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Selectmen Minutes 04/17/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 17, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm

SUBJECT: Culvert problem – Horse Corner Road
PRESENT: Fred Chagnon

The State has yet to repair the drainage on Horse Corner Road that was scheduled for repair in the fall of 2006.  Mr. Chagnon is looking for some assistance from the Board, perhaps an additional follow up letter urging the State’s attention on this matter.  Lisa will give Mr. Chagnon the new State District 5 engineer contact information as Hiram has retired.  Also a copy of the letter from the State stating the work was to be performed in 2006 will be forwarded to the new engineer.

SUBJECT: Informational Hearing –Proposed Excavator Purchase
PRESENT: Road Agent David Kenneally, 5 or 6 members of the general public

The town is considering a lease/purchase of a used Hyundai rubber tired excavator for the purchase price of $40,900, over a two year period.  This will be a cost savings to the town of $12,000.  Currently the highway department budgets $27,000 annually for equipment rental.  By purchasing the excavator, the town will have spent less money over the two year period and own the piece of equipment.

Fluid samples were taken on the motor, front and rear end.  The test reports did not indicate any areas of concern.  The metals present were not above normal range.  Two independent contractors ran the excavator and gave it a thorough inspection.  Mr. Kenneally was not sure of the number of hours on the engine, he would check into that.  Should we purchase the machine, we will receive the maintenance log.  

This years cost for the lease/purchase will come from the rental equipment line under the ditching project in the highway department’s budget.  The lease does contain a non-funding clause.  

This excavator is a used machine with a limited warranty.  The town is responsible for the minor repairs and oil changes.  

The Road Agent believes this piece of equipment is more than enough to handle the culvert work on Center Road along with all the ditching and replacement of the smaller culverts in town.  The highway department will not have to rent an excavator unless they run into something very big on Center Road.  

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April 17, 2007

Selectman MacCleery stated the town will end up with a decent piece of equipment at the end of two years.  A town this size cannot afford to purchase new equipment all the time.

Selectman DeBold stated he is all in favor of this piece of equipment.

Administrator Stevens stated the annual insurance cost for this piece of equipment has been quoted to be $342.00.

Mr. Richard Moore asked a few questions to summarize;

Has the rental equipment budget line jumped? Yes, the increase is due to the ditching project.
Will the town need this piece of equipment at the end of the ditching project? Yes.

Will there be additional costs?  Probably small nickel and dime type stuff.

Does the town need to purchase a trailer to haul it? No, it is a rubber tired vehicle.

Mr. Kenneally stated if the town decides we do not use the excavator enough to justify the cost/expense, at least we will have something to sell and money to put toward the purchase of a different piece of equipment.  Historically, the town spends $10,000-$15,000 annually in excavator rental.  

Mr. Robert Cavacco cautioned the Road Agent to not reduce his rental budget immediately, leave a little cushion in case you need it.

Additional comments received from the general public appear to be in favor as well.  They included; It appears to be a quality machine.- Purchasing is a good idea.- The test samples were okay.- Two mechanics that inspected the excavator stated it was a clean machine.  

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Chairman Colbert, that after receiving the good report of inspection and satisfactory fluid samples, to lease/purchase the 2000 Hyundai excavator, for a total cost of $40,900, contingent upon the number of hours on the engine not exceeding 5000 hours.

Further discussion included the question, was this purchase a budget afterthought?  The answer given was no, this opportunity has just come up. What is the average number of hours on a machines engine?  The answer given was 7-10 thousand.

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April 17, 2007

The Chairman called for the vote, two yes, and one no, motion carries.  Selectman MacCleery could not support the purchase until he knew the number of hours on the engine.

Before the Road Agent left the meeting, Selectman DeBold informed him the site walk and videotaping of Bailey Road will take place tomorrow morning at 9am.

The Road Agent informed the Board of Selectmen that Fillmore Trucking has been traveling over Pleasant Street, which is still posted.  Mr. Kenneally has contacted the company and notified them of the applicable fine.  Mr. Kenneally has also notified the Police Department.

The Board of Selectmen opened the grounds keeping bids.  They received five (5) bids.  Selectman DeBold will review them at length, make the cost comparisons and bring his recommendations forward.  The Board will vote on acceptance at their next meeting.

SUBJECT: Marsh Pond Dam
PRESENT: Mr. Robert Cavacco and guest

Mr. Cavacco wished to discuss with the Board, the construction of a replacement dam on marsh Pond. The Conservation Commission has been working on behalf of the Town and Mr. Cavacco, co-owners of the property to draw up a letter of intent, mutually agreeable by both parties, so that the commission may seek grant funding for this proposal.  Mr. Cavacco stated he has built dams like this in cranberry bogs and would use four (4) eighteen inch pipes, at different levels to hold back the water.  Mr. Cavacco stated if we don’t do something it’s going to continue to wipe out Cross Road.   

Selectman DeBold explained to Mr. Cavacco, that regardless of what the town and he wanted to do, the State would mandate being involved and require the proper permitting and plans and applications.  

Chairman Colbert stated it was a good thing Mr. Cavacco was willing to work with the town because having cooperation from the co-owner allows the town to look at funding.  

Mr. Cavacco is looking to the Board to do something about the dam now.  His costs rise every time the pond floods.  Mr. Cavacco stated he is looking at minimizing the costs before he sues the town. He is going to be looking for compensation. Mr. Cavacco stated the town never notified him when they decided to remove the beaver debris.  The Town was given permission from the State to remove the beaver debris.  Mr. Cavacco stated he did not receive notification from the State as co-owner of the dam.  The Town did a sneaky thing.  The office was not open for him to get copies and stop the removal.

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April 17, 2007

Chairman Colbert informed Mr. Cavacco it was in his best interest to continue the good working relationship with the Conservation Commission, as they too are seeking to reconstruct the dam.

SUBJECT: Office restructuring
PRESENT: Holly MacCleery

Mrs. MacCleery came before the Board to discuss her concerns over the proposed office restructuring.  Selectman MacCleery has not shared any details with her.  Mrs. MacCleery can not afford to give up her full time job and take a part time job with the town.  She enjoys her position as Board of Adjustment secretary very much and does not see the need for the Board of Adjustment to have office hours.  She will understand the Board’s decision should they deem it in the best interest of the town to require office hours for the Board of Adjustment.

Chairman Colbert stated this proposal has nothing to do with job performance and further the Board has no intention of anyone losing their job.  The Board has been dealing with the same issues for several years now of public hours needed for the Planning Board and additional hours open to the public for the Selectmen’s Office as well as the staff being cross-trained at some level to be able to assist the public and applicants if for nothing less than to give them a direction to start with and a person to speak to.  Administrator Stevens was asked to come up with a proposal for the Board to review and give direction.  Nothing has been decided at this point.  Chairman Colbert stated he appreciated Mrs. MacCleery coming in and speaking to the Board directly and not just letting the rumor mill circulate the information.  Selectman DeBold was pleased as well that Mrs. MacCleery came forward and spoke to the Board.


At this time, the Board held an open discussion on the proposed office restructuring.  Selectman DeBold presented a proposal he has drawn up.  It was agreed by the Board this evening, to move forward with the relocation of the Town Administrator and the centralization of the town office, which will now include planning and possibly space for the trustees. If not, a central workstation is also a possibility.  Preliminary costs have been outlined for doorway and window construction in what is now used as the supply room. Mr. Chris Weir has made an offer to the Board to do the work.  The Selectmen asked for Mr. Weir to bring solid figures to the Board for next week.   Selectman MacCleery inquired where the money will come from.  There is impact fee money available for this type of project.  Hours and scheduling remain to be worked out.

The Board reviewed correspondence from the Planning Board relative to a request for the Building Inspector to inspect the rental unit located on the Baas property.  This letter was received late, the inspection has been completed.

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April 17, 2007

Selectman MacCleery brought up for discussion, the status of the Fournier case.  Chairman Colbert requested the discussion be tabled until next week when all pertinent documents were available for the Board’s review.

Final revisions were made to the Grange roof repair bid.  A bid will be prepared for the painting of the exterior trim on the Grange to take place after the roof repair has been completed.

Open vacancies were discussed.  Motion Selectman DeBold, second Chairman Colbert to appointment Richard Moore as a Planning Board Alternate member.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to appointment Lisa Drouse for a three year term on the Budget Committee and Norm Larochelle for a one year term on the Budget Committee.   All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The remaining one year position was not filled at this time.  The discussion was not finalized.  

Candidates are still needed for the Conservation Commission and the Board of Adjustment.

The Board reviewed costs for the EMT class.  Two Chichester Fire Rescue members are attending the class, each at a cost of $650.  Chief Vien would like clarification of these costs as well as the arrangements made between the town and Mr. Prickett, the EMT instructor, pertaining to the use of the building.  Lisa was directed to contact Sally Beckett to confirm costs and curriculum for the course taught by her for $500.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of April 10 & April 12, 2007 as corrected.  

Corrections to April 10th are, page 2,1st paragraph, last sentence add the wording, for $60/per hour for a total of 2 hours and $15-$20 per fluid sample; page 5, 3rd paragraph, change 100 to 1000’; page 7,1st paragraph, second to last sentence add an additional sentence here stating-Selectman DeBold informed the Board that he had called the Town Attorney as the Planning Board Ex-Officio and not as a Selectman; page 7, 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence, change individuals to the general public; 3rd sentence add after the word the, Town Attorney get the…

Corrections to April 12th are, page 2, 1st paragraph,1st sentence, add following time)due to the very unique circumstance of this particular business project located in the commercial zone which only has access off of a town road.

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April 17, 2007

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:50PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens
Administrator                                    APPROVED AS CORRECTED
David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery