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Selectmen Minutes 03/15/2007 - Working Session

Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 15, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Administrator Lisa Stevens.

SUBJECT: Town Meeting Cancellation Plan  
PRESENT: Doug Hall; Moderator, David Kenneally; Road Agent, Evelyn Pike; Town Clerk

The Selectmen scheduled a work session for this evening to go over the procedures and warrant articles for town meeting.  According to the weather forecast, a snowstorm is approaching for Friday night into Saturday.  The Selectmen discussed procedures for delaying or canceling the meeting.  The Moderator is in charge of the meeting but Mr. Hall stated he would go with the decision of the Board.  A list of people to be notified was made.  

The Board decided to make a decision by 1:00pm tomorrow after meeting with the Road Agent and checking the latest weather forecast.  

Lisa will check with the school for availability for the following Saturday.

Should the meeting be delayed or postponed, the following procedure will be followed –

Notify the following principals ; Moderator, School, Supervisors, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Girl Scout leader, Boy Scout leader, CYA representative

Post on the town sign, school sign, website, WMUR, message on office (s) answering machine.

SUBJECT: Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector
PRESENT: Evelyn Pike

Motion Selectman Colbert and second by Chairman MacCleery to enter into non-public session at 5:55pm, pursuant to RSA 91:A-3, ll ( c ), for matters which discussed in public, may affect adversely the reputation of any person.  The Chairman called for the vote; DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes, Chairman – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Chairman MacCleery and second Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session at 6:15pm.  The Chairman called for the vote; DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes, Chairman – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

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BOS minutes
March 15, 2007

Motion Chairman MacCleery second Selectman Colbert to seal the minutes of the non-public session for twenty-five (25) years.   The Chairman called for the vote; DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes, Chairman – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

SUBJECT: Town Meeting preparation

The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed operating budget and the warrant articles.  

The Selectmen discussed using some of the unreserved fund balance to offset the cost of either the Center Road article or the Capital Reserve Funding article.  A decision was reached to propose to use up to $100,000 from the fund balance however the voting body decides.  

A brief discussion took place on the presentation of the Center Road article.  It was stressed that the Board make a united front.  Chairman MacCleery would support the project if the cost of ditching Center Road was removed from the operating budget.  

Selectman DeBold relayed his conversation with the town engineer (CLD Engineering) about engineering oversight on this project.  CLD is comfortable with what the Road Agent has proposed.  The cost of the oversight is estimated at $6,000 - $7,000.

The Road Agent has gotten a couple bids from outside vendors but it is difficult to truly compare costs because the bids aren’t necessarily like for like.  Selectman DeBold will review the bids once again with the Road Agent.  

Selectman DeBold would like to have additional copies made of the tax rate charts available for town meeting.  Motion Selectman DeBold and second by Selectman Colbert to spend up to $50.00 for color copies of the tax rate charts.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:25pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Approved As Written
Lisa Stevens                                                                    3/20/2007

_________________________  ______________________    _________________  
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   David Colbert                         Richard DeBold