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Selectmen Minutes 05/22/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 22, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:02pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; Stephen Stock, Forest Fire Warden

PD – Chief Clarke was not available this evening.  He submitted an update in writing for the Board.

FD – The Chief reported the truck pumps have been fixed and repairs came in under cost.  Three budget lines are already overspent. Chief Vien requested authorization to move money around within his budget.  The Selectmen are the only ones authorized by statute to transfer money within the budget.  The department has received a request to hire the ambulance and two attendants for standby use during the National Go Kart Race in Pembroke, July 21st & 22nd.  This situation would be the same as police detail use.  The Board directed Lisa to verify coverage with the insurance company.  Provided the town has coverage, the Board approved this request.

 The Chief brought forward a request to establish a secured computer network for the fire station.  A proposal was submitted for a cost of $6,005.88. The proposal includes a server and all new hardware. The town’s IT consultant will build a setup similar to the one at the town offices. The system will be password protected.  The Chief requested this to be funded from the 2002 Fire Department Impact Fees. The two computers that were purchased last fall will be retained and used in the officer’s room.  Gil and Deputy Chief John Uitts will run the wiring to save costs.  

A NIMS (National Incident Management System) class has been tentatively scheduled for the weekend of June 21-23rd.  Any town official that would be involved in running an emergency, from financial duties to filling sandbags is required to take this course in order for the town to maintain FEMA funding eligibility.  This sixteen hour course must be taken by year end.  The group much preferred to schedule this for early fall with the option of splitting the time between a couple nights and Saturday rather than a full weekend.  

BI – Mr. Paveglio reported that the two 2005 permits issued to Barbara Dumont have expired and been reissued.  The other 2005 unused permit (Ferman) has also been reissued.   

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May 22, 2007

HYW – The department has completed a lot of grading.  Swiggey Brook Road was opened up today.  The crew installed a four foot culvert this time along with new headwalls and crushed stone even thou this entire cost would not be recouped from FEMA funding.  The Road Agent believes the larger culvert is a better repair for the road.  
The water flow through the culvert has increased by one third the volume.

FEMA inspectors surprised the highway crew while working on Swiggey Brook Road.  The inspection supervisor liked the work that was done and stated he would be reopening the town’s file and giving us the additional money for this repair.  Chichester was the first town in the state to have submitted all the required paperwork to FEMA for reimbursement from the April Nor’Easter.  The FEMA inspectors were pleased with all the repair work done in town.

The Road Agent informed the Selectmen that he will be out of town this weekend along with Mr. Vien.  Ms. Raymond will be on call should any emergencies arise. Also, as in the past, the Road Agent will be on vacation the week of Father’s Day in June.

Selectman DeBold asked the Road Agent about the recent work that was done on Horse Corner Road.  

The Road Agent discussed with the Board the highway department’s attempt to assist a homeowner with the maintenance of a driveway culvert while they were on Horse Corner Road cleaning up storm damage.  While cleaning out the culvert it began to rain heavily and the crew had to stop working.  The crew went back again and blew out the culvert for a second time.  The culvert needs to be replaced, it is rotted and broken. That is the responsibility of the homeowner.   The homeowner was not pleased with the assistance given from the highway department.  

Selectman MacCleery asked whether or not the tires have been switched on the truck.  They have been.  

FFW – Mr. Stock informed the Board he has spoken to the State Ranger and received clarification regarding hiring personnel.  Mr. Stock will be sending a letter to Mr. Paul Sanborn thanking him for his offer to help.  Paul can be utilized once activated by the State under Paul’s Special Deputy Warden designation or should the need arise during an emergency wildfire situation, not in a pre-arranged agreement.  

EMD – Mr. Martell was not present this evening.

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May 22, 2007

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission – Carpenter Park Management Plan  
PRESENT: Commission members Bob Mann & Zack Boyajian

Mr. Boyajian discussed moving forward with a management plan for Carpenter Park now that the survey has been completed. A lot of land is still untouched.  Mr. Boyajian is taking the lead on this project for the commission and would like to meet with the Recreation Commission to discuss future needs of recreation in the town and to discuss what areas of the property are best allocated to the highway department, the recreation department or a conservation easement.  A management plan should be drafted and brought before the Selectmen for consolidation and approval. The possible need for a timber harvest or forest management plan was also discussed.  The Cooperative Extension Services may assist the town with obtaining the use of a forester to assess the property.  An immediate need foreseen is the removal of trees surrounding the pavilion.  The pavilion has already sustained damage from falling trees during a thunder storm.  Selectman MacCleery suggested a forester look at all town parcels to assess the need for a timber cut.  The Recreation Commission has not been very active in the past few months.  Selectman DeBold will contact the members and set up a meeting at which time Mr. Boyajian can attend and speak to the group.  

Mr. Mann informed the Selectmen that some members of the commission have walked the town owned lot on Towle Road that the Selectmen are considering selling by sealed bid.  Their thoughts will be discussed at the next meeting of the commission.

The commission is proceeding with Phase II of the Wetlands Study.  They are still waiting for homeowner responses.  One hundred and seventeen letters were sent out. The response is close to 50/50 for and against.  The consultant would like to begin the work in the field after June 11th.    

Mr. Mann thanked Lisa for her assistance in finding someone to take minutes for the May meeting and asked her to handle the negotiations to hire this individual as the commission’s secretary.

Selectman MacCleery questioned the reimbursement to Jeff Andrews for an invoice to the Friends of the Suncook River.  Selectman MacCleery wished to confirm that the commission was aware of and had approved this expense.

SUBJECT: Zoning Status – 354 Suncook Valley Road
PRESENT: Mr. David Bartlett, Atty. Friedrick Moeckel      

Attorney Moeckel spoke to the Selectmen on behalf of his client, David Bartlett seeking the determination of use for the property owned by Mr. Bartlett at 354 Suncook Valley Road.  In 2004 Mr. Bartlett bought the property which consisted of a commercial

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May 22, 2007

business, a barbershop with a one bedroom apartment located within the same dwelling, and an accessory trailer on the property that was and continues to be used as a rental unit.  Some question was raised as to the legality of the use of the trailer when a prospective buyer of the property inquired about it at the Selectmen’s office.

The Administrator has researched the property file and the Planning Board file and discovered in 1989 an approval from the Planning Board was given for the barbershop with apartment and a replacement trailer which was intended to be a rental unit.

The assessment records listing both dwellings only went back as far as 1980.  
However, in 1981, the town adopted a zoning ordinance restricting the use of accessory trailers on a property solely to be used by an elderly relative for the lifetime of that elder.  
What was not clear was when the original trailer appeared on the property.

Attorney Moeckl shared a written statement he obtained from an heir of the original property owner on file, stating the trailer was bought and placed on the land in the mid 1950’s.  

Given this additional piece of information, the Board of Selectmen concluded the use of the trailer as a rental unit at 354 Suncook Valley Road, is a permissible pre-existing conforming use.  


The Board discussed the recent application filed with the Board of Adjustment by Ann Fournier.  A status conference regarding the ongoing mediation of this case is scheduled for tomorrow.  Attorney Brittan is seeking direction from the Board.

Selectman MacCleery inquired as to the status of the alleged zoning violation on Horse Corner Road.  The Administrator has sent a letter of notice and the homeowner is scheduled for the June Planning Board meeting.  

A response letter has been sent to Mr. & Mrs. Matt Cole regarding the use of Fire Association Equipment.

Selectman DeBold discussed a request he has received from Ms. Tabitha Gagnon to hold a one week half day camp for the Daisy Troop at the pavilion the week of June 25-29th. They will not be using the fields or the snack shack.  Selectman DeBold will check with the youth association for any potential scheduling conflicts.  The Selectmen agreed to allow the use provided any adults involved must sign a town volunteer form.

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May 22, 2007

The Board reviewed correspondence from Mr. & Mrs. Scheys regarding the recent flood damage to their home on Deer Meadow Road.  Lisa will forward to John Martell, Emergency Management Director for follow up with FEMA.

The town is still waiting for an opinion from town council regarding the Moses application before the Board of Adjustment.  

The Board would like Lisa to schedule the Police Chief for next week to discuss the Route 4 construction project and the requirement for police details.  The Board discussed the possibility of increasing rates or adding a fuel surcharge.  The Board was also concerned with the amount of staff needed and the extensive use of a police vehicle for these extra details.

The Board discussed the Fire Chief’s request to spend impact fee money for a new computer system.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and second by Selectman DeBold to authorize the expenditure of $6,005.88 from the 2002 Fire Department Impact Fee Account for the purpose of the new computer system at the fire station.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The Board inquired as to the status of the overpayment for EMS training.  The office has not received a response from Mr. Prickett as yet.  

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

An Intent to Cut for map 1, lot 3, Day, was signed.  

Mail was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of  May 15, 2007 as corrected; page 4, sixth paragraph, insert wording after lot line adjustment – per advice from town council and …

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED
Lisa Stevens                                                    5/29/2007

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery