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Selectmen Minutes 11/28/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 28, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Department Heads
PRESENT:  Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Road Agent; John Martell, Emergency Management Director and Mike Paveglio, Fire Chief.

Building Inspector: A homeowner on Bear Hill Road would like to relocate their barn back from the road.  The barn would need to be moved far enough back to comply with current setbacks.   

Emergency Management: Nothing to report this evening.  

FD: The department will have its first female Officer.  Ms. Malinda Weir has been promoted to Lieutenant.    

PD: The Chief has selected ADT for the alarm installation at the police station.  The price for the installation and the first year of monitoring is $836.00.  The company owns and maintains the equipment.  The police department will be leasing the monthly service.   

The Selectmen asked what the status of the speed trailer was.  The Chief replied it is fixed and the Town of Pittsfield is using it quite a bit. The Chief has reviewed a rough draft of the agreement between the three towns but is waiting for the final agreement to be in place.

The Chief is considering the purchase of an OHRV with monies from the drug seizure.  This money is earmarked for counter drug equipment.  

HYW: A lengthy discussion took place between the Board of Selectmen, the Road Agent and two subcontractors; Mr. Tom Marston and Mr. Alan Mayville, regarding the documentation required by the Selectmen to be submitted with this years snow plow contracts. Mr. Martson has provided his information under protest.  Mr. Kenneally stated the contractors can put any driver in any vehicle once under contract, is the Board going to require licenses from all the potential drivers? The Selectmen responded this is the same information that was requested last year, what is the issue?  Why is there a big concern to the contractors?  The Board is concerned that changes have been made to the language of the contract and to the hourly rates without being part of the process and discussion.  The Road Agent responded by saying the rate is the same as last year.  The Board stated last year’s rate was $55.00/hr, this year a $5.00/hr increase again.    The

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 contractors feel penalized for what has occurred.  The Road Agent does not recall that registrations were part of last year’s requirements.  After reviewing the draft copy of the contract (only copy on file in the Selectmen’s Office) it was noted that the word legal on page one was omitted from the final contract.  The group felt that by putting the word legal back into the wording, it would eliminate the necessity for additional documentation.  The Road Agent asked the Selectmen is this applies to all subcontractors now.  The Board replied at this time the contract speaks only to snowplowing.  The Police Chief interjected that showing a drivers license doesn’t mean a thing.  A driving record is what should be submitted for current driving status.  Mr. Mayville stated that if anything happens (such as an accident) the contractors are responsible.  The Board responded that they must look out for the town’s liability and anyone can sue the town, private insurance would cover first but after that they could go after the town. Mr. Mayville also stated the commitment by the contractors to not leave town during the entire winter season with no consideration for standby pay.  This has become standard on commercial plowing.

The Selectmen will determine what is or is not required as far as the documentation.  This is not a reflection on the current contractors.  The Road Agent has been asked to supply this information in prior years and the Board was told the signed contracts were on hand at the highway shed.  This is not new information; the Road Agent was given a directive in writing dated October 19, 2006 stating what must be included with the contracts and the submission date of November 1, 2006.  Should the Road Agent wish to revise the contract in any way, the Board should have been part of that process including setting the rate.    

The Road Agent will work on revisions to the contract and meet back with the Board.  Mr. Vien will not be using his own truck to plow.  That was a contingency thought that the Road Agent is not going to pursue.  

Mr. Kenneally did not pick up the used plow for the blazer.  He will be soliciting prices for a new plow.  

The spraying of the abutments has been done on the following four bridges; Webster Mills, Depot Road, Swiggey Brook and Kelley’s Corner.  

Canterbury Road has been cold patched.  The culvert at Kelley’s Corner and at the end of Carpenter Road still need to be hot topped. The Road Agent is waiting for a warmer day.  

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission
PRESENT: Mr. Robert Mann, Mr. Jeff Andrews

Mr. Mann inquired if the town has heard from the State in writing as to the classification of Marsh Pond Dam.  The town has not.  It is the Selectmen’s understanding that the town still has an obligation to keep the dam clear of any beaver debris.  Selectman
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DeBold has visited the site recently and reported there is no beaver activity at this time.  The Town still has the option to apply for permitting and continue with removal of the man made portion.

Mr. Andrew’s has spoken to Dale Quinn from the State Dam Bureau and has confirmed that if the beaver rebuild, the town will have to remove it again.

Mr. Mann asked how the commission could move forward perhaps with discussion for a new dam at this time.  Would it be beneficial to speak with Mr. Cavacco, owner of the Hillcrest Campground and obtain an easement?  The Board agreed the written response from the State is needed but also the commission could approach Mr. Cavacco for discussion.   

Mr. Andrews informed the Board that the commission needs to get rid of some old tires collected during the footpath for access to Marsh Pond project.  A disposal form is required for BCEP.  The Selectmen will take care of it.  


An informal discussion took place with Mr. Tom Marston while the Board was reviewing the draft of the Farm Lease.  Mr. Martson expressed interest on behalf of his family to farm the Shaw Field.  The Board discussed how and why this issue has come about and once the lease document has been finalize, the Board will be seeking interested parties to enter into ad agreement.  The current agreement has been terminated at the request of the lessee and she has declined her option for future use at this time.

The Board suggested additional language indicating best management practices and putting the land back to sod.  Lisa will make the revisions in time for the Board’s review at next meeting.   

The Board reviewed mail, e-mail and correspondence.

The minutes of November 21, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.

The Board will meet with a representative of Mason & Rich to discuss alternative auditing procedures next week.  Lisa will contact the current vendor and inquire about costs for the implementation of GASB34.  Once the Board reviews this additional information, a decision for a contracted auditor will be made.   

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After review of sample Town Reports requested from vendors on this year’s bid list, a motion was made by Selectman Colbert and seconded by Chairman MacCleery to accept the bid of approximately $3,869.00 from Town & Country Reprographics in Concord, NH for the printing of the 2006 Annual Report.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.     Lisa will notify all bidders of the results.

Lisa updated the Board on the status of two outstanding zoning issues; Meyer’s RV has responded to the office and has corrected the signage and parking problems; Mr. Leppard’s certified notice has been returned unclaimed.  The Board directed Lisa to ask the Police Department to deliver the notice in hand to Mr. Leppard.  

Ms. Andrea Deachman inquired as to the status of Hillcrest Campground is it operating as a seasonal or year round use.  Nine additional sites have septic approval for recreational vehicles but the campground still must comply with local zoning.  Mr. David Dobson suggested contacting the Town of Epsom to inquire how Circle 9 Campground is handled.  Lisa will inquire with the Town of Epsom as to assessing the sites, registering the recreational vehicles, zoning and residency.    Further discussion may need to be handled with town counsel.  Lisa will update Selectman DeBold with her findings.  

Chairman MacCleery stated for the record that the final payment of $51,452.15 from the Webster Mills Bridge over Sanborn Brook Project will be taken from the Capital Reserve Account as authorized by Warrant Article #6, instead of from the loan through Northway Bank because not enough funding was available.  

The equalized ratio study for 2006 was reviewed and signed by the Board.  Lisa will forward to the State.

Selectman Colbert, the authorized Selectmen representative for BCEP Solid Waste, signed the authorization for disposal form waiving the fee to the school associated with disposing of an old freezer.

The Board directed Lisa to schedule the Fire Chief for next meeting to discuss the procedures followed by the Fire Department for purchasing equipment from Federal Surplus.  

The Board directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the Road Agent for this Friday, December 1, 2006, at noon.

During budget discussion the Board decided to use the adjusted insurance figures, budgeting a middle range for each department.  For discussion relative to the administrative assistant’s salary, Selectman DeBold has compiled a spreadsheet comparing the 22 communities in the State with the same population profile, averaging the salaries for the Administrator/Administrative Assistant position.  Chichester remains

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on the low end of the pay schedule.  No change was made at this time; the Board would like to wait for discussion with the Budget Committee.  
Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:17pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
____________________________                                    12/5/2006
Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester