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Selectmen Minutes 06/19/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 19, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

SUBJECT: Abatement request  
PRESENT: Ms. Dorothy Nelson & Carmella Becker    

Ms. Nelson came before the Board of Selectmen to request an abatement of the past taxes on map 6, lot 23.  The taxes were levied against “Owner Unknown”.  A survey has just been completed and together with years of research, the ownership of this lot has been determined to be Eugene & Dorothy Nelson.  Ms. Nelson submitted a timeline of the ongoing research to the Board.  The taxes were paid to complete a property transfer to Nolin. Ms. Nelson asked not to be penalized for taxes that were issued to an unknown owner it is unfair since she had no prior notice that those taxes were due.

The town has not taken any action on the unknown lots in recent years.  The Board will take this request under advisement.

SUBJECT: Backhoe
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent & Alan Mayville

The backhoe is in need of more repairs.  The Road Agent has an estimate of $3,100.00 to replace both radiators.  The brakes are gone as well, no price on that repair yet.  Mr. Kenneally is not in favor of spending any more money on this seven year old machine. This budget line is already overspent.

Mr. Kenneally submitted a proposal for a lease/purchase on a one year old backhoe and asked the Board to consider this option.

The Board requested Mr. Kenneally submit three different quotes for the lease/purchase and three quotes for the trade in of the highway backhoe before they come to a decision along with a monthly rental fee should the town get into the situation of needing to rent this piece of equipment. The general consensus was not in favor of spending any more money to repair the old machine.



The status of the dog complaint on Horse Corner Road was discussed.  The Board is waiting to hear back from the Police Chief who was looking into the dog licensing laws.  Chief Clarke relayed to Lisa that he has verified all the dogs are licensed, he has not heard back from the NHSPCA, at this point from a police perspective the only avenue to pursue is to issue fines when the department has received complaints of the dogs barking for more than thirty minutes at a time pursuant to the law.

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BOS minutes
June 19, 2007

As to the letter from Mr. Steed regarding speeding on Horse Corner Road, the Chief is compiling the statistics; Horse Corner Road appears to be the fourth or fifth highest patrolled road in town. Due to scheduling conflicts, Patrick has not been able to meet with Mr. Steed as yet to discuss this matter.

The Forest Fire Warden submitted two nominations for Deputy Fire Wardens.  The Board will take these under advisement.

Chairman Colbert did not have the opportunity to talk with his boss regarding the town’s potential interest in the vacant telephone company building on Route 4.

In answer to the Board’s inquiry to the Planning Board regarding approvals for L & K trucking, they have not completed the site review process. Lisa was directed to send a letter to the property owners.

Attempts to contact the owners of the former Kosmos Pizza lot have been unsuccessful.  Cars are still parked there and advertised for sale.  Lisa was directed to contact the police department for assistance in obtaining owner information on the vehicles and notify them the vehicles will be towed if not removed from the site.

Selectman MacCleery reported the Board of Adjustment has not received an application from Ed O’Brien regarding the junkyard compliance as of yet.

Mr. Doug Hall dropped by to alert the Selectmen to a potential light glare hazard at the new business known as Chucksters located on Route 4.  This business is required to comply fully with the lighting ordinance.

Chairman Colbert opened the one bid received for exterior trim painting on the Grange building.

Motion Selectman DeBold and second by Selectman MacCleery to accept and award the bid for exterior trim painting to R & C Painting in Epsom, NH, in the amount of $8,275.00, contingent upon an acceptable Certificate of Insurance.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The Board reviewed correspondence from a non-resident wishing to make the town aware of a light glare problem on Route 28 at the intersection of Kelley’s Corner Road.  The Board will take it under advisement.  Lisa was directed to return a response letter to Ms. White.

Discussed was correspondence from Attorney Brittan regarding the upcoming Board of Adjustment hearing for Ann Fournier.

Chairman Colbert reported he received positive comments regarding the work and report compiled by the Town Organization Committee from the Town of Andover, NH.

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BOS minutes
June 19, 2007

The Board approved the invoice for repair to the siding on the Community Building.  Lisa will notify the Historical Society to proceed with the repair work.

Ms. Dorothy Nelson’s abatement request was discussed at length.  Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman DeBold to abate the prior years taxes (1999 – 2006; levied against owner unknown) in the amount of $4,949.14 because the town was delinquent in not having properly handled the owner unknown lots. Ms. Nelson is responsible for the 2007 taxes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The Board directed Lisa to prepare the paperwork to clear the outstanding tax levies on the remaining unknown lots and further to have the mortgage research continued on these remaining unknowns.

The remaining mail was reviewed.  Payroll and Accounts Payable was signed.

The minutes of June 12, 2007, were approved as corrected.  Page one, fifth paragraph, add additional sentence; This will not….; sixth paragraph, add additional sentence; Further, Patrick will review…..

The letter to area towns suggesting a joint committee of Selectmen meet to discuss ongoing issues was signed and mailed.

A Current Use Penalty for Dumont, map 10, lot 9-1 for $9000.00 was signed.

A brief discussion took place regarding the updating of personnel policies.  The Board would like an additional week to review further and bring suggestions to the table for next week.

The town office construction/reorganization is complete and under cost at a total of $2186.00.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN