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Selectmen Minutes 02/06/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 6, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Public Hearing 2007 Proposed Budget
PRESENT: Mr. Doug Hall; Moderator; Department Heads and 20 members of the general public along with Budget Committee members- Bruce Dyke; Jason Weir; John Martell; Lucille Noel and Pam Stiles
The Moderator opened the meeting at 7:05pm and explained to the audience the order of the handouts to be discussed this evening.  This meeting is the public’s opportunity to ask questions and state their concerns over the budget and any warrant articles.

Selectman DeBold explained the charts created to reflect the percentages of each department’s budget and the estimated impact on the tax rate for next year.  

Bruce Dyke, Chairman of the Budget Committee, explained the committee’s role over the last six months of working in collaboration with the Selectmen and Department Heads to propose a fiscally responsible budget to present to the taxpayers.  Mr. Dyke thanked both the Department Heads and the Selectmen for “towing the line” on this years budget.   

The Moderator presented the budget as it was written on the budget spreadsheet, going department by department, allowing questions as he went along.  

Questions were raised on salary increases and justifications for those increases on every department.  Increases for the Administrative Assistant and the Road Agent are to bring the salaries for these positions more in line with the municipal job market for communities represented in Chichester’s population group, according to the Wage, Salary and Benefit Survey compiled each year by the Local Government Center. Other’s such as the Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector, represent an increase in hours worked as well as hourly rate.

Police Chief Pat Clarke made a request to the Board of Selectmen to increase the Police Department’s part time coverage line by $4060.00 to cover additional help needed during Corporal Corbett’s convalescence.  The Board and the Budget Committee will discuss the request later this evening.  

Fire Chief Mike Paveglio made a request to the Board of Selectmen to increase the Fire Department’s vehicle maintenance line by $3500.00 to cover the cost of recent unanticipated repairs and parts needed on two different vehicles. The Board and the Budget Committee will discuss the request later this evening.

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BOS minutes
February 6, 2007

Conservation Commission Chairman Bob Mann made a request to the Board of Selectmen to increase the commission’s budget by $600.00 to allow for the hiring of a secretary.  This task was handled on a voluntary basis by a commission member who has now resigned from the commission.  The Board and the Budget Committee will discuss the request later this evening.

Once the operating budget review was completed, the Moderator moved on to the proposed warrant articles.

The reconstruction of Center Road was discussed at some length.  The proposal of $226,255 represents the removal, grinding and replacement of gravel along with replacement of all culverts this year.  Next year the proposal would be to complete the project by adding the asphalt.  

The question was raised about the option to bond a project of this magnitude versus the funding of capital reserve accounts. What are the interest rates the Town is receiving on these capital reserves against what the interest to be paid would be on a ten year bond.  

The Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen have had discussions along this line during the budgeting process and still need to research these options in more detail.

The last items to be reviewed at this time were the revenues for prior year and the ensuing year.

The Moderator closed the public hearing at 9:50pm.  

The Selectmen and Budget Committee members; John Martell, Bruce Dyke and Jason Weir, discussed the department proposals for increases presented earlier in the evening by the Fire Chief, Police Chief and the Conservation Commission and the revised proposal for the paving at the Community Building, unanimously approving them all.

SUBJECT: Federal Surplus Purchase
PRESENT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke

Motion Selectman Colbert, seconded by Chairman MacCleery to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A: 3 II (c), where matters which discussed in public, could adversely harm the reputation of any person.  The Chairman called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Chairman MacCleery, second by Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session at 10:20pm. The Chairman called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

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BOS minutes
February 6, 2007

Motion Chairman MacCleery, seconded by Selectman DeBold, to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of ten (10) years.  The Chairman called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.


The Board reviewed and will take under advisement the abatement request from 763 Second Street LLC, for the property on Dover Road, map 4, lot 159.  

Provisions of RSA 41:11-a, require a vote of the town in order for the Board of Selectmen to enter into a long term lease agreement, therefore the Farm Lease drafted for the Shaw Fields will be included on the warrant.

The Town Clerk has been awarded a grant for the continuation of the preservation of the Town Records in the amount of $7,245.00.

All mail and correspondence was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

The minutes of January 30, 2007, both sessions were approved as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:10pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert
                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN
__________________________                              2/13/2007
Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester