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Selectmen Minutes 01/23/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 23, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Mike Paveglio; Fire Chief, David Kenneally; Road Agent, Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief; John Martell; Emergency Management Director

BI – Per the court agreement, Mr. Mullaney’s deadline for the remaining four (4) building permits is Thursday, January 25, 2007.  Mr. Paveglio has contacted Mr. Mullaney’s office to remind them of the deadline.  The expired permit for Hamel has not been reissued at this time.  The remaining people on the waiting list have until April 15, 2007 to activate their permit for this year.   

EMD – Mr. Martell will be late in filing his department report for the annual report.  Deadline for submissions was today.   

FD – The Chief submitted the warrant articles for the skid unit and the additional monies needed to outfit the forestry tanker.  A total of $28,000 is needed, since the capital reserve fund does not have enough funding, the remainder will need to be raised by taxation.  Mike still has two outstanding items needed for the public hearing on the budget; the cost to increase the vehicle maintenance line and the new administrative assistant position.  To be consistent with how new employees were added to other departments in prior years, Mike will include this new position on a new line in the operating budget.

Chairman MacCleery asked the status of the outstanding Maxfield’s invoices.  Mike is still working on straightening them out.  

Selectman DeBold is baffled as to why these invoices which are eight months old have not been paid.  Chief Paveglio responded, “This is the first time I’ve received them all from Maxfield’s.”  

Selectman Colbert would like to see all the bills handled from the Selectmen’s Office as established.  “All bills should be received and stay under one roof.”  Mike has spoken to Lisa and will be changing back to the monthly utility invoices coming directly to the town office for payment without him having to approve first.  

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January 23, 2007

Mike has received a call from the Old Home Day Committee about the use of fireworks.  The Chief is no longer allowing them in the upper field at Carpenter Park.  There is not enough safe distance between where the fireworks are set off and the spectators.  Last year there was a serious incident with a firework going off in the barrel it was supposed to shoot out from.  The Chief will work with the committee for an alternative.  

PD - Chief Clarke reported the birth of a daughter, Madison Grace, to Corporal Corbett and his wife.  

Officer Seluk is doing well at the academy.  An issue has arisen regarding the size of her firearm.  The academy is recommending a smaller pistol.  The police department does not have anything smaller than what she is already using.  Pat asked the Board for authorization to spend up to $800.00 from the Police Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to purchase a new gun for Officer Seluk.  

The Board authorized the expenditure of up to $800.00 from the Police Department Impact Fees, for the purchase of a new gun for Officer Seluk.

Chief Clarke inquired if the payroll corrections were made for Seluk and Orlando prior to the distribution of the W-2’s.  The office has taken care of those corrections.

HYW - Mrs. Beverly Drew has contacted Mr. Kenneally seeking compensation for the three (3) loads of wood the highway department removed from her property last fall. The Road Agent worked out the arrangements for the wood with the homeowner at the time the trees were cut.  Now the Road Agent is being contacted again with this new request, with the homeowner indicating the other son, Mr. Scott Drew wanted the wood.

This wood was taken only after Mr. Chris Drew, the homeowner’s son, who was given authority to dispose/keep the wood, from his mother, stated to the highway department he had enough and didn’t want any more.  These three loads were not sold by the highway department.  Per policy, they are given to residents in town in need of heating assistance.

Selectman DeBold stated the Road Agent acted reasonable in all actions.

The Board recommended the Road Agent speak once again to Mr. Chris Drew.  It appears however to be a dispute within the family.

The Road Agent discussed the current problem with the handicap ramp at the library.  When the water line was dug, it came too close to the ramp.  As a result, about two feet of earth underneath the end of the ramp has collapsed and the small retaining wall has

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January 23, 2007

shifted as a result.  The short term solution, in addition to keeping a close watch on the situation, is to pull up the broken asphalt and add back some material underneath.  The

Board requested the highway department correct the situation as best they can for right now and commit some time in early spring for complete repair.  

Chairman MacCleery asked what the work plan was for the highway department.  The Road Agent informed the Board the department was cleaning/maintaining all the equipment and beginning to cut brush per Phase II of the Ditching Program.    

Chairman MacCleery has received a call from a resident on Hilliard Road stating the highway department has removed a boundary marker on his property.

The highway department did some culvert work in the town’s right of way only, as a result of the May flooding.  The Road Agent stated he never saw a boundary marker. The homeowner did come out and speak to him about it and was not sure if a prior highway crew was not the responsible party.  

Sergeant Martel added that he and a neighbor have in the past looked for this boundary marker.   “It has been gone a long time.”

Chairman MacCleery inquired why the grader was parked outside the shed while contracted vehicles are being parked inside. The Road Agent’s response was it is more important to keep the sanders inside to keep them from freezing up than it is to house a piece of equipment that is not being used at the present time.  The grader is covered with a tarp.  

Selectman Colbert asked what was happening with building a lean-to for outside storage.  The Road Agent is looking into costing out two different plans for the future expansion and perhaps creating a capital reserve fund for this purpose.

SUBJECT: Federal Surplus Purchase – Rowing Machine
PRESENT: Gilbert Vien and Alan Quimby

Motion by Selectman DeBold at 8:07pm and seconded by Chairman MacCleery to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II ( c ) where matters which, if discussed in public, would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person.  Chairman MacCleery called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.    

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January 23, 2007

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Chairman MacCleery to close the non-public session at 9:10pm.  The Chairman called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

No votes were taken during the non-public session.  Chairman MacCleery made the motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years, second by Selectman Colbert.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The Board will individually review all the information they have received on this issue and formally discuss any future action to be taken at next week’s meeting.


The Board signed the warranty deed for the Malachy Glen Phase II roadways; Limmerick Drive, Wexford Drive, and the remaining portion of Connemara Drive.  

The Board worked on further revisions to the Farm Lease for the Shaw property.  Lisa will incorporate the changes for the Board to work on individually during the week with the goal of finalizing at next weeks meeting.    

The Board reviewed the request for additional site work at the library due to the disturbance of the grounds during the installation of the well.  Prior to recommending to the library to solicit quotes, the Selectmen directed Lisa to send a memo to the Road Agent outlining the project and ask if the highway department could commit to completing this site work prior to May 1st.  If not, the Board will recommend the Library Trustees present a warrant article at the public hearing.  

The Board received and accepted with regret, the resignation of Jeff Jordan as a member of the Board of Adjustment.  

The Selectmen reviewed a lighting trespass compliant against Meyer’s RV and will take the matter under advisement.  Lisa was directed to notify the homeowner of the Board’s action.  

Selectman DeBold received the cost analysis from Brown Engineering for oversight of the proposed Center Road reconstruction project.   The proposal contained a list for all services and did not spell out a total price for the Board to review.  Selectman DeBold will pursue costing of oversight for this project with the Town’s engineering firm, CLD Engineering.  

The polling hours for Town Meeting were approved without change, Tuesday, March 13, 2007; voting 10am-7pm, at the Grange Hall and Saturday, March 17, 2007, 10am, at the Chichester Central School.  

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January 23, 2007

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

Correspondence and e-mails were reviewed.

The minutes of January 16, 2007, both sessions, were approved as written.  
Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert                                           APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester