for a better plan, better service, less cost and the same telephone numbers.  

Deputy Chief Uitts forward copies to the Selectmen of his letter to the Concord Fire Department regarding member conduct.  

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BOS minutes
June 27, 2007

A request from the Epsom/Chichester Lions Club to locate an aluminum can recycling unit at the Fire Station lot was discussed.  This is a fundraiser for the club.  The Board agreed to this location provided the unit does not become a policing issue for misuse as a trash site.

Selectman MacCleery inquired if there is a log being kept on the usage of the department’s blazer.  The Chief stated yes, on all fire department vehicles.

Deputy Chief Uitts shared the positive comments the department has received from the compact group regarding the recent drill held by Chichester.

Chief Vien reported he will be on vacation next week. Deputy Chief Uitts will be in charge of the department in his absence.

BI – Mr. Paveglio reported that several people that were on the building permit waiting list for 2009 have moved up due to openings.  Some have declined and will remain on the 2009 list.  Building in Chichester is very slow.

Mr. Paveglio reported difficulty when issuing Certificates of Occupancy to commercial businesses such as Chucksters when he has not been made aware of the requirements and or conditions placed upon the applicant from the Planning Board.  Mr. Paveglio does not get minutes or decisions or any correspondence from the Planning Board.  As of late he has been receiving plans but these are after the approval has been granted.  There is a breakdown in the communication. The Road Agent expressed similar concerns with not having copies of plans, preliminary or otherwise.  This lead to a discussion with all the department heads with the communication disconnect.  Chairman Colbert suggested perhaps the Chairman of the Planning Board should be attending the department heads meeting and the Board of Selectmen, Department Heads and the Planning Board should all sit down together and discuss the problems all are facing.  The Chairman also stated the Selectmen are working on putting office hours in place for the Planning Board where someone will be available in the office during the day to work with the fellow departments and the residents.

The Board is considering creating a Certificate of Operation to issue to new businesses to help both the applicant to be in compliance prior to operating and the town to know what is required prior to issuing.

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BOS minutes
June 26, 2007

SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment – Vacancy
PRESENT: Mr. Richard Millette

The Board met with Mr. Millette to discuss the vacancy for an alternate member on the Board of Adjustment.  Mr. Millette told the Board a little about himself and his involvement with town activities. Mr. Millette is a member of the Historical Society.   Chairman Colbert asked questions pertaining to prior experience and involvement in town government. No decision was made this evening due to Selectman DeBold’s absence.


Chief Vien stopped back in the meeting at the Board’s request to discuss concerns if any with the pending appointments for Deputy Fire Wardens.  

The Board signed abatements totaling $4949.14 for owner unknown on map 6, lot 23 encompassing tax liens from 1999-2006.  

The Board reviewed and discussed a restructured office hour’s proposal from the Town Administrator.  No decision was made this evening with only two members present.

The Town Administrator submitted a draft document for the updated personnel policies.  This document incorporates the existing town policies with the inclusion of additional policies recommended from the Local Government Center.  The Board will review during the week and bring comments and or edits to next week’s meeting.  

The Administrator prompted the Board to be thinking about upcoming projects and deadlines.  The Incident Command Training, Capital Improvement Plan, Impact Fee Discussion and 2008 budgeting is on the horizon.  The time is here to schedule, notify departments and or have planning sessions on these topics.   

Lisa was directed to send a memo to the Planning Board requesting the Capital Improvement Plan update work begin now.  It is needed prior to budget submissions by the departments.

Selectman MacCleery discussed cars advertised for sale in the right of way on Route 28 at the corner of Webster Mills Road.  Lisa was directed to seek owners and have them removed if no homeowner permission and or if they are in fact in the right of way.

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BOS minutes
June 26, 2007

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Mail was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of June 19, 2007 as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery


                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN