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Selectmen Minutes 04/03/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 3, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

SUBJECT: Non-conforming use – Chichester Country Store
PRESENT: Chris Weir

The Planning Board is seeking clarification of an extension granted by the Board of Selectmen for Chichester Zoning Ordinances, Article IV, Non-Conforming Uses, for the property known as the Chichester Country Store. The potential buyers of the property identified as map 5, lot 92, are scheduled to meet with the Planning Board on Thursday, April 5, for design review and public hearing for approval of a retail business known as Barn House Lighting, which sells fine antique colonial reproduction lighting fixtures, furniture and Windsor chairs.  The current owner of the property, Mr. Brandon Giuda, came before the Board of Selectmen in August of 2005 seeking a twelve month extension of non-conforming use under Article IV in the zoning regulations for the existing retail business.  

Also of concern is the issue of taxpayers contacting the town attorney directly and discussing applications (their own) pending before the Planning Board.  The question was raised, does the Board of Selectmen allow this, and is it not a conflict of interest for the town attorney to discuss official Town business directly with taxpayers, and this advice would be at the expense of whom?  

After much discussion, the Selectmen clarified that their intent in granting the twelve month extension to Mr. Giuda in August of 2005 was for the existing use of a convenience store/deli for the business known as the Chichester Country Store not another retail use, and for the re-construction of an 800 square foot structure.  Any use other than the business known as the Chichester Country Store and/or the re-construction of an 800 square foot structure, would require a Site Plan Review.  This opinion was not shared by Selectman DeBold.  The Board further stressed that the Planning Board has the authority to waive any and/or all of the Site Plan Review Regulations, as the proposed new use is still a retail use. Lisa was directed to forward a memo to the Planning Board stating the Selectmen’s intent.

SUBJECT: Board/Committee Vacancies    
PRESENT: Lisa Drouse; David Hartley; Mike Paveglio

Ms. Drouse expressed her interest in becoming a member of the budget committee.  Ms. Drouse has a lot of background in budgeting and planning in her professional life that she

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would like to bring to the table to benefit the town during the budget process.  She hopes to create an environment of collaboration and share her knowledge of alternative funding.   

Mr. Hartley spoke to the Board about his interest in becoming a planning board member.  Mr. Hartley would like to get involved and help out the town a bit.  He would like to see more business development in Chichester along the two major highways, Rte 28 and Rte 4, to help the tax base.

Mr. Mike Paveglio wishes to join the budget committee and bring his professional experience to the group along with his knowledge from a department heads perspective.  He would like to see the committee expand into exploring different forms of funding such as bonding and funding guided by the Capital Improvement Program.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department; Interim Chief Appointment
PRESENT: Mr. Dick Wright; Chief Coordinator- Capital Area Compact

The Board of Selectmen invited Mr. Wright to come in and speak to them regarding the present situation with the Fire Department.  Since the resignation of Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio, and the appointment (currently on hold) of Lieutenant Vien as Interim Fire Chief, the department has seen three additional officers retire and a number of members voice their concern for safety and leadership should the Board not reconsider their appointment.

Mr. Wright explained the history of and gave an overview of the mutual aid system as it pertains to fire suppression and emergency services.  He began by explaining the cost for the compact is apportioned for each town based on population figures.  The compact requires two dispatchers on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  All pertinent information from the local fire department (such as apparatus/members) needed for a mutual aid call, has been pre-designated and on file within the computer system so when a call comes in to the dispatch center, all the information is available on the computer screen immediately.  The compact collectively has available over one hundred (100) pieces of apparatus along with a lot of personnel resources.

Mr. Wright went on to say that the town would not be left without response.  “Somebody is always going to come.”  The procedure followed once a call was re-toned would be adhered to now as in the past.  If no-one from Chichester was available to respond, dispatch would notify an area community to roll their equipment.  Mr. Wright clarified for the Selectmen the rumor that has been going around involving the surrounding town’s refusal to assist Chichester is just that, a rumor.  “I have personally contacted the surrounding towns and they did not state they would not respond.  They have no intention of cutting off the level of service.”

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The Selectmen asked Mr. Wright how many towns within the compact had hired help.
Mr. Wright responded about half the towns have some level of hired help, typically firefighters on duty Monday-Friday, 8-4.

Mr. Wright then explained how the ambulance (Loudon subsidy) agreement worked.  This is a cost sharing program with Loudon.  The Town of Loudon employees two emergency services personnel who work 6am – 6pm, Monday through Friday.  This provides ambulance service to the towns of Loudon and Chichester during this time period.  Nights and weekend shifts are shared with Loudon and Chichester volunteer members who sign up for these shifts.  If the Chichester ambulance transports a patient, then Chichester is responsible for billing the patient for ambulance use.  

In regards to the appointment of a new Fire Chief, Mr. Wright stated his opinion from a practical standpoint, is that the Board of Selectmen should attempt to appoint whomever the department brings forward, unless there is just cause.  That person needs to be someone who is able to lead the group, have enough technical experience, communicate with the people and pull the department together.  

Selectman DeBold discussed the department’s administrative regulations and the job qualifications listed therein. These were adapted by the department in 1998, from the National Fire Protection Agency’s guidelines.   Specifically, Selectman DeBold asked what the equivalent to Firefighter I would be.  Mr. Wright was not aware of what that could be.  Mr. Wright did state that towns can almost appoint anyone they want, whether or not they are qualified for the position.  Volunteer qualifications do not need to be as stringent as those of a full-time department. Qualifications are not required by the State, they are not addressed in the State Statutes.  The NFPA standards are for full-time departments.  To Mr. Wright’s knowledge, the State has never adopted any minimum standards for volunteers.

Selectman DeBold asked Mr. Wright to explain the function of the Fire Academy.  
Mr. Wright stated the primary service is training for paid and volunteer firefighters.

Chairman Colbert asked Mr. Wright, “Knowing our current status, do you feel we (Chichester) have adequate coverage?  Mr. Wright responded, “The apparatus level is good and on level with other towns, however there must be a planned replacement program for equipment.  As far as the staffing level goes, currently Chichester is in good shape but you can’t afford to lose more people. Your biggest problem is the loss of all the top officers, from a knowledge standpoint.”

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Lisa asked if there was training opportunities available outside of what one can learn while on a call.  Mr. Wright answered by stating the compact also offers many training/mentoring opportunities through course work and drills.

Selectman DeBold asked if advertising for a volunteer chief made sense to Mr. Wright.
Mr. Wright responded, “No, I would definitely not go outside in a volunteer department.
In light of all the controversy surrounding this appointment, Mr. Wright suggested a one year appointment to allow the Selectmen and fire department to work these issues out.
This is in line with what the Selectmen had proposed.

Chairman Colbert swore in Selectman MacCleery for Ex-Officio member of the Board of Adjustment and Alternate Ex-Officio member of the Planning Board.

Selectman MacCleery swore in Chairman Colbert as Ex-Officio representing the Chichester Board of Selectmen on the BCEP Solid Waste Committee and as an Alternate Ex-Officio member on the Planning Board.

The appointment for Interim Fire Chief was discussed at length.  Selectman MacCleery and Chairman Colbert were not in favor of accepting the additional resume submitted last week to the Selectmen’s Office.  Should the Board decide to change their appointment that will be the time to open the process to new candidates. The Board talked with Mr. Dick Wright at length this evening and agreed all their concerns regarding the appointment for Interim Fire Chief and status of the fire department were addressed. Further research did not yield any formal adoption of the Fire Department’s Administrative Regulations by the Town Clerk.  Selectmen’s minutes from the year 2000, do not indicate the Board adopted the guideline to be followed following the resignation of the Fire Chief.  Qualifications of the four candidates were reviewed and compared against the qualifications of past chief’s. Motion Chairman Colbert and second by Selectman MacCleery to let the appointment of Gil Vien as the Interim Fire Chief stand for one year, effective April 10, 2007 thru April 1, 2008.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  The Board directed Lisa to draft a letter to the Fire Department members informing them that the appointment of Mr. Vien stands, the reasons why the Board reached that decision and to express to the members should they have any concerns to come to the Board to discuss them.  Further, the Board expects the Interim Chief and the department members to work in a spirit of cooperation with each other. Chairman Colbert will contact Officer in Charge Steve Stock directly to notify him of the Board’s decision.

Selectman DeBold reported he had made a visit to Marsh Pond looking for any beaver activity.  There was none.  The Board directed Lisa to write to NH Department of

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Environmental Services requesting the letter of determination regarding the status of the dam following the removal of the beaver debris by the town last October.  

Discussion of the restructuring of the town offices was tabled until next week.

The grounds keeping bid has been prepared and posted.  Selectman MacCleery offered to contact Mr. Ian Blackman for assistance with the roof repair bid.   
Mail and e-mail was reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of March 27, 2007 as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:07PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED  

David Colbert, Chairman       

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery