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Selectmen Minutes 11/14/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 14, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   Selectman DeBold arrived at 8:15pm.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of FEMA Funds
Chairman MacCleery opened the Public Hearing at 7:02pm.  Motion Selectman Colbert and second by Chairman MacCleery to accept $16,849.09 in FEMA reimbursement funds to be placed in the general fund.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.
Motion Selectman Colbert and second by Chairman MacCleery to close the Public Hearing at 7:05pm.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads    
PRESENT: David Kenneally; Road Agent, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector; John Martell; Emergency Management Director, and Mike Paveglio; Fire Chief

The Board and the Department Heads discussed the letter received by the Town Organization Committee relative to rumors about the intent of the committee’s work.  The Town received a response from the Epsom Board of Selectmen, declining participation.  The response is troublesome to the committee.  Chief Paveglio wished to go on record stating he has not had any conversations with the Epsom Fire Chief regarding this committee.  Chief Clarke has mentioned in conversation to some Epsom Police Officers about the committee’s inquiry of combining departments.  The Board of Selectmen state for the record that it is the intent of the committee to look into sharing resources and the potential for regionalizing departments.  The Board directed Lisa to forward the warrant article and charter for the committee to the Epsom Select Board.  

BI -   Mr. Paveglio shared with the Board a complaint received on Connemara Drive about an unfinished barn.  He has issued a permit to the homeowner after the fact and has given the homeowner sixty (60) days to complete the siding of the barn.  Mr. Paveglio passed along a concern from the homeowner about the condition of the ditch beside his home.  The Road Agent will look into it. Mr. Paveglio stated there are four people already on the building permit list for 2009.  Chairman MacCleery asked Mr. Paveglio what his policy was regarding the issuance of house numbers.  Mr. Paveglio stated he has issued numbers prior to the house being built, such as in the case of an accessory building, issuance of a burn permit or telephone installation.  

EMD – Director Martell reported all’s quiet.

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FD – A lengthy discussion took place about the submission of bills for payments in advance.  Chairman MacCleery discussed the e-mail received from Chief Paveglio and stated that the bookkeeper had spoken to the Selectmen regarding this request.  It is the determination of the Board that unless the Town receives a discount for pre-payment, invoices should not be paid in advance. A discussion on this issue between the Board and departments should have taken place prior to the invoices being left for payment.  Lisa will forward an expenditures report to the Chief so that he may make the necessary adjustments to his records.  The entire accounts payable process was again discussed.  Not all invoices are being mailed to the towns address. The bookkeeper pays what the department head approves but will and should question when or why the invoice amount is different.  Mistakes do happen and payments cross in the mail.  The deadline for year end was discussed.  All invoices should be forwarded to the Selectmen’s Office for the final pay run of the year by Tuesday, December 26, 2006.  The office is staffed to process the Fire Departments invoices from coding to payment if that is the desire of the Fire Chief.  All departments should be following the same procedures which have been established since the software conversion took place in 2003. No decision for implementing any changes took place at this time.   

Chairman MacCleery asked the status of the work at the Fire Pond located on Center Road directly behind the Methodist Church.  The Road Agent, Mr. Kenneally informed the Board that he has held off approaching the homeowner due to an illness in the homeowner’s family.  

PD - Part time officer Wade Courtemache is resigning.  The new computer is up and running.  The Chief has received a proposal to network all the computers.  He is requesting to spend impact fee money in the amount of $1,081.96 for this purpose.  Motion Chairman MacCleery second by Selectman Colbert to allow the police department to spend $1,081.96 from the Police Department Impact Fee Account for the purpose of networking the new computer to the entire computer system at the police station.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.

The cameras have been installed at the station today.  These were awarded to the town from a grant through the Sheriff’s Department.  Chief Clarke would like to spend $1,377.50 from impact fees to install further security features at the station.  Motion Selectman Colbert second by Chairman MacCleery to allow the police department to spend $1,377.50 from the Police Department Impact Fee Account to purchase two key pads and an additional motion sensor for the security system at the police station.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Two of the cruisers have been outfitted with the Car 54 Program.  All systems are now voice activated.  

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At this time, Chairman MacCleery made the motion to re-establish the Highway Safety Committee, appointing the Fire Chief, Road Agent and Police Chief to serve on the committee until this action is rescinded.  Selectman Colbert seconded this motion.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery signed the final paperwork for the Sobriety Checkpoints Grant.  

HYW – The Road Agent has found a vehicle at Federal Surplus that the highway department could use for a general around town truck and to plow parking lots and cleanup areas as needed.  This would eliminate the use of personal vehicles by department personnel.  The blazer has only 80,000 miles and all new tires.  This would be an additional vehicle to the fleet; therefore the Road Agent is requesting to spend $1,000 on the purchase of the blazer and up to $4,500 for a new plow to outfit the blazer from the Highway Departments Impact Fee Account.  Motion Selectman Colbert and second by Chairman MacCleery to allow the Road Agent to spend up to $5,500 from the highway departments impact fees to be used for the purchase of the Chevy Blazer at surplus and a new plow for the blazer.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.

The Road Agent informed the Board that the department is in need of a new plow.  He would like to purchase a new one with a power angle.  The money for the plow will come from the departments operating budget.  The Board directed the Road Agent to seek bids and report back to them with some numbers.  

The Road Agent discussed the recommendation received from the Road Advisory Committee to grind Center Road.  The Road Agent and the Road Committee have deemed Center Road to be in an unsafe condition.  The Board would like to see the minutes of the Road Advisory Committee meeting where this was discussed to determine if this work is in line with the engineering study performed on this road by Brown Engineering.  

The Road Agent proposes to use money from his budget along with the FEMA reimbursement to jump start the project this year.  Mr. Kenneally would adjust his priorities of replacing two culverts and correct the unsafe road condition on Center Road.  

The Selectmen were not in favor of allowing the Road Agent use of the FEMA money.  The FEMA money in part, was reimbursement money for the culvert that washed out on Cross Road.  That culvert must be repaired.  The money is to pay for what washed out, not to fix the culvert.  The town would need to apply for Mitigation Money to repair the problem.  A plan is in place to address the repair of Center Road.  An engineering study has been performed and a warrant article will go before the voters in March of 2007.  The Board would like Mr. Kenneally to go back to the Road Advisory Committee for further

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discussion on this project.  Mr. Kenneally’s request to grind Center Road and add gravel was denied at this time.

The street signs for Lovers Lane have been stolen again.  

SUBJECT: 2007 Proposed Budgets  
PRESENT: Budget Committee members; Bruce Dyke, Jason Weir, Lucille Noel, Pam Stiles and John Martell/ Department representatives; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief and Mike Paveglio, Fire Chief

The Police and Fire Department budgets were presented.  

The increases in the police budget are attributable to the additional costs associated with the new officer voted last year and twenty-four hour coverage by the department. There is a warrant article for a new cruiser.  Discussion took place on the rotating replacement schedule, adding this item to the operating budget instead of a warrant article every year and looking into a lease/purchase type of funding.  

The Fire Department has remained level funded due to the increases and decreases throughout the budget.  A warrant article to replace Engine 2 will go before the voters next March.  The current Engine 2 is not up to safety standards. Maintenance costs are up and it would be prudent due to its age and condition, to move this truck to the number two status for responding on calls.  Currently there is $90,000 in Capital Reserve money to be used for this purchase. The department is adding a forestry tanker. Impact fee monies have been used for this purchase and additional money is in the Capital Reserve Account to complete the outfitting.  


Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.

The plow contracts for the highway department were reviewed.  The Board did not approve them due to insufficient information.  The Selectmen will discuss this with the Road Agent at the next department heads meeting.

Based on the recommendations from the engineer and taking into account the concerns of the Road Agent, the request from Mr. Mullaney to reduce the bond on Malachy Glen Phase II was approved in the amount of $79,005 The Board directed Lisa to schedule a public hearing for acceptance of the road.  

The auditing services proposals were received.  The Board will review at their leisure and share their comments at the next meeting.

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After a lengthy discussion, Chairman MacCleery made the motion to accept the assessing proposal from the current assessing firm, Brett Purvis & Associates, for the 2007 year in the amount of $17,208. This was seconded by Selectman DeBold.  Vote was 2 to 1 in favor.  Motion carries.  Lisa will forward the contract to the Department of Revenue for their approval.

Selectman DeBold updated the Board on the status of the library well.  Chairman MacCleery offered to speak with a local plumber or two who have had experience with capping artisan wells.

Lisa updated the Board on the findings by Mr. Nolin regarding a subdivision plan for lot 32 on Ring Road.  The plan number referenced corresponds to a plan in another community.  This is a lot of record; however, the lot will have to meet all current zoning requirements except dimensional.  The current Board of Selectmen does not have to abide by the agreement of a former Board of Selectmen and does not in this case.  The Board recommends Mr. Nolin contact the building inspector to get on the permit list for 2009.  Mr. Nolin also has the option of submitting a petition to the Selectmen to upgrade to a Class V road or Mr. Nolin can request a new waiver agreement be drafted with the Selectmen to allow him to build on a Class VI road.  

Lisa submitted a draft Farm Lease Agreement for the Boards review.

The minutes of October 31, 2006 were approved as written.

A cemetery deed for Krochmal was signed.

Zoning violations letters were signed for Drew, Meyers RV and Lugg Plaza.  Chairman MacCleery will speak to the owners of Clark’s Grain Store.

Mr. Saturley’s request for consideration of exterior painting on the Grange building was tabled until the Board discusses their entire budget proposal for 2007.

The Selectmen’s Office will be closed on November 23rd & 24th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester